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Official LOST Discussion Thread


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Now that's a freakin' awesome metaphor. The whole wave thing could explain the time-travel bit to almost anyone!


Going back in time all the way to the Black Rock running aground would be really interesting... I kept wondering this whole episode if the Losties wouldn't come across young Ben stumbling through the jungle.

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Did anyone else see the irony in Ana Lucia being a police officer pulling Hurley over?


That wasn't the best part... the best part was when he walked into the store and "Dream Police" was on the radio.

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I liked it. So far, they seem to be going with the "you can't change anything" approach, which I like.


I kind of thought we might see Locke run into a previous incarnation of Jack or Kate or somebody, though. I mean, how many times in the first two seasons did he just pop up in the woods looking suspicious?


Speaking of time travel: My personal wacked-out blue-sky fever dream "I hope my home park gets a new B&M" favorite idea involves the very first scene of the first episode, and why Jack wakes up in the woods far away from everyone else....

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^^No, no, as smart. Not smart-er. To reach Tyler's level of intelligence you must perform crude puppet shows when no one expects it and have an eternal fear of mayonnaise burned into your soul.


And drink more Red Bull than is either healthy or worthwhile. (Like one, for example.)


^It's because she watches Yo Gabba Gabba!


I can't find a screencap of that wall clock in the "Sun/Widmore" airport room anywhere...

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Finally got around to watching the premiere. I like how they suddenly added an unknown character to the roster, cause you just know he's going to die. A flaming arrow through the chest was a good way to go though.

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I think he means that Michelle Rodriguez got arrested for drunk driving right before she was killed off in the show, so it was ironic that as a hallucination she was a police officer pulling Hurley over.


That's still not irony.


By the way, after watching this week's episode all I have to is Charles f'n Widmore.

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Please tell me I didn't miss anything!


Nothing much was missed! The show was pretty much over after that.


At the end I couldn't help but notice the shots of mountains in the back! They really are very beautiful. In 06 I went to Hawaii and saw these mountains in person! Amazing!!

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New episode tonight!!


Something I noticed when I was watching last weeks episode. I think that Desmond isn't the only one we'll see "mind" time tripping. This occurred to me when Ellie says to Daniel when she first meets him, "you just couldn't stay away could you?"


Why would someone you've just met say that? Unless, at that moment, she wasn't 1954 Ellie. At that moment she was, mentally at least, Eloise Hawking from 200?. And she was commenting on her son not listening to her, even though she warned him to stay away from the island. Then her future mind left and she was back to being Ellie from 1954.


If Daniel was experimenting on people wouldn't it make sense that one of his subjects would be his mother who seems to know an awful lot about physics as well? This also explains why he would know that you need to have a constant.


This could also explain why Daniel was crying the first time we saw him. He was mind tripping at the time and his mental state from the time he began the trip followed him back into the past.


Why was he sad and crying, I think it's because seeing the plane on TV reminds him that he just lost the woman he loves and he's not going to be able to do a thing to change it. That's right, I think we're going to see Charlotte die sometime in the next few episodes and I think that pretty soon after that, we're going to see Daniel try to make himself mind trip so that he can alter the situation. But like he said, Whatever happened, happened, so he won't be able to change anything.

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John - your insights are pretty good about this time travel, do you freelance as a physicist on the side. If you are right in all your guesses the 1950's other woman with the gun is both Daniel's mother and the woman helping Ben. They are one in the same.


Looks like we will learn a little more about Rousseau's back story next week, which is something that has always intrigued me.


I predited Jin was still alive all along and guessed that Ben would confirm this when I saw Sun get that gun from Widmore. Looks like I finally got something right.

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For those who want more info - there's a pretty good cover story about the new season, in the new issue of Entertainment Weekly (#1034 Feb.13/09) - a very good cover story. And...


Go - Jin - Go!


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New Episode tonight!!


"This Place is Death" is the name of tonight episode.


Hopefully the O6 are getting close to getting back to the island since their stories compared to what's happening back on the island are just not that interesting. I'm also hoping we get more of Roussou's story tonight.


One more thing I wanted to point out. A lot of people think that Sun is after Ben and he's the one she blames for Jin's death. But that doesn't make a lot of sense to me. How would she know that Ben is the one who killed Keamy and thus set off the bomb on the freighter? Ben himself wouldn't be the one to tell her, so the only other possiblility would be Locke. Would HE tell her? I don't think so.


What I do think is that Sun blames Jack for Jin's death. Jack was the one who pulled Kate back when she was on her way to get Jin. If he hadn't of done that, then...well then Kate would probably be on the presumed dead list along with Jin. So I think the gun she got at the bottom of that crazy cracker jack box of chocolates is actually intended for shooting Jack.

Or, and here's a crazy thought that just popped into my head. She intends to shoot Kate and Aaron in front of Jack so that he can watch his "family" die the way she watched Jin "die".


Anyways, happy Lost Day Everybody!

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OK, in thinking about a previous episode, it should have been pretty obvious to the Others from the 1950's that the Losties were wearing watching that were not of that time period.


Also, can anyone state which episode it was first mentioned that Locke talked to the Oceanic Six and told them they had to go back.

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