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Photo TR: A Great Visit to Six Flags New England

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On Sunday, my wife and I had a mission. Go to SFNE, buy and process our season passes, maybe ride a thing or two and get out! Well, that ended up being a little longer than expected, not because we had to wait long, but because our visit was surprisingly better than ever. And this was with Superman being closed! What we found were friendly employees, very clean grounds, improved ride operations and light crowds to boot. Here are some photos from our day.


And I leave you with this. Disney? At Six Flags??? Hmmmmmm...


I wish they had this place here. :(


I love this chic dancing with Daffy and I just had to take a photo. ;/


Upside down bats. Did anyone check this before it was installed?


Gotta say, I think this is pretty neat.


The relocated Wave Swinger now known as Crime Wave (from the back). It's located approximately where the giant ferris wheel was.


Cold Stone Creamery! Kick butt! Inside, you would never think you were in a theme park. It's identical to all CSC shops and the prices are minimally higher. Nice work!


I think the theming in this area is pretty cool.


But Ellen rides it so I get to take photos. There she is waving.


I like to look at Tomahawk but not ride it.


As expected, Mr.Six has been scrapped from this ride. Barely lasted two seasons...poor old man!


A shot of Time Warp and Pandemonium for the hell of it.


Cyclone continues to be neutered. The first drop is still great, the sick 2nd drop is just ok now but the 3rd drop is better than ever. Odd coaster!


I included this photo because I love the 2006 addition of this sign and new queue to the ride. It works much better now.


One of the new eateries- Ted's Coney Island serving Gyros, Coney dogs and a bunch of boardwalk style food.


For some reason, Six Flags doesn't like Poison Ivy so instead we have- Catwoman's Whip, an unnecessary but interesting name change.


Ms. Adam...errr...ummm...I mean me, yeah, Adam.


Ellen drives...


This attraction was sort of out of place but I'm glad they kept it. Thanks to its location, we were able to get a ride without a long wait too.


More Zamperla kiddie ride goodness.


Another shot of the ship.


Ahoy! The S.S. Feathersword! I wonder if we'll be fighting each other with feathers in the future?


And another...


Another ride...


Yummy Yummy, fruit salad! C'mon...join in!


Takin a ride on the Big Red Car.


I now present to you each of the rides in Wiggles World.


Ellen is excited for The Wiggles and wishes her nieces could be here.


Just before the Wiggles World gates lies one last chance to be an adult!


Hells yeah! Wiggles World! Anyone who has kids or kids in their family know what I'm talkin' 'bout.


This blurry pic shows the inside of the season pass processing center. Long line? No problem. We were in and out in 15 minutes. Major props!


A giant Wiggle welcomes us to SFNE. Gotta say, it's refreshing to have something other than Looney Tunes.


Over the parking bridge to the SFNE ticket boothes. What awaits us inside?

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Some very cool shots! Thanks for the photos. What a surprise to find the park operating so well that you decided to stay (and probably spend a little more cash). Hmmm...that makes for a good business model, don't you think? Good operations + More time in the park = More profit.


Well, now, that's just crazy talk.

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^ One could argue that since bats sleep upside down, those signs are technically correct...


Always nice to see the home park consistently regarded as one of the best in the chain! Great TR, although I'm a little meh about the Wiggles in general.

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Has the re-profile of the 1st drop on the "Cyclone" made it a better ride, the Park should of removed the old drop and used the wood to make it longer.


I think (and i believe it is pretty much a consensus) that the Riverside Cyclone was much much better than what we have today, and not just because of the first drop.

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