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Holiday Park Discussion Thread

P. 32: "100% Wolf" family coaster and themed land announced!

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With Expedition GeForce only running 1 train, how bad would you expect the waits to be on a Saturday in June (likely arriving sometime shortly after noon)? I know they have the Express Pass as an option (and I'm guessing I'll probably need it on a summer Saturday with 1-train ops), but where does that dump you and how long of a wait would you expect it to be from that point?

My #1 priority for visiting Holiday Park is to get Expedition GeForce. But Wickie Splash looks pretty awesome. Time permitting, I'd like to do the Sky Rocket II, the Disk'o Coaster, and the Drop Tower. And maybe the indoor family coaster, too.  (Dino Splash also looks cool and fairly chill compared to most similar rides, but I always worry about getting drenched to the bone on those things and being miserable the rest of the day.) But my #1 priority is several rides on Expedition GeForce. 

(If I absolutely had to, I could probably swing by for an additional 2-3 hours the following Wednesday if I cut my day a little short at Tripsdrill and made the detour back to Holiday Park on my way up to Phantasialand. But I'd probably only do this if Expedition GeForce were closed or had other major issues on that initial Saturday.)

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^ If you get in the standby line for GeForce you're not only waiting in a long line, you're also playing a casino game as to whether it will remain operational long enough for you to actually ride.  Get the express pass, ride it ASAP when it's operational.  Marathon it if you can, because it will have plenty of downtime for you to go enjoy the rest of the park.

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18 hours ago, coasterBro said:

With Expedition GeForce only running 1 train, how bad would you expect the waits to be on a Saturday in June (likely arriving sometime shortly after noon)? I know they have the Express Pass as an option (and I'm guessing I'll probably need it on a summer Saturday with 1-train ops), but where does that dump you and how long of a wait would you expect it to be from that point?

My #1 priority for visiting Holiday Park is to get Expedition GeForce. But Wickie Splash looks pretty awesome. Time permitting, I'd like to do the Sky Rocket II, the Disk'o Coaster, and the Drop Tower. And maybe the indoor family coaster, too.  (Dino Splash also looks cool and fairly chill compared to most similar rides, but I always worry about getting drenched to the bone on those things and being miserable the rest of the day.) But my #1 priority is several rides on Expedition GeForce. 

(If I absolutely had to, I could probably swing by for an additional 2-3 hours the following Wednesday if I cut my day a little short at Tripsdrill and made the detour back to Holiday Park on my way up to Phantasialand. But I'd probably only do this if Expedition GeForce were closed or had other major issues on that initial Saturday.)

Hi there. If weather is good, stand by waiting will be around 30-45 minutes. Row 2 will be an additional 20-30 minutes, row 1 more than 30 extra minutes. It will be the whole day like that. If the park will have an extended opening (e.g. 10 pm), you may get more lucky after 8 pm.

If you are in the stand by line, you may choose freely up from row 3. The last row will have an additional wait of two to four trains. A train is sent out every three to five minutes.

My wife and me love Wickie Splash and the setting makes it a must ride, if you like these rides. It's one of the best log flumes I know. If the boat is fully loaded, you get a decent amount of airtime in the double down.

Pro tip: If you can afford it - and want to - go for the express pass. Usually, no one does this and it guarantees you a direct drop intop the station and free choosing of rows.

As for downtime - @KBrylczyk - it was reliable last year. If it ran. Means: Either it was down all day or running all day. Downtimes during the day were rare.

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  • 4 months later...

We were at Holiday Park yesterday. It should have been mostly a kids only trip, so don't expect a trip report. But there were some things, I want to share with you. Mostly, because I'm usually a bit critical with the operations there.

The park was open until 8 pm, so after 6 pm and the kids were done, we planned on going for Sky Scream, GeForce and end our day there.

Sky Scream had, on a hot summer holiday day, no line at all, so we were done with it in no more then ten minutes.

