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The Rumor / Crazy Idea Superthread

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^ You're missing the point of the thread, dear.


So very sorry.


I heard that Disney is selling off all of it's parks to Six Flags. I also heard that Magic Mountain will turn to crap again in the summer season.

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It is now rumoured that Canada's Wonderland will be getting a new B&M coaster for next year. The station is rumoured to be located across from Italian Job's station.


Screamscape sources have confirmed that the park has plans to build a new coaster for 2008. The station will be located across from the Italian Job station and if the rumors are right, this will be a B&M coaster standing approximately 200 feet tall. While this could be a Hypercoaster, I’ve also heard that the layout appeared to be on the short and simple side, which could also be an indicator that it may be a Dive Machine instead.


Now that is interesting, a possible dive machine. I hope these rumours are true.


The park seemed to have had a very successful year last year with over 3.5million people so maybe Cedar Fair thought the park deserved a new coaster.



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Unless you have physical proof that such a contract exists, that is a total and complete lie about B&M and the Dive Machines.


I don't have physical proof off hand, but I remember reading in one of the Sheikra press releases that Busch does have a contract that prevents B&M from building a dive machine in the U.S. for a certain amount of time, though I never heard what the exact time period was.

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I'm going with "cautious optimism" in regards to that Canadas Wonderland rumour.


There's been far too many similar rumors in the past that ended up being nothing.


Though that area behind Italian Job and Minebuster I've always said would be perfect for a hyper coaster. So I'll just keep my fingers crossed.

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Don't know if this means anything, but when going up the lifthill on Anaconda at Kings Dominion, there seems to be some degree of activity in the area to the left. This area used to be where the Safari Monorail ran up until the early 90's. One rumor I heard was that under Paramount there was talk about the longest wooden roller coaster being built in this area. That idea was quashed due to maintenace concerns. Anyway, this area would be great for a hyper as KD is in definite need of a signature big steel coaster. CF/KD may go for something different if a new coaster is built with a B&M hyper and an Intamin both not too far away. Or maybe they'll go back to the originial idea of the longest woodie with an Intamin pre-fab?

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I have googled every which way I can and also tried to search this site and can't find the basis behind the following that I read at:




"When Robb told the world that he was done making coaster videos, it sent shock waves though the coaster enthusiast community. O.K., not really shock waves but it was certainly a surprise to the younger crowd who has no idea what it's like being a newlywed. You know there are more important things then parks and coasters and as a husband to a wonderful woman and a new father, I understood the reason behind it."


I don't know a whole heck of a lot about other coaster sites out there, so wasn't sure how credible this was. Just curious, because we don't get to travel much and I live out my theme park dreams vicariously through all the colorful (and HILARIOUS) characters and wonderful videos on this site. It'd be disappointing, but understandable considering how much work new babies are.

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I heard a rumor from a pretty reliable source of a new Busch Garden theme park in the Cartersville Georgia near the budweiser brewery. They are apparently doing some surveying in the area for it now. A friend of mine who just opened a business in the area was talking to a representative of Busch who came into his shop

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I heard that PKI was suppose to put up a Stand Up B&M coaster like Mantis in place of King Cobra, but changed their when Vekoma designed the flying coaster (Stealth), again changed their mind when Stealth prototype failed, so they ended up with the Son Of Beast.

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Went to SFGA for the 1st time this season yesterday. I tried to follow up on both rumors I have posted before (watercoaster for Hurricane Harbor next year- new coaster for 2009) but got nothing more than a "We're supposed to get 'something'" from one of the female employees (lifeguard) at H.H.


That's it- sorry.

I tried.

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Hey, guys, the Canada's Wonderland rumor may be true.


Check this out (digging and survey markers):




This is happening near the lake at the back of the park, between Kingswood Music Theatre and Italian Job. This is the area where supposedly Flight of Fear was going.


Scroll down on this page about 1/3 of the way down, there's a map with circles around where the markers are concentrated:



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Rumor has it that Geauga Lake might actually hit 17% of capacity this 4th of July, shattering its Memorial day record of 3%!



"Cars in the parking lot don't lie..." said Nathaniel Yoder, an Amish cheese maker. "When you can count all the cars with your fingers and toes and don't have to borrow anyone elses, that's not many."

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Why do they need a B&M Hyper? They have Phantom's Revenge


What they really need is a looping coaster. They claim it's because kids would be too short to ride, but a B&M hyper would have a 52"/54" height restriction the same as any large looper (and something like a Eurofighter or Zierer Lanch Tower would have a 48" height restriction).


EDIT: Never mind, Wicked has a 50" height restriction. Which is still lower then anything B&M would have...

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