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Silver Dollar City (SDC) Discussion Thread

p. 275: New resort announced as part of a $500 million development plan!

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Actually the entrance to the Great Barn area will be next to Aunt Polly's Restaurant in Tom Sawyer landing and will run on the opposite side of the train tracks from FITH -- basically between the tracks and Lost River. You can see where the entrance will be in photo 1 of my latest update on MiG.

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This will be a great addition. I loved Kennywoods and Cedar Points and I know that if they run both sides efficiently, then the wait shouldn't be that long. Also, that covered part of the queve looks like it will be a great footchopper for both sides of the ride.

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^^Hmmm, I can't tell from the pictures, but SDC's looks like it will probably be at least taller than that, at least from what the artwork shows. How many people does the KW version hold? It looks like 32, which is what the Giant Swing will hold.


^Awesome, looks fantastic. I can't wait to see what the great barn actually looks like, I'm betting it may have some resemblance to the Mystery mine, in some way.

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^Yeah, I figured that much, but I was thinking back to the way that so many buildings in DW and SDC look so much alike in certain aspects when they are completely different. It's hard for me to explain without going into scrutinizing little details that you really have to look to see, but especially things like roofs and windows seem to be copied in form throughout many of the buildings built by the Hershends. Eh, it was just a thought, I really don't care that much and it doesn't matter, but I am curious to see what this looks like due to the way the concept art made it look so huge and amazing.

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Well you can expect the barn to be right next to the railroad, or on the hill opposite from FITH. I would imagine that the Hegee towers will be to the left of the barn when facing it as there is not much room to the right between the barn and the building for Lost River.

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The title the ride has, "Giant Swing" reminds me of this rumored ride I heard about a long time ago, by S&S, called the Pendulum of Doom. It entailed a small enclosed capsule hung on a 300-foot arm that swung back and forth at tremendous speed, going up to 140 degrees or some crazy angle...


Anyways, glad to see they're finally attempting to theme one of these. Unthemed they can look just plain awful (the one I saw in a Seattle fun center looked like a transportable ground-breaking machine in the mall across the street).

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Ah, here it is, I got this from a Branson community forum, they were talking about a letter that someone received from SDC and in it, there was a survey over the three rides that could be coming to SDC. (I didn't include the info on the Giant Swing).


Timber Tower:


Brave sky-high thrills when you confront the incredible Timber Tower. Crossing an old wooden bridge that spans a pond jam-packed with logs, you rise to the top of the majestic old pine for a stunning treetop view of the park. Then hold on tight as your scenic view is about to come to a crashing halt. With a mighty CRACK and a cry of “tim-berrrr!” the tree suddenly topples over, sending you on a white-knuckle plunge toward the surface of the pond, where jets of water sprinkle you! But the mighty tree isn’t done for yet…with a powerful heave, it rights itself, only to fall several more times in different directions, but always stopping just short of impact.


The Amazing Pendulum Swing:


Silver Dollar City’s new Grand Exposition has just gotten bigger. Standing behind the Red Gold Exposition Hall is the Exposition’s newest ride, one of the most exciting rides ever built at Silver Dollar City, The Amazing Pendulum Swing. This new ride is the featured attraction at the Grand Exposition of 1882, standing nearly 75 feet tall, with a giant pendulum arm that swings riders back in forth while rotating over 110 degrees. This unique attraction is not for the faint-of-heart as it reaches speeds of nearly 60 miles per hour as it swings back and forth, high above the grounds of Silver Dollar City’s new Grand Exposition. The ride soars out over cascading water and shooting fountains that spray bursts of water onto some of the riders, adding yet another element of thrill and suspense to the attraction.


Yeah, the pendulum ride that SDC would have gotten was shorter than what Calvin described, but who knows...

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The problem with a ride like that in that location would be that it would be impossible to construct a berm so that you could not see out of the park. SDC had enough trouble with Grand Expo. They had to build a large wall on the north end of the expansion to keep park patrons from being able to see Rt 76 from inside the park.

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^No, SFStL has not officially announced their coaster yet.


The only "new" thing that I can say anything about is the fact that White Water has launched a new website for Kalani Towers.


It is not sounding very promising for any new flat at WoF this season though.

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