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Photo TR: Niagra Falls & New York/Canada attractions!

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Before anyone says "This is in the wrong section." I will say that Clifton Hill is practically a theme park, you will see in Day 2. Plus Marineland and Fantasy Island is also featured in here, although I did not visit either because they are closed for the winter.





So this (Easter) weekend of 2007, me and the family wen't for a little trip to Niagra Falls for the weekend. We left Friday and stayed till Sunday. We did so many things it was CRAZY! We ate out for about...yeah every meal, and we wen't to both Canada, and New York places to entertain ourselves. Well, I'll let the pictures talk, there will be 2 parts to this PTR so be sure to check back for Day 2!





Day 1



Passing Buffalo, NY on the way to Niagra, NY.



Hmmm, don't know which baseball team plays here, but I think it's Minor League.


Cool building. And now, my parents decided to torcher me....


Off season for one sucks, but driving past a theme park REALLY SUCKS! (Fantasy Island)


Their Crazy Mouse..


Our hotel lobby. 3 Start Four Points Shraton Hotel.


I chilled here a couple times.


Our room, pretty nice, the beds were really comfy!




ZE Bathroom.


Funny sign for the bathrooms hair dryer. I hope children are smart enough not to throw it in the bath tub..lol


The view, thats the Niagra, NY Casino. Wait till you see the lights on it!


After settling down in our room, we decided to get dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe of Niagra Falls (NY, theres one in Canada also).


The main entrance, really cool if you ask me.


Inside, plaques and pictures EVERYWHERE.


Guns N Roses drummer's set.


After our awesome dinner we wen't for a walk over the the US side of the falls.


On the way we saw this funky building with a face!


I'll be over there tomarrow! That's Clifton Hill of Canada, major tourist spot. I'll also be riding that giant ferris wheel!


The American falls, sorry USA but Canada's own ours. But with the rocks ours owns theirs!


The top before the falls, the water gets extremely rough about 100 yrds before going over.


Yeah, really, really rough!


Walking back to the hotel I saw this....THEY WERE FROZEN!!! Booooo for animal cruelity.


And I will end the Day 1 part of my PTR with the Casino lit up at night, the lights in the middle light up rainbow, then seperately every color of the rainbow. I sat there for a good 10 minutes each night watching it flash...lol




Day 2 tomarrow! (Aquarium, Canada, Rainforest Cafe, Clifton Hill, Ferris Wheel, Marineland (From a distance), Skylon, Horshoe Falls, Lit up falls!!)




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Nice photos and it looks like you had fun on your trip(well except for driving by the closed parks). The Niagara Falls area looks cool at night especially with the ferris wheel all lit up in the distance. I might go there this summer, but I never knew there was as much to do up there.

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Niagara (hi Nicole) falls does look pretty with the snow on it.


Is that the Sheraton near the casino? If so I stayed there too, very nice hotel, and I loved being able to blow my money within such a short walking distance


Glad to see they got the new hotel open on the US side it was still under construction when I was last up there. It may be the only decent lodging option on that side of the border

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That big tower is my work building (HSBC tower). You can't see it from the thruway, but the above ground subway goes right through the middle of it. Its great, especially since it creates a lovely wind tunnel effect and makes it snow up in the winter


And that is the Buffalo Bison's field. If you would have looked to the left, you would have seen HSBC arena where the Sabres currently play and the Aud where they used to play

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