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What Was The Last Coaster You Rode?

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It's been well over six months since I last went on a coaster (partly because I'm so busy and no longer have a car), but at least the last coaster I rode was a good one


I paid homage to the Schwarzkopf gods and got my Olympia Looping credit!


Although a difficult credit to get (especially for those of us in the USA), it was quite a solid ride

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^ Flashback is no rougher than other boomerangs for me and I usually can get a good ride on Goliath as long as I am not in the rows 3-5.


Oh, crap

I sat in row 3

I used the single rider line to skip the wait, but was placed on the far outside right in row 3


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New Texas Giant in the second to back row after almost witnessing a fight.


Oh, crap

I sat in row 3

I used the single rider line to skip the wait, but was placed on the far outside right in row 3



Goliath's single rider line would be a useful game of Russian Roulette if the merge point wasn't so far along in the queue. By the time you reach it, it's honestly faster most of the time to just wait with the regular queue. Unfortunately even if you wait in the regular queue, they aren't always amicable to seating requests.

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The last coaster I rode was 'Saw:The Ride', at Thorpe Park. It was my first Euro-fighter, and my first Gerstlauer coaster (I have been on their Sky Fly). It was honestly the most forceful coaster in the entire park, the inclined drop is absolutely amazing!


Just saying, I got this photo off of the internet....

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Still Millennium Force, 2nd to last row, bay side, on June 5th.


and it's most likely going to stay that way until next summer. . when we're going to plan to go to Dollywood! (yep, I convinced my Spouse to go).




tho, we are considering Six Flags passes, now that Fiesta Tx has announced Wonder Woman.. so if we do that, we'll buy during Holiday in the Park, and might get a new coaster in this current year

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