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TerraMítica07::INFERNO(BallCoaster), GyroTower & 2 New S

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This is the list of New Adds for Terra Mítica and for the rest of Spain in 2007!

I love it


Terra Mítica


·Ball Coaster[intamin]. Located in Rome.

· [intamin Gyro Tower] located in Egypt. 100/120 metres height.

· New 'Big' Show on the Circus Máximus.

· New Show(Extra money) on Barbarroja's Theatre.

· New Trains for Magnus Colossus[intamin(¿?)]

· A Bigger and better Terror' Piramyd (Egyptian Walk Throught).

· A New Water Games Zone between Akuatiti(Kiddie Flumes) and The Laberynth of the Minotaur.

·New Character.[Animal]'The Frog'.(It hasn't got name, maybe it'll be a Greek Frog )

· Shows Renovation(¿?)

· Pandora's Theatre(Kid's Cinema) converted on a Theatre for perfomance or a cinema atracction.(¿?)



Parque Warner


· Water Dark Ride/Spash Battle(¿?)

· Cartoon Tour(¿?)

· New Film at Batman's Simulator(¿?)

· 3D Theatre to be a simple Theatre for performances(¿?)

· A Bigger space for the Bumping Cars(¿?)

· New Stunt Show: 'Arma Letal II' (Lethal Weapon 2)



· New Coaster Wing Walker[intamin] . "Furious Baco"(135 km/h)

· New Trains for Stampida[Kumbak(¿?)]

· Start working on the Far West 4**** Hotel, Convention Centre, Boulevard & Golf.


Isla Mágica


·New! Vekoma Mine Train

·Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Park.

·New Interactive Dark Ride[Mack Rides & Heimo]. Capitán Balas(Pirates Theming)

· New Film on Dimension4(4D Cinema)

· New Film on Cinemoción(Simulator)

·New Multimedia Night Show

· Shows Renovation(¿?)

· New Roof for the "Fuerte" zone for a future(2008) winter openning.



Tibidabo (Barcelone).


· New Terrain Coaster[Vekoma]


The things with "(¿?)" aren't confirmated.


4 New Coasters*.

2 New Dark Rides.

3 New Big Shows and a lot of animations, characters and new little shows.

5 New Films

New Trains for 2 Wooden Coasters(Magnus Colossus[RCCA]&Stampida[GCI])


Good year to do a TPR Trip!

See you! and...


...sorry again for my English

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New Coaster! New Coaster! New Coaster! New Coaster! New Coaster!



Isla Mágica has confirmed a New Coaster for 2007(appart from the Dark Ride and the 10th Anniversary Celebration).

It'll be a Mine Train from Vekoma, maybe simillar to Colorado Adventure in Phantasialand(Brühl, Colonia, Germany).

The park announced it in June/July, but they didn't confirmed it, we thought it'll be changed and the new add will be the Dark Ride, but the new adds will be the Dark Ride(Mack & Heimo) and the Mine Train(Vekoma)!!!

Isla Mágica is the smallest park in Spain and it needs some fresh air.

I love it


Intamin BallCoaster, Intamin Wing Walker, Vekoma Mine Train and Vekoma Corsckrew(Without inversions lol).


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The latest news about the BallCoaster were the 5th November, and we saw that the terrain was plain, and the workers said that in a few days they'll start with the supports.

The park opens 24th March, maybe it'll be opened in April or May.

The Isla Mágica(Seville) Dark Ride will open in February for the EAS, and in April for the 'Normal people'.


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Not in February. The park is closed in February, but the EAS will be in Seville, and the park will open the SLC, a Dark, and maybe two rides more for X people(Are you going to Seville for the EAS?).

The Mine Train maybe will open for the Summer Season or later...

If you're going for the EAS, every theme parks in Spain are closed in February, they open 23th/24th March(PortAventura, Terra Mítica & Parque Warner) and 2nd April(Isla Mágica).

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I'm fly out of Madrid to Peru on the 5th of April and I have 5 days before then for visiting places in Spain flying between the cities. I have been to both parks in Madird a couple of times as well as Port aventura. I was hoping to visit Terra Mitica and Isla Magica in those 5 days but I'm not sure if the parks will be open on week days? Secondly realistically i'm not going to visit these parks again for quite a while so i would rather visit them when the new rides are open.


I guess its unlikely that Terra Mitica will have the ball coaster open that early in the season, do you know if the SLC will have been moved by then and the new trains will be on the wooden coaster?

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Probabbly you will not ride the BallCoaster, but it's a very little thing, maybe in March it'll be open.

The calendar of the parks... Isla Mágica opens the Saturday(1st or 2nd April) and Terra Mítica opens a week before(24th March).

This year Terra Mítica opened Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday in March/April, maybe next year too.

Yo can send an email to callcenter@terramiticapark.com asking for the calendar of the park, but I think the park will be opened 31th March, 1st, 2nd & 3rd April

About Isla Mágica. It only opens on weekends. You could go to Terra Mítica on Thursday & Friday(Not so many people visits the park in March and the first days of April, the big visits start in Easter) and to Isla Mágica on Saturday or Sunday. From Benidorm to Seville is about 650 km

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I took a very nice shot of the trains:


Kumbak... Anyone knows nothing, but ScreamScape announced it.

I think it's a fake because Kumbak only has made DVH(Efteling) and... they haven't finished it...