On GeForce, the line emptied out the entrance because of a breakdown. As the kids were happily locked at the playgrund, the four of us went to the station anyway. As most people went home, we got a ride, two of us in the front row, two in the very back, with a four train wait. The ride itself was awesome as the sun downed behind the mountains. But the best thing for us occured after the ride: Our compaignons agreed to sit the kids for another while, as Sarah wanted to do a front row ride with me. So we waited another three trains when 8 pm passed and the line was closed. We were the second to last couple to board the front row and were already restrained when again a system error occured. We already thought, that this would be the end of our day, but the OPs pleased us to wait it out. After five minutes three technicians arrived and fixed the sensor that made the train stop a couple auf centimeters late in the station. So at 8:15 pm, we boarded our train again and had another sundown lap. And when we arrived at the staion, there were five more people to board the train and so the OPs allowed everyone to reride, as long as the waiting people got their reserved seats. So Sarah and me got out the front row and found two seats in the middle row and had the luck to be an the two last trains of the day!


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  • 1 year later...

After 18 years of being a TPR member, I finally left the United States to go coaster ridin'!

Just got off Expedition GeForce and guess what folks... the hype is real. 

I can't imagine how this thing must have run 20 years ago!

Voltron was pretty dang good too, but that's for another topic...

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Holiday Park Germany has announced a new family coaster and surrounding themed area that will join the park's lineup in 2025. It will be themed to the animated franchise "100% Wolf." 



In summer 2025, Holiday Park Germany will open a new spectacular family roller coaster with a new themed area, designed after the success story "100% Wolf". The major attraction is part of a comprehensive expansion of the park. A new Smurf-themed ride will also open in 2025 and the new Blinky Bill themed area will be completed with another family attraction.

New family roller coaster goes over the lake

Exciting ride elements on and next to the Holiday Park lake guarantee fun for the whole family. A so-called "spike", an open end of the roller coaster track, and a surprising backwards ride provide additional thrills for young and old. "With this new attraction, we are closing the gap between our indoor children's roller coaster and our thrill coasters," emphasizes Bernd Beitz, Germany director of the Holiday Park operator Plopsa. The 11 million euro investment aims to offer a varied experience for guests of all ages. "The new roller coaster is perfect for the whole family," reports Bernd Beitz. The track with a track length of 760m was developed individually for the Holiday Park by the German manufacturer Gerstlauer and brings the story of "100% Wolf" to life for the first time. Coen Nieuwenstein from the roller coaster manufacturer Gerstlauer is also pleased about the collaboration: "Gerstlauer is very pleased and grateful that we are part of the project team that is realizing this family roller coaster and the beautiful new area in the Holiday Park."

100% Wolf: New heroes for Holiday Park Germany

With two series seasons on TOGGO on SUPER RTL and a successful movie, 100% Wolf has captured the hearts of young and old around the world. A completely new film experience with Freddy and his friends will hit the big screen in 2024. The original action adventure is about the brave Freddy, who is transformed into a cute poodle instead of a dangerous werewolf during the full moon. The exciting story combines mystery, humor and exciting adventures with an important message: "Everyone has what it takes to be a hero!"

80 million euro master plan

The investments for 2025 are part of the new 80 million euro master plan of Holiday Park Germany. The "Greenville Bus" and "Blinky's Soapboxes" will open this summer. This will be followed in 2025 by the Smurfs with a cheerful themed ride, the completion of the Blinky Bill themed area "Greenville Town" with another attraction and the new 100% Wolf family roller coaster. From 2026, the festival giant Tomorrowland will move into Holiday Park with a spectacular large roller coaster and themed area aimed particularly at adults and teenagers. 40 million euros will be invested in a stand-alone water park with themed adventure pools and water slides.

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Glad to see they're getting serious about this park's future with all this investment.  It's nice to know there's going to be other things to do when GeForce is broken in the afternoon...and morning...and evening...

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