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Photo TR: Off-Season Blues


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"I am so bored."





"You know...it's not too cold out. Maybe I'll go to my REAL homepark."


So, I threw on my shoes....

and walked

to one of the best amusement parks ever

AND it's open all year!


With such rides as

The Screamin' Swing

and No Parking: The Ride


I decided to ride The Screamin' Swing

Man, this ride is intense

Sometimes I can't even tell which way is up.

And fun was had by all, yay!


I decided to skip the kiddie ride.

and rode the BIG ONE

Talk about intense.


I even made a POV video to show you how intense it is.


Big One POV

Intense, right?


Next, was this inverted coaster.

Mighty fun,

and it even had a spiral lift


I decided to skip the dark ride, cause it looked too scary.

and went on The Twisty One

That ride rokked out loud. I even bought my on-ride photo


This park does lack in good flat rides, though.

Man, it seems like Huss isn't even trying anymore.


Things were getting intense, though, so I decided to go and check out the water show.

Amazing, I'd totally see it again.


It was getting late, so I hit the Screamin' Swing before I left.


What a great day. Everything was walk-on. It was almost as if no one else was in the park.



Man....I hate the Off-Season.

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That was hilarious. At my old house, I actually a roller coaster type thing. It was a BIG hill. We had this thing called a "Cozy Coupe." You know, one of these things:



My friend went down the hill in it and he started rolling head over heels. It was so funny! I would find anything that had wheels and ride down that hill.

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That made my day. That was THE BEST THING I've seen all day. Great job man! It's hilarious how you were relating equipment to rides at theme parks, and it looks like the big one was so scary, you peed your pants! There was a puddle at the bottom!


Anyway, that was just priceless, keep it real man...



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Why didn't I think of that? That is a GREAT idea. Maybe we should have a contest to see who can make the best photo TR of their 'amusement park' that's open all year.


I'm game! our Brentwood 'homepark' has Tony Hawk: The Ride! (take a guess at what that is ) along with many other decent flats!


i'll have it sometime soon!



this weekend i'll do my local 'homepark' which has things like Mokeys: The Ride!

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