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What Books Do You Read

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Call me a dork, but I like to read the Harry Potter books. When I was in middle school, I used to read the R.L.Stine Goosebumps Books...(Haven't read them in years but still have the collection>)


I also have various Roller Coaster Books, and whenever I get time, I write my own short adventure stories; usually involving roller coasters, parks, and people trying to escape them.....kinda my versions of the Goosebumps books.


But right now, I'm working on my own Zombie movie script. My best buds are majoring in film editing and graphics design. They are going to film the project once i'm done. I've only written 93 pages so far.

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I used to love the Goosebump books when I was a little kid! Those were my favorite back in elementary school. In middle school (particularly 6th and 7th grade) I was really into the Xanth Novels, which are a series of fantasy novels by Piers Anthony. They were really good novels, the first of which being A Spell for Chameleon. I recommend them for someone looking for really good fantasy books. I personally preffered them to the Harry Potter books myself, but that's just my opinion since Im not a huge Harry Potter fan.

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Well i have 70 pages left for the book and used the web to find out the rest of the story for a project, and the class is done with it...but later on im going to check it out again and finish it. But i bought Night today, and i don't even know what it's about and didn't even open it yet, but all i Know is thats the next class book.

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Well I just finish reading "My series version" of Goosebumps...called Goosemumps-The millennium edition. I've only written 2 stories of the series so far: #1 "My Coaster World Adventure" (about a family with two brothers who want to go to this super park with 40 different coasters "hence the name "Coaster World", but each and every ride is tied in with their names, like the Bullet coaster...it's almost as fast as an actual bullet, see what I mean? Mainly them escaping a park with dangerous rides, but not melfunctions; more like evil rides, hard to explain. You'd have to read it. Anywho the second book is titled "Why I Hate Metal" (about a boy who hates anything metal, kind of a Hypochondriac.


Currently still reading the 6th Harry Potter Books.....haven't had time to finish with a full time job & classes.....Have all the books and all of the Dvd's released so far.

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I'm thinking about reading Wicked, has anybody else read it besides the mention it got earlier in the thread?


Also, has anyone read a book by Ann Coulter? That woman is insane. I went to one of her speeches last night and it was incredibly funny! I'm a pretty liberal person, but it still was a fun thing to go to.

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I finished The Shining a few weeks ago, and now I'm reading Tales of Mystery and Terror by, Edgar Allen Poe. The Black Cat is creepily similar to the relationship I have with my black cat (except I don't carve his eyes out or hang him.)

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Well I just finish reading "My series version" of Goosebumps...called Goosemumps-The millennium edition...I've on written 2 stories of of the series so far: #1 "My Coaster World Adventure" (about a family with two brothers who want to got to this super park with 40 different coasters "hence the name "Coaster World", but each and everyride is tied in with their names, like the bullet coaster...it's almost as fast as an actual bullet...see what i mean?...mainly them exscaping a prak with dangerous dangerous rides, but not melfunctions...more like evil rides...hard to explain..you'd have to read it).....anywho the second book is titled "Why I Hate Metal" (about a boy who hates anything metal, kind of a hypercondriac....hope I spelled that right


If your spelling and grammar is anything like this paragraph, I can't even imagine trying to make it through two full stories.

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If your spelling and grammar is anything like this paragraph, I can't even imagine trying to make it through two full stories.


You know, there is nothing I dislike more than a smart a.... For one, I was at work when I typed that. I had to open a door for a Professor, so I ended up rushing to finish my post. Do not act like you've never misspelled a few words here and there. No one is perfect, or did your parents teach you otherwise? As far as Hypochondriac goes, I had a brain fart at that precise moment and didn't have the time to make sure it was correct. Who died and made you an English 100 Professor, please Oh wait, if it would make you feel better, you can spell check this. With that said, have a wonderful morning, afternoon, evening, night..."Like, Whatever OMG."

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