I can't believe PortAventura is going to trust in Kumbak...


Ah! Hurakan Condor(PortAventura's Intamin Multi Drop FreeFall) is Out of Service. It only is 17th Months old and here you have the accident...


(Thanks to villaverd for the shots)


Nobody was riding that moment... The cables were not very so good...

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And Why didn't they finish DVH?

I thought it was its first ride and the company dissappeared...

It is their first and only complete ride. They didn't finish it because they had some trouble with the lifthill and since they couldn't fix it in time the Efteling fired them and asked Intamin to solve the problem.

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What the HECK was wrong with the PTC's? Are they MORONS?!


Stampida looks to be going from a cool coaster to a pile-o-junk. Those trains look horrible. Intamins would still be bad because it doesnt have enough ejector air (if any) to justify a bar that locks down so tight too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Terra Mítica rides now are Confirmed!

A 100 metres' Gyro Tower and a BallCoaster.

Here the New:


Terra Mítica invierte seis millones en dos nuevas atracciones tras sanear sus cuentas por completo


El parque temático comprará la mayor «ball coaster» del mundo y una torre panorámica de 100 metros de altura


A partir de enero, los gestores comienzan a ejecutar sin más dilación las medidas establecidas por el plan de negocio 2005-2012, que básicamente recomienda dirigir la nave con mucha mesura: ajuste «estricto» del gasto, presupuestos realistas e ingresos muy ajustados.

En cuanto al gasto, Terra Mítica no quiere darse muchas alegrías en el año de su «renaissance», pero los directivos asumen que para captar visitas y fidelizar clientes deben presentar novedades.

Para este capítulo, la empresa ha reservado seis millones de euros para adquirir dos nuevas atracciones. El parque ya ha encargado a la empresa Intamin, una de las principales fabricantes mundiales de atracciones, domiciliada en Liechtenstein y proveedor habitual de Terra Mítica o Port Aventura, la denominada «Ball coaster» (especie de circunferencia gigante que aloja en su interior al público) y una torre panorámica (Gyro Tower, en el catálogo de Intamin) de 100 metros de altura para que los visitantes disfruten de las mejores vista de Alicante. La «Ball coaster», que se ubicará en el área de Egipto, pretende ser la mayor del mundo dentro de un parque temático.

En este plan de ajuste, el número de visitantes se quiere ceñir a la realidad, con lo que probablemente no pasará de 1,1 millón en 2007, suficiente, aseguran las fuentes, para mantener la plantilla de mil trabajadores y procurar que los ingresos de explotación (30 millones) crezcan a base de aumentar el gasto en instalaciones, principalmente en bares y restaurantes.


The new says that the park has contacted to Intamin, and they've done a Viability Plan for the park from 2005 to 2012. In 2006 they're going to spent 6,000,000€ for the rides and some new shows. They think in 2007 the park will have 1,1 milion of visitants, more or less the same in 2006(1,09 milion) and 2005(1'05 milion).

And it seems the park is going to do some spots saying "BallCoaster: The biggest in a theme park"... well... it will be the same as Kirnu in Linmmanaki, but this is a amusement park, not a theme park, good tactic


See you!

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Another little new about Terra Mítica.

The New Characters are too confirmed! The Frog(Name not confirmed), Mitic(Hipopotamus) and Babá(Camel).

The first picture with the three characters toghether:



It's a little new, but it's nice to know something about the park when it's closed




PD: There aren't news about the new trains for Magnus Colossus, but it seems the BallCoaster will open the park opening date(24th March 2007)

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Terra Mítica


·Ball Coaster[intamin]. Located in Rome.

· [intamin Gyro Tower] located in Egypt. 100/120 metres height.

· New 'Big' Show on the Circus Máximus.

· New Show(Extra money) on Barbarroja's Theatre.

· New Trains for Magnus Colossus[intamin(¿?)]

· A Bigger and better Terror' Piramyd (Egyptian Walk Throught).

· A New Water Games Zone between Akuatiti(Kiddie Flumes) and The Laberynth of the Minotaur.

· New Character.[Animal]'The Frog'.(It hasn't got name, maybe it'll be a Greek Frog )

· Shows Renovation(¿?)

· Pandora's Theatre(Kid's Cinema) converted on a Theatre for perfomance or a cinema atracction.(¿?)


I really don't understant Terra Mitica's management. This is the first time they've had this amount of money to spend in years and they spend it in about the worst way imaginable.


Why are they buying a brand new Gyro Tower when they already have Flight of the Pheonix? The towers will look almost exactly the same, they will provide a very simular ride and it will surely leave FOTP with no queue. The fact that it spins on the way up really isn't enough to put the two rides apart.


Secondly, I have an issue with the Intamin Ball Coaster. Terra Mitica needs good coasters and they've got money to spend. So it seems logical that they should get themselves a coaster that will put them on the map. An Intamin ball coaster is not the answer. Yes it may be new technology but it's low capacity, it's appearance is hardly that impressive with and it doesn't even look that exiting (think a screaming squirrel with the car hanging off the side).


I must say that I am glad that they will be getting new trains for Magnus Colossus because it really is a rough ride and it wouldn't be that bad if it was smoother. However no matter how good Intamin trains are, they still havn't stopped Coaster Express from being rough.


I think that this park is awesomme and I want it to do well but they seem to be throwing their money away this year

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