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Most Hated Subject In School


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I HATE PROGRAMMING! So here's the story; at the beginning of the school year I was set to a foods class. That's fine. Then, a couple of weeks before school, my parents go to this parents meeting. There, someone tells them that 'I think Programming would be a good class for him.' Well, that person didn't realize a couple of things: A. Programming is a senior-level class. B. I AM A FRESHMAN! Now my dad's flippin out over my 70% (Oh, BTW, I am getting A's in all my other classes!) and he said "Because of your 70%, we aren't going to Santa Claus World or whatever it is."




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I hate language. Since my parents make me go to a montessori school I have to "symbolize" parts of speech and make big black triangles for nouns, and a red circle for verbs ect. I also hate PE at my school. They make us play sports that if I walked up to someone and said I play this sport they auto think I am gay. Another part of my PE could probably be counted as child abuse. I love science though.

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In high school I hated anything that involved science.

Now my most hate class is economics. It's a 750 page book and it's absolutely boring


Econ and science are both awesome.


Physics is my least favorite science, but I don't dislike it. As far subjects that I don't like, art was it for me. I love art, but I have no artistic talent. This meant that the classes were torture to me.

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I hated Geography and French. I suck at lanuages and the geography teacher used to drink whiskey from a bottle in his drawer and be drunk in class. Didnt bother teaching us at all.


I though Latin was a dumb subject when my older Sister was studying it. But now she can get the general gist of anything she reads in most european languages. Appareltly alot of them are derived from Latin.

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PE of course, but this year I would have to say that my absolute least favorite class (possibly the worst class I've ever taken) is Active Physics. None of it makes any sense to anyone and my teacher makes absolutely no effort to explain it to us in a way we can understand.


Thank God I'm taking Accelerated Chemistry next semester.

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