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JZ's Ongoing Kings Island Update Thread!

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Thanks for the info, NINCUB! Makes me feel better about friday crowds. I'm mainly hoping to get on:








I'll be there around 6-7 hours, so that sounds do-able.

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Your welcome...


Oh and now SFOG is back on for me.... so I might see you there...



I think you can get all those in on a Friday. Just try to get there right at opening time and you might want to go to Goliath or Superman first... b/c to me those could have long wait or with Superman break down...


I have gotten all of those on all my visits this year so far... except for Superman last weekend, due to the breakdown.

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but something I've seen different this year is consistently a 20-40 minute wait for SoB.


Of course it looks different with a line.


SoB is actually operating consistantly this year.



Wow...good thing to point out! That hadn't even crossed my mind! Last year the operations were horrible! Usually one train or closed!


Oh, NINCUB - I'm getting there around 1 or 2. We're leaving at 5AM sharp from Cincinnati...the earliest I could get everyone up! I should be wearing my TPR shirt, but I'll keep you posted!


-J 'I'll have the Q-Bot...' Z

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Okay, so before, the ride area was like some...garage with techno music. NOW, about 3-4 weeks later...here's the new Crypt.


-Yeah, it still feels like a garage...until the ride starts

-Once the ride starts, everything goes black; before it was the same white spotlights on.

-NO MORE TECHNO! Now there's a really cool/creepy wind blowing as you enter. When the ride starts, it's more of an adventurous type theme that's really nice and fits in.

-RED, BLUE, and also many other color lights that shine, flicker, and strobe; some show different objects/things as you ride

-The ride is still the same 'berserk' mode. Awesome!

-Death Bat doesn't move any more.


OLD CRYPT - Eh, lacked many things...but a cool ride.


NEW CRYPT - Yeah, the bat doesn't move...but a BIG improvement in a small amount of time. Maybe this is why it's been down recently.


Go ride this! It's a must stop at Kings Island! I'm very very impressed!




Um, so I've confirmed with a few KI managers that there will be a water splash. There's a MASSIVE trench/ditch/valley being made. Holy crap...this ride is going to be freaking massive!




So I was talking to my friends at Delirium today since it was down and they were all out at the entrance.

They WILL be getting headsets soon!


So, Mr. Dillaman is quite credible. I'd take his word for things.



-J 'Packing for SFOG!' Z

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Met up with JZ today and hung out until 2:30 (when I left for work). I'll have to agree with everything he says on Crypt (except I never got on the Techno ride). I was pretty impressed overall, though I was sad Deathbat didn't work. As for the huge trench, I'm guessing it will either be a canyon section, a fake rivier, or the basin of the first/second drop. As JZ said, THIS WILL BE HUGE!!!!!!! I really can't wait for the official announcement now.

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Thanks! Yeah, it's cool. I'm really hoping by some miracle the crowds are low to very low.


I'll give a little Boomerang Bay TR from the other day.


So me and my friend Michael. Went to NKUniversity for a campus tour; it was day #2 of the bad storms. They had AWESOME pretzel bread. Anyway, we got home around 2 and saw that the storms were clear...and showed up at the park, as planned.


Well, there were about...10 cars there and we were probably 2 of 45 people in the park. All slides had no line...and if there were anyone in line, by the time you got to the top of the slide...they were gone.


Tasmanian Typhoon - It's the massive ProSlide Tornado...and it's awesome. Pitch black in the tunnel and a really great drop out into the bowl. Airtime, yup. We went on it about...4-5 times. It's my favorite water park ride.


Coolangata Racers - You get a mat and climb to the top. 4 different lanes to choose from that swoop down and around 360* and then head into a final drop. I really like this slide...at least my rides I FLY around the corners and then shoot out down the drop. It's a great slide!


So I tried that 'artificial wave' boogey boarding/surfing simulator because there was no line. I love boogey boarding in the real ocean, and I'm pretty good at it. But...this isn't the real ocean. I got pushed to the side immediately. So we got back in line for the Tornado!


Snowy River Rampage; the raft ride, was closed.


We dodged cicadas as we went over to Bondi Pipeline; it's a complex of three inclosed slides. One in the middle that drops straight down; and the two wrap around it in a big 360* diving drop. This is one of my favorites from the first time I went on it. It's a quick ride, but holy crap you go FLYING around the final swoop and drop. It gives some really nice lateral g's. The middle gives good airtime, but kills your back.


Aussie (pernounced Ozzie, kthnx) Awesome Twister - I usually ride this, and don't know why. The first half is good...until pick up speed and the water just shoots up your nose and eyes and face. Bleh.


I had rivets on my shorts, so I had to skip the body slides.


The final slide was the single inner tube ride. Down Under Thunder or something. It's always a nice, relaxing ride.


So we looked at the time and realized we covered the entire park comfortably in about 1.5 hours...we headed home before more storms came. It was a nice, humid day.


Oh...and now it's FIVE DOLLARS for a regular Dippin' Dots! I had a problem with 3.75....but for five, I just can't do it.

If you're hungry at KI....get the big Rice Krispie Treat! It takes about 15 minutes to eat, and it's only...1.59!!! Hahaha, it's awesome.


-J 'Anticipating Goliath....' Z



Link to pics. They should expand the park soon.

