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Your Coaster Pal

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I recently realized that several members on the forum here have their own coaster pals to ride with (like I said before: Elissa had Mugsy and now the Tomato, Robb has Ryan and Yeti Ball and Guy has Kim). Who is yours? (If you have any photos to share of you and your coaster pal, post them here.)


(Hopefully, this is considered an ok topic...)


Me and my coaster pal, Geoffrey Shankberg!

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I recently realized that several members on the forum here have their own coaster pals to ride with (like I said before: Elissa had Mugsy and now the Tomato, Robb has Ryan and Yeti Ball and Guy has Kim). Who is yours? (If you have any photos to share of you and your coaster pal, post them here.)


(Hopefully, this is considered an ok topic...)


Is this a joke - do you really take that stupid plastic toy with you to amusement parks? You may need psychiatric help

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My cell phone (in a zippered pocket of course). As someone also mentioned above, I also sometimes take a prize I win while at the park with me on a ride if it's small enough to fit in a pocket (since I don't trust leaving it in a bin) but that's not something that happens often.

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My friend Jody is my coaster buddy. I met her two years ago at Knotts Berry Farm, when I was driving cross country on a sabbatical. She lived in West Palm beach and we thought it was funny to meet someone from Florida all the way across the country, especially since we both were in IT and had similar interests. The next day we went to Six Flags and had a blast, although we should have rethought getting on water rides after 4pm (brrrr).


Anyway, we've met up at a few other parks around the country and I gave her the whirlwind one day tour of disneyworld including a stop at the bierhaus. We're planning to go to Cedar Point next summer, hopefully she'll find another job by then . She wanted to go with me to L.A. in a few weeks but her cash flow wouldn't allow it.



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^^^^Now that's not very nice. As you can see from this thread he's far from being the only one,s o why be so judgmental?





Anyhow, I don't have a "Coaster pal".


I guess you can say my dadd is probably the person who I'v ebeen on most coasters with, though. I think my dad is the non-coaster-enthusiast to have ridden most coasters in the world. That's how much he loves me


You know someone loves you when they have back problems and they go on Gemini and Magnum XL 200 with you 'cus you asked them to.

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My girlfriend Kelly has been my partner in crime for the last two and half years. She wasn't into coasters at all when we first started talking and now she's traveled all around the country to visit parks with me.


To top it all off she makes a mean gravy and can stock a buffet like no other.


Kelly and I at Bonfante Gardens just recently. BTW You can check out the whole Bonfante update by following this link: http://www.sm2designs.com/thumbnails.php?album=29

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I don't have a toy i take to theme parks... If i did it would probably be a Sonic figure, but i'd be scared of loosing him or him complaining that Stealth is slow.


Most of my REAL (non plastic) friends are coastery people, i guess i'm lucky in that department. :b

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