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Holiday Park Discussion Thread

P. 32: "100% Wolf" family coaster and themed land announced!

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American park: Ride has a wheel assembly f**k up, they close it down for months and add safety systems (like trims) to kill the ride so that it's safer.

European park: Ride has a wheel assembly f**k up, they rehab it and decide to make it more intense than it was before.

I'm so moving to Germany once I'm out of college.


I would think it is more like American park: Ride has a wheel assembly f**k up it will never reopen and ride stalls on lift hill they close it down for months

CP had Magnum crash back in 2007 and it was operating the very next day (albeit with one train).

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American park: Ride has a wheel assembly f**k up, they close it down for months and add safety systems (like trims) to kill the ride so that it's safer.

European park: Ride has a wheel assembly f**k up, they rehab it and decide to make it more intense than it was before.

I'm so moving to Germany once I'm out of college.


I would think it is more like American park: Ride has a wheel assembly f**k up it will never reopen and ride stalls on lift hill they close it down for months

CP had Magnum crash back in 2007 and it was operating the very next day (albeit with one train).


It must just be CGA then because Invertigo was down for around a year for a lift stall

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^It wasn't a "lift stall"... it was a major mechanical breakdown (lift chain broken, riders stranded for hours, made national news) and investigation which caused it to take so long so saying that is just silly because the ride was not just down because it was 'broken' but also because they had to wait for the investigation to conclude, which is not the park's doing.

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They didn't seem to care so much when it malfunctioned over and over in its opening year, and I believe at least one other model of this coaster has had similar issues and was never subjected to a year long investigation . . . all I an saying is that had it happened in Europe or even in any state other than California the ride would have been up and running in a much more timely manner

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Studio 100, a Belgian based entertainment company that owns the Plopsa theme parks has bought Holiday Park in Germany. Plopsa will invest 25.000.000 Euros into the park to make it in the line of the other Plopsa parks.




Here is the Press Release:




Vandaag heeft Plopsa, de themaparkendivisie van Studio 100, het Duitse outdoor pretpark Holiday Park overgenomen. Daarmee wordt 3 november 2010 een historische mijlpaal in de Plopsa-geschiedenis. Sinds 2008 bezit Studio 100 figuren als Wickie de Viking, Maja de Bij, Heidi en Pippi Langkous, die enorm populair zijn in Duitsland. “Een eigen pretpark in Duitsland, waarin we de Studio 100-figuren een eeuwig leven kunnen geven, is een logisch strategisch gevolg”, aldus Steve Van den Kerkhof, Algemeen Directeur van Plopsa. Hiermee wordt het succesvolle Belgisch model, waarbij elk Studio 100-figuur zijn eigen stek krijgt in een Plopsa-themapark, uitgebreid naar Duitsland. De Plopsa-groep beheert op dit moment 4 parken: 3 parken in België en sinds april jl. één in Nederland. Gert Verhulst en Hans Bourlon, oprichters van Studio 100: “Wij zijn ongelooflijk blij en trots met deze overname”.


Holiday Park is gelegen in het Zuidwesten van Duitsland, nabij Mannheim in de deelstaat Rijnland-Palts. Het park was tot vandaag eigendom van de familie Schneider. Laatstgenoemde kocht in 1971 het Marchenwald Haßloch, om het park vervolgens in 1973 om te dopen tot het huidige Holiday Park. Daarmee viert Holiday Park volgend jaar zijn 40-jarig bestaan. “Ik ben blij dat ik het park kan overdragen aan een professionele organisatie als Plopsa die alles in het werk zal stellen om het park nog te laten groeien,” benadrukt de 62-jarige Wolfgang Schneider, vroegere Managing Director van Holiday Park.


Holiday Park beslaat een oppervlakte van 40 ha en biedt een 30-tal attracties. Een van de topattracties is de achtbaan Expedition GeForce, die al enkele keren is verkozen tot de beste achtbaan van Europa. Plopsa zal het bestaande park verder uitbouwen en zal binnen een termijn van 4 jaar 25 mio euro investeren in het park. Daarmee ambieert de groep zich tot de Top 5 Beste Attractieparken in Duitsland te rekenen. Op dit moment is Holiday Park het 7de grootste park in Duitsland. Holiday Park stelt 85 vaste werknemers te werk, 250 seizoensmedewerkers en 350 tijdelijke werknemers.


Het entertainmentbedrijf heeft haar eigen afdeling in München, met een 40-tal mensen in dienst. De serie Das Haus Anubis, gespeeld door Duitse acteurs, is nu al zijn 2de seizoen zeer succesvol op de zender Nickelodeon.


Studio 100 heeft in Duitsland haar eigen zender Junior TV met 2,5 miljoen abonnees op het Sky-platform en een outputdeal met ZDF. Op het animatievlak produceert Studio 100 in zijn studio's in Parijs en Sydney nieuwe 3D-series van Maja de Bij, Wickie de Viking en Heidi.



Major points translated into English:

There are 3 Plopsa theme parks in Belgium and one in Netherlands

Studio 100 wants a German theme park to expand in Germany. The current owner of Holiday Park, Wolfgang Schneider, is very happy that the park will be in the hands of a good company. Plopsa will invest 25 million Euros into the park over the next 4 years.

