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What kind of phone do you have?


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Im tired and cant be bothered to get a picture right now, but I use an LG chocolate. Its a nice phone, but the touch buttons are slightly too sensitive, and I haven't found a way to change the sensitivity yet. And by sensitive, I mean they activate before your finger even touches then, you just have to hover the tip of your finger over them. Makes for alot of accidental button presses.


Still, its a sexy phone.

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I recently upgraded my phone with a Samsung Impression. I like it, getting used the QWERTY keyboard...I have 4 different ways I can text: Standard numerical pad, qwerty keys, qwerty touch screen, and a cool gimmicky handwriting recognition. Sadly, no internet as I don't feel like paying extra for that service...I'll stick with my texting, and use my iPod Touch when I'm at a hotspot if I need to go on the web.

Of course, I have a roller coaster (Flight Deck to be exact) as my wallpaper.


Camera-wise, it's got a decent camera...I took it for a test drive last weekend at CGA and would say that it would be a good "Photo TR camera" if I'm not going for fancy shots.

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Just got the Samsung Mythic with AT&T (stupid T-Mobile!) and it's awesome so far. The only thing that I don't like about it is that its very hard to personalize. There is a set picture album with locked pictures that you cannot delete that are all set as the background when the phone is locked. So, I'm a guy, and I turn on my phone with pretty butterflies and flowers. That looks...well...interesting.


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^ It's not available yet? I literally just today got a flyer for the incredible and came in here to see if anyone had any who has one could offer any thoughts on it. Not sure I want to change though, cause SureType is the best text input system for me.

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^^Two of my friends have it and I've gotten to use it quite a bit (and the droid's keyboards are very similar). I switched from a Storm to the Droid and i did LOVE the suretype keyboard, but I did get used to the two on screen keyboards pretty quick. When turned sideways the buttons are pretty big and its really pretty easy to type on. When vertical the buttons are pretty small but the phone does a fantastic job at guessing what you're trying to say. Overall I could use it pretty efficiently within two or so days.

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I'm currently in a state of transition. My LG CU515 recently broke (the hinge failed) and I'm temporarily using an old Motorola L2 until I can get something new, possibly the HTC Evo 4G. I'm currently with AT&T, but their Android selection is poor (they have one model at the moment and and it has a proprietary front-end on it) and the iPhone does not appeal to me.

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I currently have the Blackberry Pearl Flip. I wanted a flip phone because I keep it in my pocket but if I had known that Blackberry Flip actually meant "Blackberry Lite" I wouldn't have gotten it.


I'm going to get the new Droid Incredible when it comes out instead.


I also have the Pearl Flip. Have you had any issues with it? My battery went about 1 1/2 years in so did bluetooth, but now I got bluetooth back after buying a new (stated on amazon, but the battery lasts like 12 hours with like 15 minutes talk time) battery.

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I have an HTC myTouch 3g Slide (HTC Espresso) and I love it, it's my baby, I take care of it like it's a child. It's got the genius button that is on the commercials (that works really well), a great slide-out keyboard, and it's really swift and speedy. It's running 2.1 Eclair, mostly because I'm afraid to root it. I really like the HTC sense and the customization. I don't think I could live with the blandness of the iPhone. The only things I wish it had was live wallpapers and 2.2 Froyo. If it got those it would be my perfect phone!

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I have a Samsung Reality, and I love it. It has a big touch screen AND a full keyboard, and I love the way it slides open. I dunno, I just think it's cool. Plus, it gets pretty good reception, and the back looks cool. My only complaint is that, if you use it a lot during the day (lots of calls, texts, etc.) then the battery drains pretty quickly. But, a nightly charge isn't too hard to do. And the best part: It's a great phone for cheap! I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants a Verizon smartphone on a budget.


Samsung Reality!

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I dropped my LG Cosmos in the toilet about 2 months after I got it so now I'm stuck using an old EnV because I have 14 months before I can upgrade again. I keep scoping eBay for a deal on a phone but haven't found a good one yet that I can afford. FYI: Take your phone out of your back pocket before you go to the bathroom.

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