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TPR's Un Solace Weekend Disneyland, Legoland, MORE

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Hey everyone!


I've just finished a huge 7 page, hundreds of new photos, 7 new videos UPDATE from this past "Un Solace Weekend." Check it out here:



And what IS "Un Solace Weekend?"


Well you might remember that Knott's had originally had Solace schedule for March 4th, but then they changed the date on us. Since some people had already booked flights etc, we figured "Why not still have some fun?"


And quite honestly, I think our group had *MORE* fun than going to Solace anyway!


The update includes:


- Putting a Jungle Cruise skipper into therapy! (with video to prove it)

- Videos of Rockin' Space Mountain and Rockin' California Screamin'

- TPR & the water bombs VERSUS Casey & Guy on the Robocoaster!

- A party like only TPR can throw!

- KidTums is born!

- 200 new Photos

- 7 new Videos

- And lots of TPR fun antics, park stuff, and total randomness involving giant people and tortillas!


How much fun can you have with a group of friends? This photo says it all!


Check out the full update here:






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Awesome PTR! The weekend was a blast. Loved the Jungle Cruise video and that picture of Casey and the castle is Red Dawn Awesome! Too bad I had to get rid of the dreadlocks, but I have a fairly strict dress code at work.


Justin "still crapping fire because of Robb's ridiculously hot wigs" Saxe.

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Haha, that 100th Coaster photo came out as dorky as I hoped. My face isn't always stuck like that. Only 90% of the time.


Everything was a blast. Between the Jungle Cruise, the Pizza Port Karaoke, water bombing on Robocoaster, and finally the little surprise Elissa popped out, it seems like it's gonna take A LOT to top last weekend!!


(and Jahan can take advantage of Alexis anytime he wants )

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That was all such an absolute blast to read and watch. Pluto guy rules you all!


One of these days, I'm gonna get a better paying job, so I'll have the money to join you all on your expeditions...don't let the lame nickname fool you, once you get to know me, I can be very...interesting to have around on a trip, hehe.


But enough about my dreams, this trip was a hoot to read about, plain and simple. Keep up the fantastic work.

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That was all such an absolute blast to read and watch. Pluto guy rules you all!

Dude, yeah, I think one of my most favorite things of the weekend was Pluto Guy when I was all "She's not as cool as you is she" and Pluto Guy responds "No...no one is!"


"NO ONE IS!!!"




So therefore "No one is as cool as Pluto Guy!"


"Hello, I'm Pluto Guy. No one is as cool as me!"

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That was all such an absolute blast to read and watch. Pluto guy rules you all!

Dude, yeah, I think one of my most favorite things of the weekend was Pluto Guy when I was all "She's not as cool as you is she" and Pluto Guy responds "No...no one is!"


"NO ONE IS!!!"




So therefore "No one is as cool as Pluto Guy!"


"Hello, I'm Pluto Guy. No one is as cool as me!"


That was just too much for words. Looks like you guys had a blast, I wish I could have been on that Jungle Cruise.

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Wow, Robb! Thank you very much for providing the great quality videos of RSM and RCS! For that, I will call off the assassination on you. (just kiding *cough* not really).


I wish I can go to Disneyland, but my sister is in the hospital with a sickness that prevents her from riding roller coasters, and California Screamin' isn't the same without her.


But, I see that you got the good speakers on RCS.



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Now that's the way to spend "quality time" at such parks...



And Kristen, too!


Wow guys. Envy envy envy...ENVY.


Looked like a great time for everybody, including mom and dad.


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I'm still freaking wet from that water blasting you gave Casey and I!


Awesome TR Robb! It took me way back to a better time. Last week that is. Congrats again on the rugrat Elissa squirt out!


Wes! Your 100th coaster sign and the look on your face is the pinacle of hi-larity! You are a God! Best picture ever!

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