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Silver Dollar City (SDC) Discussion Thread

p. 275: New resort announced as part of a $500 million development plan!

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Hmmm, at least one CTPR person is on this train, can anyone spy him? Yes, it's a him, TPR has like 3 girls in its membership.


I think I see them.


I have to agree and say that Outlaw Run is now my favorite woodie as well! The layout was superb and the double barrel rolls provided the best hangtime I've ever experienced on a coaster.


Excellent report Chad!

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All the videos, the photos, the descriptions: wow. I have GOT to get back to this park soon. What else can you say, but congratulations to SDC and RMC for what looks like an absolutely perfect attraction, from top to bottom. The Outlaw Run logo, cut out of steel? I'm design-geeking hard over that. And all the theming, so nice.

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That looks just about perfect. Beautiful queue and station house, too!


It's also nice to see the trains aren't (or don't appear to be) El Toro restrictive to big boys like myself.


We witnessed a person of junior ACE size ride on Wednesday so there shouldn't be any worries if you come in under 300.

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Finally looked through the photos of this monster...looking at it alone already got my adrenaline going! One of these days, I'll have to make it a point to get over there, be it a trip with friends/TPR members or a TPR trip. The most bizarre-feeling/looking thing to me is that sideways airtime hump. Having airtime and lats simultaneously while sitting upride is bizarre enough...so I'm now interested to see how it feels being rotated 90 degrees.

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Is RMC the only company that has the technology to make a coaster like Outlaw Run?

Well Gravity Group is re-making Hades 360. Thats still wood, And i remember an interview from IAPPA with GCI, where they said the Millennium Flyer trains are and have been capable to handle an inversion

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Just got off the phone with my Dad, who asked, "You going to Branson to ride that big, new rolly coaster?" Yes, Outlaw Run's fame has spread to Elk Grove, California.

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Just got off the phone with my Dad, who asked, "You going to Branson to ride that big, new rolly coaster?" Yes, Outlaw Run's fame has spread to Elk Grove, California.

Thats funny! It is indeed an awesome looking coaster! Would love to experience it someday

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I went on Opening Day and the next day, and the coaster is indeed amazing.


I would post my pictures, but they would pale in comparison to Robb's. It would be like me and my middle-aged white man body bragging about my junk while showering with the Dallas Mavericks.


But yeah, Outlaw Run packs a whallop in a smallish package (no pun intended ).





.....and oh yeah, and lets hear it for Silver Dollar City, and Outlaw Run & its SINGLE RIDER LINE!!!!!

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There's a single rider line at Outlaw Run?


I was there opening day and didn't see one, in fact, in the row next to me there was a group of three, and a single rider asked if he could join up with the odd man out.

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At the park now and its a neat experience with snow all over, the area got about 2-4 inches last night. Most rides aren't open nor will they till the temperature rises above 37. But it makes for great photo ops. I'll attempt to upload some later tonight.

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