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Silver Dollar City (SDC) Discussion Thread

p. 275: New resort announced as part of a $500 million development plan!

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The problem with wing coasters is they require such a wide area, if most of it is below tree level then most of those trees will need to be removed.


And they already had a hell of a time trying to figure out where they were going to re-plant the trees they had to cut down for outlaw run.

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I'm aware of that, and I know Chad is too. I know him even though might not be aware of who I am. I've worked with SDC for quite awhile now and he has done some recent coverage of the park the last 3-4 years.


His comment was just a little too... well unneeded hence my comment. And FTR, they had no issues in finding places to plant the trees.

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This is just flat out creepy.

I know him even though might not be aware of who I am.


If you are as well versed in the park as you say you are then you knew they had a lot of trees that needed to be replanted. So your sarcasm comment was what was really unneeded.

Edited by chadster
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I'm aware of that, and I know Chad is too. I know him even though might not be aware of who I am. I've worked with SDC for quite awhile now and he has done some recent coverage of the park the last 3-4 years.


His comment was just a little too... well unneeded hence my comment. And FTR, they had no issues in finding places to plant the trees.


Perhaps you should let what you perceive to be "unneeded" comments go, rather than drawing attention to them through your own comments. There's no need for the hostile tone, either. Let's not have a flame war over trees and t shirts.


Thank you.

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Who else is anxious to see the new lake front without the hideous theming plopped in the middle of the Lake? I know it's nostalgia and some people hate to see it go, but I think it will really be a beautiful improvement for the park.

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^Definitely. I'm wondering if they'll do much to the backside of the lake as well. The old concrete facade is crumbling away near the Lost River, and the backside of the lake is just kind of unappealing as it is. If they poured river rock around that side it might look better.


The nicer facades and having everything pushed back from the lake front is already a big improvement anyway. Only thing I would change is to have left a little bit of boardwalk with some water cannons. Still don't get why those were completely left out when they've been so popular all these years and they fit the new theme.

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^ & ^^ Absolutely! Lakes are frequently centrepieces for a theme park, but Lake Silver has really gone underused, maybe because of its location in the back of the park. I'm hoping this is a first step to cleaning up the lakefront on all sides--and maybe finally fixing the queue bridge for Lost River so that you're not having to push through the line to exit the ride. Perhaps they could have the exit path go along the back side of the lake and connect to Fireman's Landing around the area where Splash Harbor used to be?

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This summer was my first visit, but from what I saw it looked like the lake had become the most forgotten part of the park. It's definitely an improvement over what it was.


I agree tho, that the facade of Lost River looks a little shabby, it would definitely be interesting to see them completely rework that area of the park to make the lake more so stand out than it has in the past.

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I agree tho, that the facade of Lost River looks a little shabby, it would definitely be interesting to see them completely rework that area of the park to make the lake more so stand out than it has in the past.
I could not agree more. It seems like such a forgotten area of the park. If they could give Lost River a makeover, and really redo the entire area it would look so much better. However, I do not see anything happening to Lost River for a while. But that's just me.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Fireman's Landing has been topped off with it's iconic bell topper.


There are pictures and audio here:



More pictures:



Video interview with Brad Thomas:



As a fairly hardcore fan of this park, I really really really love how they are tying this area into the storyline behind the park itself. In almost every interview about the new area, Brad Thomas and the rest of the park's spokespeople have made a specific effort to point out that this is Firestation #3 for the park, and show how it ties into the theme of the entire park.


For those who aren't aware, Silver Dollar City is supposed to be a recreation of the town of Marmaros, a mining town that actually sat on the same spot above Marvel Cave, which was then used for mining bat guano and other things. The town burned to the ground eventually, rumored to be caused by an arson attack staged by the baldknobbers, a group of local vigilantes. This story is told through a lot of the theming details in the park and the Fire-in-the-hole ride. Powderkeg and some other rides also allude to some of it.


It really makes the place special to have a cool historical back story to the entire theme that ties everything together. It's a big part of what makes the place special and sets it apart. This area is such a massive improvement over Geyser Gulch in terms of how it fits into the park.



Also, I am positive that there are some cool details about that bell, but I haven't been able to dig anything up yet. HDN refers to it as being from 1890, but I'm not sure if that's accurate or not since they're the only source that says that. Usually things like this are crafted by the park or have something unique and special about them.

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It turns out the bell is in fact from the 1890's. It was forged in 1895, but I still haven't heard where it came from yet. Weird how the details on this are so scattered. Usually these types of details are emphasized much more in these articles.

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SDC's facebook feed has been abuzz with a lot of FL updates recently. I think the dalmatian ride looks a bit jarring and out of place considering the historic standards of the park, but that's something that can be gotten over. At least it's dalmatians and not more random elephants. I didn't realize that it's the same ride as the happy frogs, which is the most popular ride in the park for tiny kids. This is definitely an excellent addition for young families that I am appreciating more and more as my toddler nephew starts to enjoy stuff like this.


FireFall is also testing, and there's a video of the new play area. It's climate controlled and controlled access, which is nice, but it looks a bit sterile at the moment. They're not done yet though, but it is certainly a lot more flat platform area compared to the crazy layout of the old Geyser Gulch.

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The first two weeks of the season are spring break for area schools. It's very busy then. After that, attendance drops until around Memorial Day. World Fest, which starts after Easter and goes until mid-May, is a great time to visit. Short lines for everything except the shows, which are generally very good.

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The first two weeks of the season are spring break for area schools. It's very busy then. After that, attendance drops until around Memorial Day. World Fest, which starts after Easter and goes until mid-May, is a great time to visit. Short lines for everything except the shows, which are generally very good.

Thanks! I might have to buy one of those Trailblazer Pass. I wonder will it do any good. Oh well. I'm still deciding on my theme park trip for March. I'll have my mind made up soon.

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