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Silver Dollar City (SDC) Discussion Thread

p. 275: New resort announced as part of a $500 million development plan!

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The first two weeks of the season are spring break for area schools. It's very busy then. After that, attendance drops until around Memorial Day. World Fest, which starts after Easter and goes until mid-May, is a great time to visit. Short lines for everything except the shows, which are generally very good.

Thanks! I might have to buy one of those Trailblazer Pass. I wonder will it do any good. Oh well. I'm still deciding on my theme park trip for March. I'll have my mind made up soon.

They do great, but don't last long if you only get the six use version. The unlimited one is well worth your money, but still I belive its only good for one outlaw run ride.

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They do great, but don't last long if you only get the six use version. The unlimited one is well worth your money, but still I belive its only good for one outlaw run ride.


When I visited in late August of last year, it was good for unlimited rides on Outlaw Run. The website didn't mention it, but I asked when I got to the park and made the purchase.

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The first two weeks of the season are spring break for area schools. It's very busy then. After that, attendance drops until around Memorial Day. World Fest, which starts after Easter and goes until mid-May, is a great time to visit. Short lines for everything except the shows, which are generally very good.

Thanks! I might have to buy one of those Trailblazer Pass. I wonder will it do any good. Oh well. I'm still deciding on my theme park trip for March. I'll have my mind made up soon.

They do great, but don't last long if you only get the six use version. The unlimited one is well worth your money, but still I belive its only good for one outlaw run ride.

Only in 2013. Last year the regular Trailblazer was still limited to one OR ride, but the plus was unlimited on all eight rides that are included in the system. Of course, SDC hasn't posted the rules for this year yet, so it's all speculation at this point.

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Winter seems to have arrived late and seems to be making up for it's Dec and Jan absence. This will affect the crowd level at SDC. Mid March can be cold and snowy in the Ozarks. Outlaw Run's first year had some snow days.


We'll see what happens. The weather has been so up and down this year, and any forecast more than 24 hours in advance can't be trusted. Could be 20 degrees and snowing, could be sunny and 70. I wouldn't make any set plans for spring break until we know for sure if spring has arrived or not. Regardless though, I'm coming for opening day.

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I emailed the park about unlimited rides on outlaw run and they said no pass allows that yet. I guess that end the debate...
interesting. When we bought our unlimited Trailblazer Pass last season I emailed the park before we bought the passes because the website said the passes were only good for one ride on Outlaw Run. They park said that the pass was good for unlimited rides on Outlaw Run the website had just not been updated yet, and was still saying limited to one ride on Outlaw Run because that's how it was the year Outlaw Run opened. We bought our passes and we had unlimited rides on Outlaw Run the entire day. It's werid if they have changed that.
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I am going on the 14th. I am on a mission. I have to ride 5 coasters before I ride Fury 325, which will be my 200th. SDC has the 5 that I want to ride.


Not sure what I am more excited for. The food or Wildfire.

Food. Then Outlaw Run. Then Wildfire!
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I'm going to Branson for the first time the week of March 11th - 15th and I will be going to Silver Dollar City on the 14th.


I know I'll have to ride Outlaw Run, but what are some of the other can't miss things to do while there?

While at Silver Dollar City be sure to ride Powder Keg and Wildfire.


Powder Keg is a really fun launched roller coaster. We personally think it is the best in the front row, and you get some nice airtime over the first hill in the front row. The back row will give you more airtime (obviously) over the first hill and the last drop, but it will be a little more rough in the transition into the brakes at the bottom of the lift hill.


Wildfire has beautiful views on the left going up the lift hill, so try to sit front row left side for your first ride, and the view at the top of the lift hill, after it goes around the turn just before the drop are beautiful. Also try to get a second ride in on Wildfire but sit in the back row on the right side. You'll get some really nice air on the first drop.


Thunderation is a pretty fun mine train coaster. Definitely worth riding while you're at the park. Ride towards the back of the train for the best experience.


Fire In The Hole is by no means a high thrill ride. But it is worth riding. We ride it every time we go to the park. It's a nice way to get off your feet, relax, and it has some fun drops.


Outlaw Run is amazing. Obviously. We have ridden it hundreds of times and we both think it's a front seat ride. Don't do second row. Wait the extra 5-10 minutes for the first row. It is worth it.


Giant Barn Swing is a really fun, relaxing yet still thrilling ride. Definitely worth riding.


Also, be sure to do the skillet food. It is absolutely amazing. There is also a nice little eatery near Thunderation that has an amazing smoked sausage on a bun (similar to a hot dog) that is to die for. We usually have skillet food early in the day and the the smoked sausage meal in the afternoon and its pleanty of food for us.


-- Not sure what your budget, or your schedule looks like. But if you have the time I would definitely make a visit to the Titanic museum. It is something we really enjoy.


Hope this helps a little, and hope you enjoy your visit!

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I'm going to Branson for the first time the week of March 11th - 15th and I will be going to Silver Dollar City on the 14th.


I know I'll have to ride Outlaw Run, but what are some of the other can't miss things to do while there?

While at Silver Dollar City be sure to ride Powder Keg and Wildfire.


Powder Keg is a really fun launched roller coaster. We personally think it is the best in the front row, and you get some nice airtime over the first hill in the front row. The back row will give you more airtime (obviously) over the first hill and the last drop, but it will be a little more rough in the transition into the brakes at the bottom of the lift hill.