At 40 acres, Holiday is currently the 7th largest theme park in Germany.

Edited by larrygator
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Studio 100 made a good decision I believe. Holidaypark is a nice park and it will be quite easy to reform it into a Plopsapark. There were rumours for a while already that they intended to penetrate into the german themepark market by opening 1 or even 2 new parks. Starting parks from zero is much more complicated than what they do now.

Hopefully they will have Mega Mindy in the Germany as from next season (no idea whether she is a superstar in Germany yet)


And, my Plopsa funcard is still valid till June 2011 so I will get in for free till then )

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WHAT??? .. Nobody speaks here over that huge change !! I am so totally shocked right now, because it is my "homepark", (only 4km away..)!!

I hope in the 25 milli !! -package is a new thrill and inversion - coaster!!

And I hope they don't rename it in "Plopsaland Germany" ...


Die Biene Maja und Wickie der Wikinger kommen nach Hassloch


Wie Plopsa, der Themenparkbereich von Studio 100, heute bekannt gegeben hat, ist der deutsche Unterhaltungs- und Erlebnispark Holiday Park mit sofortiger Wirkung neues Mitglied von Plopsa Freizeitparks. Damit ist Holiday Park der erste deutsche Freizeitpark der belgischen Unternehmensgruppe. „Ein eigener Themenpark in Deutschland, in welchem wir den Studio 100-Figuren wie Biene Maja und Wickie der Wikinger ein Zuhause geben können, ist eine logische strategische Folge“, sagt Steve Van den Kerkhof, Geschäftsführer von Plopsa. Nach dem belgischen Vorbild wird jeder Studio 100-Figur ein eigener Themenbereich zugeordnet. Die Plopsa-Gruppe umfasst bislang vier Themenparks: drei Parks in Belgien und seit April 2010 einen weiteren Park in den Niederlanden. Studio 100-Inhaber Gert Verhulst und Hans Bourlon erklären: „Wir sind sehr erfreut und stolz auf unser neues Familienmitglied.“


Der Holiday Park wurde von der Familie Schneider 1971 gegründet. Im nächsten Jahr feiert der Park sein 40jähriges Jubiläum. „Ich bin froh, dass Holiday Park in der Plopsa-Gruppe erfolgreich weiterwachsen wird“, sagt Wolfgang Schneider, bisheriger geschäftsführender Gesellschafter des Holiday Parks.

Plopsa plant, den bestehenden Park weiter auszubauen und innerhalb der nächsten vier Jahre 25 Millionen Euro zu investieren.


Mehr über Studio 100 und Plopsa

Innerhalb weniger Jahre entwickelte sich Studio 100 zu einem der wichtigsten Unternehmen im Bereich „Familien-Entertainment“ in Belgien und in den Niederlanden. Die Fernsehfiguren „Mega Mindy“, „Samson und Gert“, „Heinzelmann Plop“, „K3“, „Amika“, „Das Haus Anubis“ und viele anderen Helden sind äußerst beliebt. Gegründet in 1996 hat sich Studio 100 zu einem Entertainment-Unternehmen entwickelt. Fernsehproduktionen, Shows, Kinofilme, Zeitungsbeilagen und Buchausgaben, Audio-Video, Merchandising und Themenparks wurden realisiert.


Die bestehenden Plopsa-Themenparks zeichnen sich durch eine magische Architektur, eine märchenhafte Atmosphäre und den Studio 100-Figuren aus. Plopsaland De Panne, Plopsa Indoor Hasselt und Plopsa Coo liegen in Belgien und Plopsa Indoor Coevorden ist in den Niederlanden.

In 2008 übernahm Studio 100 die deutsche EM.Entertainment GmbH mit den Marken wie Wickie, die Biene Maja, Tabaluga und Heidi. Seit diesem Zeitpunkt ist der deutsche Sitz von Studio 100 die Studio100 Media GmbH in München, wo derzeit 40 Mitarbeiter beschäftigt sind. Unter dem Dach von Studio100 Media sind neben den Klassikern wie die Biene Maja und Heidi auch Neuentwicklungen wie Das Haus Anubis, das in Zusammenarbeit mit Nickelodeon produziert wurde.


Tanslated into English


Maya the Bee and Vicky the Viking come Hassloch

How Plopsa, the theme park area of Studio 100, announced today, is the German entertainment and theme park Holiday Park with immediate effect a new member of Plopsa theme parks. This Holiday Park is the first German theme park in the Belgian group. "Our own theme park in Germany, in which we can use the Studio 100 characters like Maya the Bee and Wicked to give the Vikings a home is a logical strategic impact," says Steve Van den Kerkhof, CEO of Plopsa. Under the Belgian model of every Studio 100 figure, a whole new area is classified. Plopsa The Group comprises four theme parks so far: three parks in Belgium since April 2010 and another park in the Netherlands. explain Studio 100 owner Gert Verhulst and Hans Bourlon: "We are very pleased and proud of our new family member."


