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New Unnamed RCT3 Park.

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Ok, so after Oak Pine Falls stopped working for some unknown reason, I started a new park. I am putting 100x more work and effort into this, so give me all the constructive criticism you have for me. So far, I started the first entrance, small parking lot (i will continue working on it), and barely started main entrance.


And just barely started the path which will lead to ticket booths/turnstiles.


Barely started a parking lot.


Start of first entrance. Still needs a roof

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Already I feel like killing myself. Building the most realistic park is so time consuminig. ahhh.

Anyways, I didn't quite figure out how to make a fountain without having to set up a firework show, so I put that on hold and started the ticket booths WHICH IS SO FREAKING FRUSTRATING. Anyways, heres a small update showing how low on patience I currently am.


These ticket booths are gonna take me months to get perfect. Help?


I thought a misty pond was pretty cool substitute until I get a fountain working.

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If you need ticket booths I could give you ones I have saved from my other parks. Other wise just do one of them, then save it and then bam you just click and you have the exact same thing. The fog dosen't match to me looks like a kreepy enteance to a forbiden section of a park. I like the look and your effort is well seen. It takes a long time before you can get fast, quick, and A-mazing at this game there are thousands of tricks and stuff to do that. You ever need help or anything just IM me Looking forward to the update!!

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