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So I was talking to my friends at Delirium today since it was down and they were all out at the entrance.

They WILL be getting headsets soon!


So, Mr. Dillaman is quite credible. I'd take his word for things.



-J 'Packing for SFOG!' Z


As if there was a doubt, haha, I also told you about the lights a couple months ago being put on the Crypt. Glad to see them going through with plans. As for the splashdown, since you broke the story (and not me, so they can't be mad!!!) there IS a splashdown in the ride. JZ is right on this point. All signs also point to track arriving nearby in the next month... although there is some talk amongst a few of my sources that it might be stored offsite until vertical construction starts. I'm not sure about that, though, as others have said it will be stored onsite. Someone's either heard wrong or is purposely misleading me to get me off their backs!


-James Dillaman

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I went up to KI yesterday to ride everything I havent hit this season, and grab some night rides. They closed down Beast before it got too dark, but I still got a semi-dark ride before hitting Backlot and Vortex (also awesome night rides). Aside from that, I got 3 rides on Deathbat: the ride (aka Crypt) Definately my favorite flat in the park now, even without the theming.


Aaaanyways, construction. The valley/canyon over behind Crypt continues to grow. I think I spotted a drain at the bottom, but that might have always been there. Over by the waterbrake, I spotted 3 new footers, curving around the right side of the splash area. I'll post some pictures as soon as I figure out how to transfer photos from camera to computer.

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^^That first picture finally gave me an idea of the scope of this project (having only been to the park once, I was having a hard time piecing together the overall size from various pictures). This thing is going to be HUGE.

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Since the other pics of this track were posted here, I figured I would post the pics I took today here also. There was ALOT of track, maybe 70-80 pieces and still some to be painted. It is burgundy/maroon with mustard yellow supports. Still not sure what park this is going to, but could possibly be for KI, we will have to see.


PS-if anyone else from the Cincy area wants to go check this out, head east on 275 to 32. Head towards Batavia then take the Front Wheel Dr exit and go to the stoplight, it is right in front of you (Clermont Steel). If you go, post some more pics.




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I was at Kings Island yesterday and the waterpark on Monday, utilizing their awesome "two days for one price" deal. The Cicadas are pretty bad at both the park and waterpark. I didn't let them ruin my day, though. It wasn't that crowded, for the most part. Everything but the Red Racer ran great all day long, from what I could tell. The Red Racer cycled empty trains all day. I did briefly see people in a few trains, but once when I looked over, it was stuck on the lift with people in it. It eventually went again, but after that I never saw people in a red train for the rest of the day, just empty trains constantly cycled. Son of Beast ran great, it was fairly smooth. Beast was really rough and I had the worst ride I have ever had on it. I wanted to get a night ride on it, but my cousin had to get up at 5:00 am this morning for work, so we left at around 8:00 pm. Lastly, the construction looks great! You can get a good view of them clearing out land from the train, and I was surprised at how close the splashdown is to the bridge! Fun day with perfect weather, only in the low 70s all day.

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I just started reading this whole thing tonight. I honestly can't wait to see whats going on up there at KI. I usually go up there ever summer to visit family and go to KI many times but no money this year.


Anywho, I've been say for a while now to my family and friends, even before I knew about this thread, "I wish KI had big ol' B&M hyper cosaster." Now that I get to see my wish might come true... I'm just in total awe. Thanks for constantly updating us JZ, James, JohnnyUpsidedown, and others. I cant wait!


Oh and JZ next time I get up there probably next year I'll let you know. Or if you ever coming down to Florida (who in their right mind would come to FLorida) let me know.

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Hey Zach it's been great reading all your reports keep up the good work and the pick's. Let me know when you are going to SFGAM, so i can try to be there.


It's great that KI is getting something with capacity, That park needs it.

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Just had my first trip to KI yesterday. I had a really good day. It seemed pretty crowded as I probably waited an hour for Fire Hawk. I actually liked Fire Hawk better than a B&M flyer. I really enjoyed the Beast and I was quite disappointed with SOB. The Beast was pretty awesome and the night ride was unbelieveable! The Beast was quite a bumpy ride, but not painful and didn't give me a headache. SOB jarred my brain so bad.... a very uncomfortable feeling. It was not that rough on my body as I expected.


Most of the coasters were pretty rough and not that enjoyable except for the Beast and Backlot Stunt Coaster. I really liked the Crypt, but not happy that the animatronic bat monster thing was not working. Did they break it already or just not running it for some reason?


Overall I was pretty pleased with the park. I didn't get to take any pix as it was pretty crowded and I didn't think I would get to ride everything and was leaving as the park was closing.

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^Deathbat hasn't been working since my first trip on Crypt when I met up with JZ. Can't confirm anything, but I'll ask around and such...


As far as coasters go, have to agree that Firehawk is better than B&M's. Its one of my favorite coasters in the park right now. Beast and Backlot have grown on me lately. The double ride car actually gives some nice floater and ejector down the first two hills on Beast, and the first car on Backlot has some pops of airtime in it. Ofcourse Vortex is still my fave

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Just noticed the track colors in the 2nd set of pics & was wondering what ever happened to the red B&M track that was sitting in the lot a few weeks/months ago?Perhaps another CF park may be recieving a hyper as well for 09 since Manta at SWO will have a purple paint scheme for it's track.

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