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I couldn't believe when someone asked us that the first time. That's just nerve! Why should I wait an extra train so they can ride together? If it's so important, they should've lined up properly to begin with and let someone in front of them if need be.



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Yeah, whenever I'm with a group, I NEVER ask if I can cut, usually I'll just say "Hey, do you guys want to go before we do?" I mean, that's just stupid to cut!


Anywho, a story to go with this...Onetime we were at SFOG getting in line for Batman and these kids just RAN past us in Gotham City! Well, my mom being a school teacher, she wouldn't allow it so she started yelling at them and made them stand behind us while we walked slow.

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I usually don't have a problem letting people go ahead of me(within reason), if they are nice about it and ask. ...but usually it's the opposite for me, people ask if I will go ahead of them so they can ride with their family and/or friends. I guess I've been lucky that way.

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i get the other one, where one person or two will run up into the line then a group of five or six more will try to join them after. many times i will stop them from going by if given the opportunity. i love the ones that say can i go by you to rejoin my group, after watching them do it to about 35 other people, i block the row and tell them to wait like everyone else in line. i have actually got people thrown out of the park for line jumping in that way. what happened was i made a bit of a stink and some of the people be hind them kinda cheered them a bit to get to the back of the line, when they started at me the ride ops saw it, i let them by and the security was waiting in the station. i noticed them going up the exit ramp so i decided i had made enough of an issue now let them be seen line cutting.



That is so... EVIL! If one of your family members wanted to join you, you wouldn't stop them, now would you?




Anyways, i have had people mostly ask when i amat the gates to board wether they can have the front seat(Which i am at) I usually say no, but sometimes they will say:


"Yeah, let us have it" And push there way past me, which i usually will make clear to the Ride Op, if they were not watching.

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Yep! In line for Holiday World's "Howler" coaster with a friend several years back, a woman and her son (in a wheelchair) accused us of cutting in line

when we had gotten there before she did! We were pretty persistent in telling her that we hadn't moved from that spot, but she refused to give up! We went to the back of the line to avoid any further trouble, which I now regret doing (I should have just ignored her; she was very rude). The line was barely 10 minutes long anyhow. I guess this isn't really ASKING to cut, but rather demanding to cut!

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That's really rude. They should be asking if you want to go in front of them. I've never had that happen to me, because most people are pretty polite here in California. Either that, or they just let themselves in front of you.


~Mike "At least they had the decency to ask, right?" J

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Obviously Americans do it differently. Everybody, and i mean everybody, in Australia lets there family join the que were they are, but usually we do it by going over the fence when your family member is close by.


If that is how it operates over there, then I guess that we ARE different. That is still cutting. Period.


Going over the fence? Cmon!


Our line jumping policy states that if you cut into a line of waiting guests, no matter what the reason, you are inviting dismissal from the park without refund of admission. This rule is strictly enforced. LINE JUMPING IS: “CUTTING IN FRONT OF OTHER WAITING GUESTS. LEAVING THE LINE, THEN ATTEMPTING TO REENTER. THIS INCLUDES USING THE REST ROOM FACILITIES OR TO PURCHASE FOOD OR DRINKS.” Once you leave your place in line, you have forfeited it, no matter what the reason. Saving a place in line is simply not permitted.
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Loads of times at Cedar Point. 2 of the 4 times I've been on Millennium Force someone asked to move ahead and I was like, No?


Numerous dozens of times for Magnum and Raptor. People, what makes you so special to ask to cut? wait like all of the rest of us are.


The one time I went on Skyhawk, someone asked, Can I take your spot on the next ride? my answer? NO!


But when people asked if I want to go ahead because they want to ride togheter is okay by me, only if they ask me first.

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I have been asked this several times (mostly at my home park, since I go there most). Obviously I reply with a "no", and I usually try to return the response as rudely as they asked the question.There was an occasion where a mother asked me VERY politely if she and her son could move in front of me so they could be in the same train as her husband and other child. I didn't really want to say no to a family, but they should have to wait like everyone else. I didn't reply rudely though, and this was the first and only time an adult has ever asked me that question.


