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Your stance on drugs and other mind altering substances.


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What is you stance on drugs and other mind altering stuff?


Me personally would never do ANY drugs or drink any type of alcohol because I respect my mind too much, but I think all drugs should be legalized. My reasion for that is, I would rather our drug users to get there stuff from somewhere like 7 eleven so there isen't the danger of haveing your mary jay mixed with coke without your knowlage, possiblay ending in your demise. Also if there legal people wouldent be all "ohh look I'm cool because im doing somthing illegal" the people would be like "Nothing that is legal is cool" or what ever.

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What is my opinion on drugs?


Very high


And how do I stand on prostitution?


I don't stand on it, I lay on it.


(had to quote one of my favorite comedians)


Not to sound "age-ist", it's a sad thing these days when minors are talking about what is everyone's opinion on taking drugs. Like wine, certain substances does have medicinal purposes, like marijuana. People with certain illnesses take it to lessen the side effects of other drugs they are taking or for pain management. But others have a potential for addiction, or dangerous in their use that most likely justifies their need for being controlled or outlawed. Crystal meth is a good diet aid for some, but that addiction will kick your tail. I'm joking btw--although you can tell people are addicted on that stuff from the "slimming" effect it has on them.


I think it comes down to using it responsibly, whether it's that occasional pot puff or not buying that 4th vodka and cranberry. But there are certain drugs you just leave alone.



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I personally hate the argument that if it was legal it wouldn't be cool, or that people wouldn't do it. People don't stop drinking at 21, do they?



Personally, i'de never do any type of drug, i just don't see the point in it. I have friends who do drugs; *cough* I'll tell them i think what they're doing is stupid, but ulitmately its their decision...


Also, wouldn't it be more dangerous if drugs were legal? They impair your jugement and i don't need to be running around school with a bunch off high losers. Especailly not on the roads.

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What is you stance on drugs and other mind altering stuff?


Me personally would never do ANY drugs or drink any type of alcohol because I respect my mind too much, but I think all drugs should be legalized. My reasion for that is, I would rather our drug users to get there stuff from somewhere like 7 eleven so there isen't the danger of haveing your mary jay mixed with coke without your knowlage, possiblay ending in your demise. Also if there legal people wouldent be all "ohh look I'm cool because im doing somthing illegal" the people would be like "Nothing that is legal is cool" or what ever.


Illegal drugs are for weak-minded fools. Although I probably could've used some to get me through that post.

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