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Silver Dollar City (SDC) Discussion Thread

p. 275: New resort announced as part of a $500 million development plan!

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I'm not entirely sure what it's going to bet yet, but doesn't this..................




look like the top of a zero-g roll?


That was the first thing I thought of too. I'm always wrong, so it's probably just for some random curve.

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It does look like he top of a zero g, but like Mark said, it could just as easily be any other curve on the tide and I have a feeling there will be a ton of curves on this baby.


Does anyone know of they are storing most of the track on site or if it's just the next few pieces to go in?

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Ha, I never thought about those track pieces being a tease, but they certainly have been sitting out in an oddly noticeable place for awhile now.


^They've been hinting about it for ages, just not to the "enthusiast" community. If you ride the train, they talk about it a lot and they actually make a connection to Wildfire, saying that one of Doc's experiments blew all the trees down and they just decided to go ahead and make something out of it.


Anyone going this weekend? By now either the track or the rest of the bents are in place and the question of whether it is going to do a roll can be answered.

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^Took the train three times this weekend, no reference to that effect, the only thing they were saying is they were calling it 'Incomplete' and to go to www.silverdollarcity2013.com for more details. I imagine it has a lot to do with who is the conductor at the time as they rotate their personnel around daily on the train ride as far as who plays what character and who is the conductor. And you can tell too with the acting, a few of the noobs still need to fine tune their skills


Still working on getting some video rendered, work has slowed that down. Damn work.

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^^Yes, the different conductors all had different things to say it seemed like. Plus, this was before they had the 2013 site up, but they were at least mentioning it before when everyone on here was wondering why the park was being so quite about it.


^Can you post some screens? I can let you know how accurate it is as far as the route goes, since I've actually seen the layout of the footers.

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^^Yes, the different conductors all had different things to say it seemed like. Plus, this was before they had the 2013 site up, but they were at least mentioning it before when everyone on here was wondering why the park was being so quite about it.


Well, all I can say is they were not saying anything about it on my train rides up until my ride this past weekend other than "yes folks, we are building something and I'm not authorized to tell you what it is" And this past weekend they were back to pretty much the same thing other than keep an eye on the website and we are calling it incomplete. You got lucky with a good conductor I suppose.

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Roll, no roll, overbank, underbank, I couldn't care less. All I know is, after seeing these sneak peeks of this drool-worthy new coaster.....errr, I mean, large Dippin' Dots stand with incredible coaster theming....., what comes to my mind is:


Must. Start. Planning. 2013 Trip. To. Missouri & SDC. NOW!!!


Seriously, this coaster looks incredible thus far, and vaults SDC right near the top of my list of parks I need to get to sooner rather than later!

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Ha, I never thought about those track pieces being a tease, but they certainly have been sitting out in an oddly noticeable place for awhile now.


^They've been hinting about it for ages, just not to the "enthusiast" community. If you ride the train, they talk about it a lot and they actually make a connection to Wildfire, saying that one of Doc's experiments blew all the trees down and they just decided to go ahead and make something out of it.


Anyone going this weekend? By now either the track or the rest of the bents are in place and the question of whether it is going to do a roll can be answered.


That's kinda funny... I've yet to hear anybody who's visited the park in the past few months mention anything being said on the trains about the new Movie Theater... Same with any other staff in the park for that matter.

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Meh, maybe I just got lucky. I'm still trying to gauge how much they actually care about the keeping people in suspense about the ride.


Anyway big news: The roll is now tracked. It is indeed an inversion. Midwestinfoguide.com will have photos tomorrow apparently.


Now I have to ask, what are the chances of there being more? Why just have one inversion on a big coaster? Anyone think there might be a vertical loop as well?

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Not even in the slightest bit surprised given the footer placement and Rocky Mountain's effort for pushing the envelope. Kudos to them, looks like another winner here. Also, I noticed some discussion over the possibility of no airtime hills on the ride; did we already forget about the drop?

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Not even in the slightest bit surprised given the footer placement and Rocky Mountain's effort for pushing the envelope. Kudos to them, looks like another winner here. Also, I noticed some discussion over the possibility of no airtime hills on the ride; did we already forget about the drop?

After the success of NTAG I would expect them to put in tons of airtime hills. We can't know for sure, we've already been surprised with this and they're just getting started with it, but I expect there to be a lot of airtime.

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It's official, the first inverting wooden coaster in the world since the SBNO Son of Beast will be this coaster! I can't wait to see what other surprises this coaster brings to the coaster world!


(Wait...it's a hybrid...so it's technically not a full wooden coaster.)

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So it is an inversion! Can't wait to see how this coaster turns out. I think we have a winner here, unlike SoB. Eh, you still never know, though. Even if it goes down the SoB path (Which I doubt it would), at least it won't be as much of a giant eye sore. The visuals of it are stunning in itself.

Edited by CpBluestreakCp
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I'm rendering some video of the train ride I took, actually since I took the train three times you get to take the train too Render says 3:40 left to go, yikes, I need to quit filming in 1080p! (Or get a better computer)


Anyway looks like I got one of the conductors on my last ride telling the wildfire story similar to what shavethewhales heard. In 12 rides (I went through my video of 6 of them) that was a first, refreshing change too from their earlier, "yeah, we are building something, but that's all I can say" routine the first three months of operation. Of course, I guess it's kinda hard to hide it now


For preview purposes and to get your mouths salivating I have a nice shot of the track swooping down off the drop

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Wait so now we're in agreement that this is a wooden coaster? What happened to all the debating when NTAG happened? All joking aside, I can't wait to see what happens with this ride. The fact that no one truly knows the whole layout is awesome! I hope there are plenty more surprises where this roll came from.

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