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S:TE For Sale?

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I did a search and did not see anything on here about this.....


Ran across this on another board:




I know they are selling "FreeFall" but I cannot imagine SFMM selling one of their "Icon" rides. This has to be a case of "wrong picture!"


However, if this is in fact true, I had better finally ride this thing the next time I go.....

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Stats are right....I dunno, if I was the "new owner" of SFMM, which it would appear will be announced soon, this is probably one of the rides I would look at getting rid of.


Seems to be an expensive maintenance headache and it's certainly not very popular with the public anymore....


Personally, if I was the "new owner" I'd scale back on the coasters in the park and focus more on quality instead of quantity. I would remove:




Deja Vu






Just my thoughts....



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^^ If I can recall, Jeff Johnson doesn't even count S:TE as two credits.


Really, if SFMM lost this coaster, it wouldn't be that big of a deal. I also agree with Robb when he says they should focus on quality instead of quantity. Coasters I'd like to see gone:






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^^...Revolution, Robb? I mean... Viper I can somehow understand, but revolution?



I... *sniff* ...I thought I knew you. *runs off crying*

Yeah, yeah, I know....,but see, you gotta understand....if the park isn't willing to get that ride back into it's original form (new trains, no trims, etc) the ride is pretty much dead already.


No one ever rides it anymore. It's kind of despressing....like being at a funeral.


Might as well put it out of it's misery.


--Robb "On the plus side, the ACE plaque has been removed!" Alvey

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I still think that 6F would be better off not trying to compete directly with the Mouse. The mountain might be a great family park someday, but that's not going to be next week. Why not fill the niche of being more extreme with some quality flats instead of coasters?


Remove Goldrusher!

Remove Psyclone!

Remove the hulk that was once Z-Force!

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^^So it has got a shred of dignity left Robb!


I do have a soft spot for Revolution, but I do agree that it's not the ride it once was - it needs new trains, new restraints, and some general TLC. And with all those trims it didn't even feel like s Schwarzkopf a lot of the time.

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I wouldn't shed any tears if they got ride of Superman.


To be honest I found it really boring when I rode it. After riding many impulse's and rocket coasters I found the launch to be pretty pathetic. It might reach 100mph, but it seems like it takes forever. It had no punch like the rocket coasters have.


Plus it sounded like an F-14 taking off.

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^^ No way that heap makes it up to 100mph anymore Paul. When that thing first opened the launch was better, still not good, but better. Those trains barely make it 2/3rds of the way up that spike anymore.


I think an F-14 might be a little quieter too.


I wouldn't shed any tears over Revolution getting scraped either.

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^^ No way that heap makes it up to 100mph anymore Paul.


Yeah, I bet you're right.


I still remember my first ride on it.


At first I put my arms up and started to yell like I would on a good launch coaster. Then I looked around, looked at my watch, pulled my arms down, realized we were only halfway down the launch track. I thought to myself "Man, this is dull".


And the weightlessness was nothing like what was hyped up.

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I actually found it fun. while the launch was not evne as intense as a shuttle loop coaster's, the sound it made remiinded me of a train. it was funny. there is a limitied supply of funny coasters in the world.

and I actually loved the weightlessness

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^^ No way that heap makes it up to 100mph anymore Paul.


Yeah, I bet you're right.


I still remember my first ride on it.


At first I put my arms up and started to yell like I would on a good launch coaster. Then I looked around, looked at my watch, pulled my arms down, realized we were only halfway down the launch track. I thought to myself "Man, this is dull".


And the weightlessness was nothing like what was hyped up.


That sums up how I felt as well...

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