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Silver Dollar City (SDC) Discussion Thread

p. 275: New resort announced as part of a $500 million development plan!

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^^You call that a gripe? I know coaster enthusiasts, and you sir are no coaster enthusiast! We all knew in advance it wouldn't have a launch.


^^^Allow me to placate you. I think the trees look like crap with no leaves on them! Not having ridden it, this ride sucks a$$ as far as I'm concerned until all the foliage has grown in around it. Shame on you SDC for not glueing leaves on the trees so we don't get the full Outlaw Run experience this early in the season. Once again, you have failed the coaster community on an epic level. I weep this day for our children.

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^^You call that a gripe? I know coaster enthusiasts, and you sir are no coaster enthusiast! We all knew in advance it wouldn't have a launch.


All I had at the moment.

In all seriousness though.......looks amazing! Can't wait to see the full update.

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^I was kind of hoping it would have a launch. It sucks cause it doesn't have a launch. Now thread is complete.
I dont know, that chain lift was pretty fast..pretty much a launch as far as woodie chain lifts go..


I have to wait until 2014 to ride it.

How's that? : P

Thats pretty much my only gripe, that I'm 2,000 miles away.

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That was some of the dirtiest, filthiest coaster porn I have ever seen. I need a cold shower now...


AMAZING footage of a coaster that I'm absolutely sure will get into the top ten on the Mitch Hawker poll later this year, I mean, just LOOK at Robb being thrust into the restraint so forcefully due to the airtime! Insane, absolutely insane. Kudos to RMC and SDC for making this masterpiece come into being!

Thats pretty much my only gripe, that I'm 2,000 miles away.

Same here, but it's definitely a coaster I want to hit up in the coming years. I hope that (even with the combination of RMC trains and Topper Track) it holds up well and doesn't get too rough in the future, as it does look very intense.

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As much as I've been watching the construction all last year, it really feels like this video shows off more than I've seen even in person. A ride isn't a ride until there are people on it.


SDC is very much intertwined in the culture and economy of the Ozarks, and whatever they do feels like something the community has accomplished. This ride is a real achievement, and I find it amazing that so many of you are so excited for something us backwoods country folk have put together. We're overlooked by so many so much of the time it is genuinely surprising when people from far away stop to pay attention to us. I hope y'all like it; I'll be there this weekend myself.

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As much as I've been watching the construction all last year, it really feels like this video shows off more than I've seen even in person. A ride isn't a ride until there are people on it.


SDC is very much intertwined in the culture and economy of the Ozarks, and whatever they do feels like something the community has accomplished. This ride is a real achievement, and I find it amazing that so many of you are so excited for something us backwoods country folk have put together. We're overlooked by so many so much of the time it is genuinely surprising when people from far away stop to pay attention to us. I hope y'all like it; I'll be there this weekend myself.



Wow that's a really cool thing to hear


The cold irony...the opening DID end up lining up with my time off after all. Though with a general "march" date no way I could've risked it, and had to plan my vaca days a few weeks ago. Damn. Ah well, 2014 a road trip is on order! It may just end at SDC me thinks!


For what it's worth, 2 members at CF have ranked Outlaw Run 2/723 above El Toro and 6/266 above Voyage

Ho-ly crap

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