The Holiday Park was founded by the Schneider family 1971st Next year the park celebrates its 40th anniversary. "I am glad that the Holiday Park in Plopsa Group will successfully continue to grow," said Wolfgang Schneider, former managing partner of the Holiday Park.

Plopsa plans to expand the existing park and investing in the next four years 25 million euros.


More than 100 studio and Plopsa

Within a few years, Studio 100 has developed into one of the most important companies in the "family entertainment" in Belgium and the Netherlands. The TV characters, "Mega Mindy", "Samson and Gert", "Heinzelmann pop", "K3", "Amika", "Anubis" and many other heroes are very popular. Founded in 1996, Studio 100 for an entertainment company has developed. Television productions, shows, movies, newspaper supplements and editions, audio, video, merchandising and theme parks were built.


The existing Plopsa theme parks are characterized by a magical architecture, from a fairy-tale atmosphere and the Studio 100 figures. Plopsaland De Panne, Plopsa Indoor Hasselt Plopsa and Coo are located in Belgium and Plopsa Indoor Coevorden in the Netherlands.

In 2008, Studio 100, the German took EM.Entertainment GmbH with brands such as Wicked, Maya the Bee, Tabaluga and Heidi. Since then, the German headquarters of Studio 100, the Studio100 Media GmbH in Munich, where currently 40 employees. Under the umbrella of Studio100 Media classics like Maya the Bee and Heidi also new developments such as Anubis, which was produced in association with Nickelodeon.


Texts are from "http://holidaypark.de".

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^Maybe not Plopsa Germany, but Majaland or Wickiepark


It was on the news here this evening. One of the Studio100 owners confirmed that they are still looking for other (smaller) parks in Germany too and they want to open some 3 parks in Germany in the next few years (not sure whether that is including HP). Total investment : about 100 million Euro (so that must be including the purchase of HP and the retheming investment IMO). Studio100 hopes to attract some 2.5 million visitors to their german parks in a few years.


This must have been the very first time that I saw EGF on belgian tv BTW


Studio 100 is going to retheme HP to their popular german characters, so I wouldn't expect 1 big new ride in the next years, but a lot of the money will go into retheming of the rides at HP. Probably several smaller new rides too, but I wouldn't set my hope on a B&M or another major Intamin or something like that.


Studio 100 website (in English)

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Great news, the Plopsa parks, especially Plopsaland, look like great parks. While they are geared toward the family, Plopsaland, which is probably how Holiday Park will turn out, looks like it has a great selection of rides for all ages. Compared to the Plopsa parks, as well as some other German parks, Holiday Park seems to lack theming(I'm not saying it isn't themed, just not as well), so hopefully the new owners can bring the theming up to what is seen in the company's other parks. Great news, and hopefully this means Holiday Park will go through an expansion like Plopsaland did after it was bought.

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Nowhere ... yet.


But if you look at the other Plopsaparks, as good as every ride is named after a Plopsa character or Plopsa tv series.


EGF is a brilliant coastername and hopefully Plopsa keeps it like that by giving it one or the other twist and connect it to one of their character/series, but I wouldn't bet my money on that.

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I want to start a discussion if theming the whole park to a "magic-miracle-land" is better than a park with new thrillride additions... never!


Why the hell most of the parks want to be "Familyparks"?? I say a pure thrillpark with intense and extreme coasters + thrillrides is more lucrative as a familypark, or?


Holidaypark has tried to to be a Thrillpark!! "Superwirbel" double-corkscrew, 210ft "Freefall", Megacoaster "Expedition GeForce", 240ft skyscreamer "Lighthousetower".. Wild Mouse "Familycoaster".. I think it would be the wrong way only to retheme the whole park... and I hope somebody understands my opinion and my broken english

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^Six Flags used to do that...it didn't work out so well for them.


Balanced parks are the better business decision due to the fact that they have something for everyone. They have kiddie rides, some thrill rides, but most attractions can be enjoyed by anyone. This brings in families, who have more money, as well as the typical thrill seekers. This is why a park like Six Flags Great America is better than Magic Mountain, one is a balanced park, and the other is not. Plopsaland looks like a great park with great rides and some really good theming, so hopefully that is brought over to Holiday Park.

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I live in the immediate vicinity of the park and am there often. The sale does not surprise me, because I knew that there is no successor in the Schneider family. But I wonder why Mr. Schneider the park not even during the 40th season wanted to manage.

I am glad that the park will finally expand. The last years have been bad (Less events, 4years no new attraction, much has been poor, 2 long outages of EGF ...)

I'm curious to see what Plopsa make the theme park. It's hard to imagine... Actually, it can not be worse.

Somehow I can´t imagine the amusement park under different leadership, but I'm looking forward to the 16th April 2011!



Sorry for my bad English!!!


Greetings from Palatinate, Germany

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Our local newspapers are full of articles "Plopsa and Holidaypark".. I'm very happy about the fact, that the name "Holidaypark" will not change !! That's proofed by the newspapers.


And ExpeditionGeForce is copyrighted by a local radio "BigFM", so it's formally known as "BigFM Expedition GeForce", I think they can't change it because of the copyright

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