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Great America or Knotts Berry Farm?

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Did they ever actually change the name to Knott's Great America? The website still has just "Great America" all over it.


On topic, although I have never been to either park, coaster wise atleast Knott's Berry Farm certainly looks like the better of the two, as bad as Silver Bullet is from what I've heard, it looks better then Top Gun, and Ghost Rider is probably better then Grizzly, plus Knott's is getting the kinda cool looking Sierra Sidewinder, Montezooma's Revenge is probably a very good coaster and Xcellerator looks better then everything Great America has, and better then any of the accelerators in the US except maybe Storm Runner.


Atmosphere and other rides wise, I would really have to actually visit the parks to decide I think.

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I've been to both and whil eI haven't had the greatets experience at KBF, it's definately better than Great America. Better coasters, some rides with great theming and a decent slection of flat rides. Xcelerator, Silver Bullet and Calico Mine Ride make a visit to Knott's worth it alone.

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as bad as Silver Bullet is from what I've heard, it looks better then Top Gun


Dude, you are so off. Top Gun is short, but it's INTENSE beyond belief and awesome. The end sequence is absolutely ridiculous.


(also, I changed the topic title and got rid of the Knott's in front of Great America, because they haven't officially changed the name yet)

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^Remember though, Its only between KBF and GA.


Its hard to decide between the two. They're both cool parks with great coasters...

Im going to go with GA for this one, just something about it. Probably because ive been going there since I was like 4.

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I spent my teen years at Great America and my adult years at Knott's Berry Farm.


I'm going to have to go with Knott's winning--if I had to choose to visit one over the other. I enjoy the Old West theming/Mine Train/Log ride as well as their new coasters (but not Ghostrider--I'd rather go on the Grizzly, believe it or not. Oh yeah, and I like Silver Bullet more than Top Gun, but I'm not all that into super intense rides. I like mine a little more floaty.)


But the ultimate decider is Great America's removal of The Whizzer. From that point on, the park was dead to me.

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I've gone to both this year.. this is how I look at it..


Ghostrider > Grizzly

Drop Zone > Supreme Scream

Invertigo > Boomerang

Top Gun > Silver Bullet

Xcelerator > Everything


They were both nice parks though and you should have fun at either. I personally thought KGA's coasters were less thrilling.

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I have been to both parks before and Knott's Berry Farm is definitely the better park in almost every concievable category. Great America is really a joke I think, and that was when Stealth was still around when I visited -- no offense to anybody that actually does like Great America (for what reason only God knows why).


I mean, the best ride there is a 2,000-foot long inverted roller coaster that was built in 1993 and it wasn't even that good. And the runner up is a Vekoma Invertigo. Um. Ya.

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Great America is my home park, since I'm from Sunnyvale. However... Knott's Berry Farm is quite a bit better than it. I've been there recently and had a good experience, I loved their ride operators and their rides are pretty good, though there aren't many. Looking forward to Sierra Sidewinder!

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I've been to both parks. I've been to Knott's twice, and PGA so many times, I lost count.



Top Gun is good, but I'm not sure if it's better than Silver Bullet. SB has better inversions, but TG definitely has a better drop. It's a tough call.


Ghostrider, being my #1 coaster, kicks the living sh1t out of Grizzly. Grizzly isn't really that bad, (though I haven't ridden it since 2000) it's just really slow around the elevated turn-around. The rest of the ride is so-so.


Invertigo is, of course, better than Boomerang, as is Demon, but Xcelerator (and Ghostrider, for that matter) is better than anything at PGA. Knott's still has their shuttle loop, so they score big points with me. Knott's also has better theming, location, atmosphere, food, entertainment, flat rides, and water rides. Supreme Scream, however, pales in comparison to Drop Zone, so PGA also scores points with me.


In short, Knott's is better.

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