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I'm also a World of Warcrack addict currently at 74 w/ my death knight.


Yeah, so am I. Not too ashamed to admit it though. My Mage just hit Level 75, and I have a wide range of lower level alts as well.


I tried out the Death Knight class, and I thought the intro questline and lore were really well done, but the class itself didn't do much for me - I thought it was too similar to the Warrior and the Warlock, neither of which were classes that really grabbed me from the start. Having said that, I think it is possible, even likely, that I would feel differently if I had played the Death Knight before the Warlock & the Frost Mage. But sadly, this is a vantage point I'll never be able to experience.

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I went to Funspot at Lake Winnie in New Hampshire a couple of weeks ago and they without a doubt, have the most kick ass old-school arcade ever!


Just about every video game that you could imagine from the eighties - I thought I died and went to heaven. If you are over 25 and like classic games, you would LOVE this place!


Every Pac-Man game ever made, Defender, Joust, Gyruss, Gauntlet, Asteroids, Centipede, Space Invaders, Galaga, Double Dragon, Pole Position, a whole row of pinball...you name it, they had it all!


Coolest place I have been to in a loooong time and that includes a lot of theme parks. And guess what...the games were still only a quarter! I know that CP has a nice collection of older video games, but this place blew it away!


I have pics and may eventually do a trip report, but they did not turn out all that well because of the low lighting. Here is the link if you are interested:



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I decided not to buy "Roster Update '10" (aka Madden) this year. There are just too many great games coming out this fall/winter/spring that I would rather spend $60 on. I think my next game will be NHL '10...can't wait!


I caved in and bought it, but Im not buying another one for a few years. They changed enough this year from '09 to convince me to get it, and Troy Polamalu on the cover only made me want it more So far Im impressed, the graphics are INSANE and the gameplay feels a lot smoother.

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Whose picking up a PS3 Slim here? I'm curious since $299 is darn cheap for a PSTriple.


I'm thinking of either getting GTA4, Ratchet and Clank Future, Little Big Planet, or Uncharted.


I'm wondering if they are going to drop the price of the already $299 80GB model.


I decided not to buy "Roster Update '10" (aka Madden) this year. There are just too many great games coming out this fall/winter/spring that I would rather spend $60 on. I think my next game will be NHL '10...can't wait!


I caved in and bought it, but Im not buying another one for a few years. They changed enough this year from '09 to convince me to get it, and Troy Polamalu on the cover only made me want it more So far Im impressed, the graphics are INSANE and the gameplay feels a lot smoother.


Yeah, they did make a lot of changes, but it's still not different enough from 09 to warrant me spending $60 on it. Maybe when it's $40 or $50 I'll buy it, but there's just too many games coming out within the next 6 months or so that I want to save my money for.


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Assassin's Creed II

Batman: Arkham Asylum

Splinter Cell: Conviction


God of War III

Gran Turismo 5

Forza 3

Dead Rising 2

NHL 10

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2

Left 4 Dead 2

Mass Effect 2

Battlefield: Bad Company 2





Anyway, for those who haven't heard, Fable III was announced today. It's slated to come out during holiday season 2010. Fable II was really fun, can't wait for this one.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I Played Batman: Arkham Asylum since my brother rented it. It was cool with fun gadgets. The best part for me though, was the Riddler clues! I thought that was the real meat of the game, it was so fun to figure out the riddles.

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I'm currently addicted to Infamous on PS3. Its one of the most fun games I've played in the last little while. Almost like GTA if you had god-like powers and abilities.


And of course, being the WoW nerd I am...I'm still grinding away with that. I need to start raiding more often again, despite the objections of my social life.

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