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Twister 2nd NL Coaster

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This is to Calaway and to Coasterfan: Can you guys just shut-up and get along? I can see coasterfan's posters side, but since the day I started on this forum calaway you have been like this. I have seen nothing nice from you. He asked you to help him and you destroyed him. I'm sure he is over it, but come on at least tell him what's wrong.

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Ive read the posts hear and in the other threads we have faught in and found a lot of similarities of the 2. We all have good points and we both have our faults, we need to realize that we may not be able to change peoples minds and that we wont be able to be right all the time. Im not trying to be Miss America or anything but this is silly.

Calaway has made his point, I have consisdered his thoughts. I have made my points and Im sure he and others have taken those into considerstion aswell.

So thank you all for the feedback on my coaster.

And by the way Eric, this was almost over by itself, we dont need anyone else helping us along or adding into the heat. Thanks for your concern but no thanks. (thanks for taking my side but I dont think thats going to help in the overall problem.)

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Ok, so instead of being nice and helping him out, you say his ride is terrible?


I did help him out, pointing out the flaws tells him what to fix, if he had stated the local of the flaws and knew about them and asked how to correct them, I would've helped. But he never asked that.

Actually, I think I did, last line of the first post......and tell me ways to improve it......

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"He has a Schwarzkopf looper that I really enjoy, " Calaway, which one?


Not the big purple one, but the red one that had a similar design to the Drier Looping that you had in your "NL coasters" Thread.


And Eric Smith, I've been nice to him.. I wasn't being rude, and in fact, me and coasterfan200692 were getting along perfectly fine until I was rudely called a conceited jerk for no apparent reason. And me starting a contest was not a cheap shot to you, you know that, I have never once been rude to you. I know you're going to bring this back to me trying to "overpower" your little contest, but that has absolutely NOTHING to do with it! I've been nice as possible to everyone, and if you think about it, in the other thread where we were arguing I was defending someone. Pretty nice if you ask me!


We've got a truce, and we're not angry at each other anymore, so for Christ's sake, DROP IT.


Ok, so instead of being nice and helping him out, you say his ride is terrible?


I did help him out, pointing out the flaws tells him what to fix, if he had stated the local of the flaws and knew about them and asked how to correct them, I would've helped. But he never asked that.

Actually, I think I did, last line of the first post......and tell me ways to improve it......


My bad, but you also asked what we thought of it. And I told you what to improve, and if you would like to know how to improve it, you can always add my MSN contact or my AIM screen name, I'd be happy to help. I'm not trying to be the bad guy here, I rated your coaster like I would anybody else's, and it's not being rude, it's a reality. I didn't just ramble off everything in that rate, I have two pieces of paper sitting on my desk right now where I recorded what I found wrong, I didn't just spout off at the mouth because I was mad at you if that's what you think happened.


Your other rides were better, and I rated hard because I was comparing your skills, and I know you can do better.

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