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Pros and Cons

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I'm at a bit of a crossroads right now. I want to work at some amusement park as a permanent carreer, but I have no experience outside of being a ride-op last summer. Either way, the industry has a whole bunch of different things that I could work as (advertising, r&d, opperations, etc), but I have no clue where I fit in.


Thats where you guys come in. If you could, please help me list some pros and cons of each type of job offered for working in the amusement park industry, as well as some different types of careers I can pursue by working in this field...

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I worked at a store at PCW a couple of years ago.



get to work at an amusement park



don't get to ride anything



get free passes and cheap parking to the park



working so much you never want to come to the park



if you like working outside, this is mostly a good job



the general public are all idiots



management is generall pimply faced teenagers who get off on bossing around older people, so watch out



hours suck because you're working most of the times you would be coming to the park anyway, defeating the purpose of it



even if you like working outside, chances are it will be sweltering in the summer and it's rare for places at parks to have air conditioning, especially on rides or with food


So there you go.

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I worked at a store at PCW a couple of years ago.



get to work at an amusement park



don't get to ride anything



get free passes and cheap parking to the park



working so much you never want to come to the park



if you like working outside, this is mostly a good job



the general public are all idiots



management is generall pimply faced teenagers who get off on bossing around older people, so watch out



hours suck because you're working most of the times you would be coming to the park anyway, defeating the purpose of it



even if you like working outside, chances are it will be sweltering in the summer and it's rare for places at parks to have air conditioning, especially on rides or with food


So there you go.


The general public are not all idiots, but granted they are out there and they always make themselves known. I work at a movie theater, and grant it, it's not the same as a theme park the the idea around its operation or sort of similar. My favorite is the guest that over-reacts. For example the other day there was something wrong with our diet coke, and some woman started complaining at me about how I almost sent her diabetic mother to the hospital, bla bla bla, and said how I gave her sugar water. (I find this unlikely though because while I'm filling up soda's I ALWAYS double check to make sure that I have the right soda to make sure A) I didn't mishear what they said and B) in case they change thier mind or want more/less ice bla bla bla. There's also the chance she said coke and I gave her... coke which would mean that it would have been her fault, but to be honest I have know idea what happened when I was getting this persons food because almost everything is a blur since its just the same old routine, the only things that really stand out are the people's personalities when I'm getting thier food. So anyways she was screaming at me and at first I felt pretty bad and apologized and asked if there was anything I could do. Well she said an apology wouldn't cut it, and I was thinking what the hell am I suppose to do? Sacrifice myself to the god's? And anyways after listening carefully and apologizing a couple more times she slammed her cup in my face and stormed off to complain at a manager. Now I was pretty pissed off about this whole thing the rest of the night do to how rude she treated me, and I think in general you'll always have to deal with people who will be a complete dick to you regardless of how you treat them and try to help them out. I'm sure you'll find this at an amusement park, and you should expect it. I guess its just that some people aren't ever happy even if you try to resolve the problem.

But having said that, while it may make me mad that people do that, I don't think it makes me like or hate my job any less. I hate dealing with some people, but love dealing with others. I also have to say that working at the theater has no negative effects to my decision of wanting to go to a movie there. I enjoy going to that theater, and I plan to keep going there even after I eventually leave the place, and mind you the theater is much smaller so everybody will recognize you, which is not necessarily the case at an amusement park in which you might meet some one everyday.


But really, all in all, I think it is what you make of it. I use my experience from working at theater to put my spin on the topic because that’s my only real experience within the area, and I can see how people can make a career out of it. But you also have to allow yourself into a place that you can make a good career out of. I mean you could work at just any old park and make a decent living, but you could also work for a park like something Disney or Universal operates and you will probably find that there are much more jobs with better benefits available. If you are seriously looking into a career within a theme park, I say go for it, but just have a specific goal in mind and go for it. I don't think there's really anything bad with that at all, and you can still be very successful if you allow yourself those possibilities.

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"We work while others play"


Agreed! The hospitality industry is either something that you love or hate - and you can't really force yourself to love it or you won't be successful and it will show. Are you currently in College? Try the WDW college program out and see if it is something for you. There are classes that you can go through while you are in Orlando that will help make up your mind on what you might want to do. If you are looking to do something in college that falls under that umbrella, the University of Central Floridas Rosen School of Hospitality Management is one of the best in the country and the only one that offers a specialized "Theme Park Management" track.


What are you passionate about in the industry and what are you good at in real life? Are you a people person? A creative person? A 'back office' person?

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