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Silver Dollar City (SDC) Discussion Thread

p. 275: New resort announced as part of a $500 million development plan!

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I'd like to call it an Over-banked Dive or a Half Roll Dive or Inline Cutback... because like a zero G/roll all the twisting is taking place in-line however its not fully inverted and it un twists itself back in the direction of the original turn leading into the element..


This ride isn't Stengel's (though influenced) which is why I wouldn't call it a a stengel dive of any sort especially the way this twists in-line.


I Suggest "Overbanked Dive" or a "Half-Roll Dive" ..but if you want to be very specific you could call it a "Reverse Overbanked Dive" or a "Reverse Hall-Roll Dive" because the overbank is in the reverse direction of the overall turn.


Overall, I vote for "Reverse Overbanked Dive" (Overbanked Dive for short if direction of the bank doesn't matter) because its not completely 180 to the ground to call it half a zero g roll.


Nerdiest post of 2012.

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There is only one name for this new element: Sharktopus.


This must happen.




I retract my previous suggestion of the name "Frank" in favor of this one.

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Not to bring this up again, but - I thought that using the "Topper" style track (as opposed to the "Iron Horse" track) still classified it as a wooden coaster, since the rails are made from wood with a steel plate thingie on top.

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Howdy ya'll it's Captain Chadster back with an epic update on the -------- project at Silver Dollar City!


I try to do and eat something new each time I visit SDC and today was no exception. Using my season pass discount I took advantage of the Kidsfest pizza buffet that included some OMG Amazing hand-breaded chicken tenders. Seriously, if you see a food outlet selling these, get them. For 10.92 all you can eat it's certainly a great deal.


Secondly I took advantage of some coolness and went indoors to catch a showing of Luma, a completely in the dark production that features light to tell a story. For those of you who may remember the epic night coaster ride at Knoebels on last years Road to Cedar Point Trip, that is basically what this show looked like. Quick synopsis, lights act as light bugs and during a big storm one gets lost and flushed down the river to SDC's Cave where a new friend helps find the bugs way back above ground. The show, while slightly cheesy, was a fun cheesy and lasted 30 minutes.


Ok, enough of that, on with the photos! But wait, there's more photos, Click Here To See My Full Album


Thought I'd swing on in to Silver Dollar City...


...to see if the information found here is true.


So let's strap in and peek over the trees




To see what new information we can squeeze out


Ok, enough monkey business


Let's get on the train and go!! Choo Choo!


Checking in on the concession stands we see work is coming along quite nicely


I wonder what these sticks are gonna be used for?


Whoa, what is this, a second movie screen, a double feature, what what?


Oh my.




Are these guy's sauced up cause this is freaking hair standing on the back of the neck amazing!


Ralphie they down there buildin' sometin and swinging their sticks!


So it goes up sort of turns back over, then cuts down in a rage of intensity to the left!


So lets follow it while we ride the Frisco Line.


uh huh




About here you're gonna be planted firmly in your seat.


How firmly you ask?


I'd say by looking and the dip and sharper left that you'll be planted so firmly your seat will have seat marks left on it.


Now off it goes...


To race full speed ahead over the river and through the woods to grandma's house.


How about one more look at the latest turn added before we barrel through the tunnel.


Out of tunnel we see the movie screen standing tall and proud. I have to say, the more I look at the more it looks like the edge of the screen drops straight off, like 85 plus degrees straight off, but who really knows besides RMC and SDC?


All of these land mines just waiting to be set off.


The projector's power box is now set and the railings are going on to get to the top of the screen safely if need be.


More work has been done on the ticketing booth.


Looking good.


Yuuup, looking real good.


More clues perhaps?


Land mines are everywhere!!!!


These are after hoping back over the lift and heading out a bit.


So there it is, in all it's glory. Looks like RMC has a real winner on it's hands! If you want to learn more about the project, sign up at www.silverdollarcity2013.com for hints and updates leading to the August 9th reveal!


Did not know!


Until next time, enjoy!!

Edited by chadster
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Hmm... When I stitch the images we have so far of this coaster in my head I imagine it being quite spread out. But as far as the "you won't believe what comes next" thing, I didn't notice anything that stood out. Maybe I missed something that was fairly subtle, which I'm prone to, but it just looked like it turned some more after the OMFG Sharktopus Oyster element.

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After the turn it looks like it heads back toward the drop...though with this twisted track so far it would be hard to tell what's next. But, Chadster, you say at some point the ride will hop over the lift?

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