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Silver Dollar City (SDC) Discussion Thread

p. 275: New resort announced as part of a $500 million development plan!

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Don't complain about any of those prices, that is one of the reasons I like Dollywood better than Carowinds, $20 for a fluffy, fluffy bunny filled with medicine and goo or a dollar for a fluffy, fluffy bunny filled with medicine and goo.



Thats a lot of "fluffy, fluffy bunny filled with medicine and goo" fun

I didn't realize that it automatically changes the word LOCKE'R to fluffy, fluffy bunny filled with medicine and goo.

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Just left Silver Dollar City after a great day. The Wild West Show was spectacular and definitely worth seeing, and so was Great American Country nights, which is always a fun way to end a day at the park.


We got to the park at 3 and it closed at 6. By 5:30 the park was empty and Powder Keg had a 2 cycle wait. Amazing ride, as always.


I've heard a few people talk about how rough Outlaw Run has become...well, they must be giant sissies if they consider one or two bumps "rough". I mean seriously, it isn't completely glass smooth as it was last year, but who effing cares? It's still the best coaster I've been on.

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Is there any way that SDC can get Ozark Wildcat from Celebration City? Is it even possible? It looks like a really fun coaster.
It is/was a very fun coaster! However I highly doubt the ability (Or practicality) to move the coaster from CC to SDC. CC was/is a fairly flat park in comparison to SDC. I do not where SDC would come up with a large enough flat area in the park for the coaster. Of course you could do landscaping and such. However I think the cost to take down, move, landscape, and reassemble would be just as much, if not more than just buying a new coaster. Then again, I could be wrong.
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Someone speaks up about moving OzCat to SDC at least once every three months. I can't even bring myself to go through the impracticalities of it anymore. I'm still holding out hope that SDC will get a new GCII someday soon influenced by the best parts of OzCat's layout.


I'm glad to hear that SDC has been able to add some new Fluffy Bunnies without being lame about it like some other parks. Sounds like a reasonable cost to benefit scheme that won't leave a sour taste in visitors mouths. Hopefully they don't progressively push the new lockers in coming years though. I like the customer service-oriented feel that comes with the way the attendants handle the on-ride cubbies. It's another thing that makes SDC a high-class park.


In other news, Coaster Christmas is coming up! Check it out: http://www.ace18.org/coasterchristmas/default.asp

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Is there any way that SDC can get Ozark Wildcat from Celebration City? Is it even possible? It looks like a really fun coaster.


The cost of relocating a wooden coaster (disassembling, transporting, reassembling and refurbishing all wear and tear from previous usage, or in this case neglect) often outweighs the cost of building a new coaster altogether. At this point, I'd imagine that Ozark Wildcat is not likely ride again in its current location or in any others.

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I've heard a few people talk about how rough Outlaw Run has become...well, they must be giant sissies if they consider one or two bumps "rough". I mean seriously, it isn't completely glass smooth as it was last year, but who effing cares? It's still the best coaster I've been on.


Outlaw Run rough? I was just there a little over a week ago and to me it was as smooth as when it opened. Didn't feel any bumps at all, and I rode mostly in the very back seat. Strange.

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I've heard a few people talk about how rough Outlaw Run has become...well, they must be giant sissies if they consider one or two bumps "rough". I mean seriously, it isn't completely glass smooth as it was last year, but who effing cares? It's still the best coaster I've been on.


Outlaw Run rough? I was just there a little over a week ago and to me it was as smooth as when it opened. Didn't feel any bumps at all, and I rode mostly in the very back seat. Strange.

Oh, I completely agree. But I believe somebody posted about it in the Roughest Coaster thread, which made me chuckle.

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There are different interpretations of "rough", and body size certainly makes a difference when riding an intense coaster in any case. I can understand anyone under 110 lbs having a tough time keeping up with OR. It wears me out after a few rides and I'm about 180. It's not rough in the traditional sense from poor tracking or anything, it's just simply forceful in ways that you wouldn't expect from anything but an RMC.


I reserve the word "rough" for rides like Timber Wolf, where the train acts like it's having a seizure all the way through the course. OR is just "intense".

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I feel the same way about Maverick. I've heard many people call Maverick "rough" but it's just the word used wrong. It whips you around and has some intense transitions, but the actual ride is butter smooth. Definitely intense, not rough.

That's what sometimes happens to some B&M inverts (like BTR clones). They are really smooth but because of the fast snappy transitions some call them "rough".