People just don't get it, and it's usually not the adults asking, it's the teenagers coming with a bunch of friends who think that the world revolves around them. This makes me more angry than people smoking in queue lines, and I really think the line jumping rule should be enforced more at parks.

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Wow some people actually havn't experienced this, if only that was the case for me. I get this all the time at Thopre especially. The most common reason they give as many other people have seen in this thread is, "Yeh i need to go catch up with my mates."


As some people have mentioned the issue of people wanting to cut in line so they can ride on the same train as their friends, some of the time i will visit parks in a group of three, but we wouldn't cut in front to catch up with whoever is in front. The person in front would let people move in front of them to get the same train as whoever is behind. Its just rude to cut in front of people unless they offer, asking them if you can cut in front is kind of rude unless you ask politely and have a valid reason.

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There's a word that means the same thing in English, Spanish, and Italian: NO.


I can't see why anyone would have the nerve to ask if they could cut into a line in front of you. That's just plain rude. By nature, I'm generally a nice person, but this I won't stand for. The one exception is if I know for a fact that they're trying to get back in line with family/friends.



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Yeah, I've had this happen to me a few times, mostly i let them pass if they're polite and have a really good reason, but if they're just trying to push through the line i'll just tell them to wait in line like everyone else!

The most annoying time was when I was in Gardaland in Italy during my vacation with the family.


I was waiting in a 30min line for the SLC, (which IMO was a nice, smooth ride, for once) and there were like 15 teenagers in front of me, most of them smoking (which in itself was extremely annoying) and suddenly a group of about 20 of their friends pushed past me. When i attempted to tell them to move behind me so they could wait like everyone else, i figured out only 1 person actually spoke any english at all, he quite frankly told me to piss off!!


Being set back in line a full trainful, especially with the poor loading going on that day, was really aggravating and almost ruined my day... As far as what the operators did to stop the line jumpers, they socialized with them.

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If this happens, I like to let the people work it out and set it up the way they want, as I would hope they would let me do the same if I needed to. The thing that bugs me is if I am riding alone, and the people move everyone around so that a seat is empty, but they don't let you pass to take the seat.

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I've never been asked that before, and it is a litte rude if you ask me. My friends/family always offer anyone passing by/behind us to skip ahead of us so that we can ride together.


I mean, if they need to wait one extra ride, they need to do it. It's not your fault for it, and you definately shouldn't feel the obligation to say yes to them!

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it depends on the person(s) attitude and the amount.


one or two people i will most likely say yes to, but ridiculous groups (ie 4+) i will say no and get them to tell their friends to move back, even if it is just me.


I hate it when people say things like (sorry for bad spelling, but if you live in England, then you truely know what its like) 'le' me an' mah maytz go in frunna yah!' that really pisses me off and i usually retaliate with the same mannerisms. if you refuse, it usually turns to verbal abuse and ends up with me complaining about the anti-social behaviour and getting them kicked out just as they were boarding the ride/getting to the front of the queue after waiting for about 2 hours. Its quite funny sometimes.


however, if they ask politely (ie: please and thank you), then its most likely that i will.

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Yes, some peoplae asked me/us. It depends on the situation if I/we let them go. There are more persons who let us in front of them.


The strangest one was at the Rock 'n' Rollercoaster line in the WDS in Paris. A guy asked me to change his place with mine so he could go at the front of the train. He offered 5€ for that.





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I don't know, I think asking to cut is rude no matter how politely they ask it. Its still politely asking to cut. If these people can't be prepared to line up for a ride for a few minutes/half hour, its a wonder how they found their way to and into the park to begin with, im hoping it wasn't a long drive there, I could imagine them leaving a few people behind and remembering to get them halfway there while at the same time remembering a coke they left on the kitchen table. I know its exaggerating, but still, its 30 mins or an hour in line, a steady ordered group of people all traveling towards the same basic destination, its not difficult/complicated unless people make it that way.

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It actually just happened to me on my last visit to Darien Lake. It was the last day of the season and of course, only S:ROS, Viper, and Boomerang were running, and running one train each. This made for some lines....


But anyway, on Viper, two people asked if they could get in front of us. We said yes, but then the train stopped on the MCBR for about a half hour. Good call on that one.

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