Wildfire has beautiful views on the left going up the lift hill, so try to sit front row left side for your first ride, and the view at the top of the lift hill, after it goes around the turn just before the drop are beautiful. Also try to get a second ride in on Wildfire but sit in the back row on the right side. You'll get some really nice air on the first drop.


Thunderation is a pretty fun mine train coaster. Definitely worth riding while you're at the park. Ride towards the back of the train for the best experience.


Fire In The Hole is by no means a high thrill ride. But it is worth riding. We ride it every time we go to the park. It's a nice way to get off your feet, relax, and it has some fun drops.


Outlaw Run is amazing. Obviously. We have ridden it hundreds of times and we both think it's a front seat ride. Don't do second row. Wait the extra 5-10 minutes for the first row. It is worth it.


Giant Barn Swing is a really fun, relaxing yet still thrilling ride. Definitely worth riding.


Also, be sure to do the skillet food. It is absolutely amazing. There is also a nice little eatery near Thunderation that has an amazing smoked sausage on a bun (similar to a hot dog) that is to die for. We usually have skillet food early in the day and the the smoked sausage meal in the afternoon and its pleanty of food for us.


-- Not sure what your budget, or your schedule looks like. But if you have the time I would definitely make a visit to the Titanic museum. It is something we really enjoy.


Hope this helps a little, and hope you enjoy your visit!


Thanks for the info! I read on here and on the park's website about the Trailblazer pass. Should I invest in one for the day since we're going on opening day (3/14)? And yeah, we're planning on going to the Titanic museum as well as attending Dixie Stampede one night!

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Thanks for the info! I read on here and on the park's website about the Trailblazer pass. Should I invest in one for the day since we're going on opening day (3/14)? And yeah, we're planning on going to the Titanic museum as well as attending Dixie Stampede one night!
I think the Trailblazer pass is all personal preference. We have never gone to the park on opening day just because of the fear of it being ridiculously busy. Some people will tell you not to get Trailblazer pass, and some will. Again, it's just personal preference. We don't like waiting in lines so we usually do get it when we go to the park. However, on the busiest day we have ever seen at the park the wait times never went over an hour for anything. (aside from Outlaw Run) And most of Outlaw Runs extended wait was due to down time. if you have the money to spend, and don't like to wait in line buy the Trailblazer pass. Is it necessary? No. If you have a full day at the park you should be fine even if it is super busy.


Also in regards to the Trailblazer pass we always buy the unlimited pass. The 8 time is just not for us. Especially if you plan on riding the coasters several times each. So if you do decide to get the passes I would highly suggested unlimited. However, if you're getting to the park at opening then I would just play it by ear. See how busy the park is and buy the passes that day if they are needed. There is really no need to buy them in advance unless you just want to.

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Will March 18th be a busy date? Im only there for one day in Branson and the hours seem pretty short (9-6 I believe). Should I expect really heavy crowds?
That's a Wednesday. It should be pretty slow. Usually the busy days are on the weekends. Unless that's the week of spring break. During spring break the park gets pretty busy. Also, in regards to the hours. SDC keeps their hours till 6pm until late spring I belive. It seems like a short day but even on a Saturday from about 11a-6p we had more than enough time to get everything done.
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I follow aviation pretty closely, The Branson Airport is offering nonstop flights this year from Austin, TX, Cincinnati OH, New Orleans, LA. along with the Denver, Houston and Chicago flights they have in some way or another in the past. The fares are pretty low when booked in advance(under 200 roundtrip) and you don't mind smaller regional jets that seat 30 to 50 people.

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I'm going to Branson for the first time the week of March 11th - 15th and I will be going to Silver Dollar City on the 14th.


I know I'll have to ride Outlaw Run, but what are some of the other can't miss things to do while there?


Some friends and I will also be there opening day at sometime!

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Man, opening day is sneaking up really quickly. Just two weeks. I plan to be there as well to get a big photo update of the new area. If I see any TPR shirts I'll be sure to introduce myself.


By the way, the colors and theming of Fireman's Landing are turning out really, really good. It's this excellent blend of fresh and exciting while still being maintaining an authentic-ish feel. I really like the colors on the refurbed balloon ride. I'm still wondering if the new play area will be as neat as the old one since they have so many issues to work around regarding ADA and such, but I think the little kids in my family will still have a blast.

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Thanks for the info! I read on here and on the park's website about the Trailblazer pass. Should I invest in one for the day since we're going on opening day (3/14)? And yeah, we're planning on going to the Titanic museum as well as attending Dixie Stampede one night!
I think the Trailblazer pass is all personal preference. We have never gone to the park on opening day just because of the fear of it being ridiculously busy. Some people will tell you not to get Trailblazer pass, and some will. Again, it's just personal preference. We don't like waiting in lines so we usually do get it when we go to the park. However, on the busiest day we have ever seen at the park the wait times never went over an hour for anything. (aside from Outlaw Run) And most of Outlaw Runs extended wait was due to down time. if you have the money to spend, and don't like to wait in line buy the Trailblazer pass. Is it necessary? No. If you have a full day at the park you should be fine even if it is super busy.


Also in regards to the Trailblazer pass we always buy the unlimited pass. The 8 time is just not for us. Especially if you plan on riding the coasters several times each. So if you do decide to get the passes I would highly suggested unlimited. However, if you're getting to the park at opening then I would just play it by ear. See how busy the park is and buy the passes that day if they are needed. There is really no need to buy them in advance unless you just want to.


Thanks! That helps me out a lot in determining whether on not to buy the pass! We're going all day (weather permitting) and I guess the best thing is to play it by ear!

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