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I actually found it smoother this year. The first year seemed to have a very repetitive bump bump at the track segments that got very head rattling, but no where near rough. This year only had that in a few spots and it was light, also to add there was no scream on the air hills now. Oh how I miss that scream,

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also to add there was no scream on the air hills now. Oh how I miss that scream,


If you're referring to the squeal made as the train crests the hill tops, turns, etc. it was there a couple of weeks ago.


One of the most interesting features of Outlaw Run is how much it *hasn't* changed since it opened. The speed, intensity, smoothness, etc. seems to be the same now as the month it opened. Typically, wooden coasters feel different almost daily, but not here.

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While I've never ridden Outlaw Run, from just understanding the ride technology, I find it absolutely mind boggling that somebody would consider the ride rough. Now I might understand if somebody had ridden Goliath, or one of the Intamin woodies and then rode Outlaw Run. Goliath and the Intamin woodies use polyurethane wheels and deliver a much more controlled ride feeling, while Outlaw Run uses steel wheels and gives a much more out of control feeling. Even then, if you told me you you thought the ride was rough, I'd probably think you're smoking crack. Just looking at the track technology, I can't even logically make an argument for why the ride might become rough overtime, unless something catastrophic happens.

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Surprisingly no one seems to be paying much attention to the construction on this project, even though it's pretty major for the park. I think we've gotten too spoiled with all these other parks setting up webcams and posting their own construction photos and blogs. I live just far enough away that I can't really get out there casually for a construction update. Maybe for future projects though when I've got more expendable income and have a few more weekends to blow. Midwestinfoguide has some fairly recent photos and he posts updates every once in awhile.


In any case there will be a flood of construction photos in about three weeks when ACE goes on a construction tour for Coaster Christmas.

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Just getting around to finally uploading my mini-trip report for the Roller Coaster Race last week. It was a rainy, cold day, but there were still quite a few who showed. For the uninitiated, Roller Coaster Race is a new 5K run event at theme parks. So far it's Silver Dollar City and a handful of Six Flags parks that are participating. The day begins with a 5K race, then once the park opens, the participants get to ride rollercoasters for a total distance of 5K. I chose not to do the run, as 1) I'm not really into running and 2) it was really cold at 7AM (about 45 degrees). Most of the day my camera was safely stored in a fluffy bunny, so I don't have a lot of pictures, but I'll post what I have. At the end of the day, when we tallied up our rides, I won! 16 coaster rides and 13.62 km! Of course, with everything a walk-on, I got to ride so many times, I didn't bother to have them punch my wristband every single time, so I'm not entirely sure how far I actually went. But that distance was enough to win! Since this was the first year, they only had medals for the running race and not for the roller coaster. I suggested they mail a trophy to the winner, and they said they may implement that for next year. I had a ton of fun, and SDC is already advertising this as a "first annual" event, so let's hope this thing grows!


Other than these few tents right outside the front entrance, there wasn't a lot of indication there was an event going on.


These kiosks are all over the park, and $3 gets you access to any fluffy bunny in the whole park. You can move your reservation without paying again! (Sorry for the quality on this one; it's the only picture I took of these)


The first time you make a new reservation, it has you pay and create a PIN. From then on, when you make a new reservation, you enter the same PIN, and you don't have to pay again.


This photo I'm particularly proud of. There was fog on the mountains all day, which was highly visible from Wildfire's observation deck. Simply beautiful.


This is also beautiful. :)


I also managed to snag a few construction photos of Fireman's Landing while walking through the park. Lots of steel in place already.


You can see the balloon ride over the fence just to the ride of the map poster.




Play area is coming along nicely.


You can see this from quite a long way away. This photo was taken next to the Dockside Theatre, over by the Rib House.


But this was a coaster event, after all, and with the rain, everything was a station wait at worst, and even Outlaw Run was a walk-on until late afternoon. Woohoo!

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Great photos ytterbiumanalyst. Rainy, overcast days always are the best times to visit the park, but of course the risk of lightning can make things iffy. It's worth it for the spurts of empty lines though. Just this past weekend the park had nice weather and the place was slammed apparently. I'm surprised they don't build and advertise more indoor offerings. There's still plenty to do even if the big outdoor rides are shut down.


I wasn't sure how the race thing was actually going to work, but it sounds like a decent excuse to get some ERT. Maybe I'll try it next year.


Someone else also sent in some photos of the construction from this past weekend. I don't have explicit permission to repost them anywhere else, but they are available here here: http://sdcfans.com/firemans-landing-construction-update/

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