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My cat is dying...

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Yes, unfortunately, my cat Xena is dying of i think kidney failure just as i type this. Her fur is all mangy, she can barely walk, she's cold an lethargic. I just can't stand seeing her suffer, so i ask you please pray for Xena to get better and stay or to go peacefully I don't care. Just please pray.

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Im very sorry to hear this. We had two cats, but we had to take one of them to the vet a couple of years ago. He was quite old, and one day he just suddenly stopped eating and drinking. It felt like he knew it was over for him and just gave up. It left us no choice. He had been in the family since I was 4 years old so it really hurt.


The only advice I can give you is to think about all the nice memories you and your cat shared. It definately helped me get over the loss fairly quickly, but I still miss him.


As a non-religious person I wont pray, but I hope she doesnt have to suffer much, no matter how it ends....

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This reminds me of my grandma's cat that she had for a couple months, Mr. Dillard. We did not name him.


Over time, this black spot began growing over his nose, and eventually, my grandma told me that she had to take him to the vet and this cancerous sign got the best of him. I barely knew him.

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Nice to hear that your cat's doing better! I love my cat and I can understand how it feels. My cat's fur started getting mangy and stuff one time. I was scared there was something wrong with her. But it turned out all right. We had give her medicine and she got better.

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I had a pet rat when I was ten (which I loved very much ) and he died. He had so many close calls, such as how I would feed him too much fatty human food and he would stop running in his transparent ball, couldn't climb up the catwalk thing in his cage, etc. He developed some tumors, and they would go away. Then he stopped eating for two days and just died.


I also had a parakeet that went on an eating spree before dying, which I found funny And the parakeet was only $20, but, I felt a little sad


Anyways, I'll pray for the best for your cat, who must be more important than all the small critters I've ever had as pets (I was sad when my rat died, but if I had a pet that could bond better, I'd have been more sad), and since you also like Vekoma, I'll pray for Vekoma at the same time In a good way.

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Sorry Maybe all the cats and rats are happy and coexist in the afterlife.


Well, such is life. So, it's the memories that matter. Think of all the fun times you had with your cat. I don't really think that much about my pet rat who died, but that's probably because he died two years after I got him. I'm glad I never had to "put him down" though.

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