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JS Wild West and Ghost Town :)

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JS Company Annunced JS Wild West Ghost Town!


JS WWGT will have:


-Bullet: Intamin Coaster Facts

0-70mph in 3.4 seconds /112kms

Lenght: 3944ft/1202m

Highest Drop: 98ft/28.m


-Castle:3-d adenture




-Wild West Museum


-Rigg's Seats





Castle 'n Planes


Wild West Museum 'n Dodgems




Rigg's Seats





Bullet Construcion

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JS WWGT has been Opened!!


There are some rumours for the next season coaster! some peole say that it will be called Vertigo or Scream Factor or Duende




Wild West Museum


Dodgems and Rigg's Seats








splash: Lost Temple


spalsh: Lost Temple



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Here's the legend from Colombia of Duende


-Duende:The Legend

It is a singular fright that walks with the turned around feet emitting a frightful whine. It is dedicated to annoy the families of the farmers until it makes hopeles them and it makes emigrate towards the cities. Most of times they are dedicated to change the things of its place or to hide them. Duende lives in caves located in precipices, in where it is used to hiding the children to make them eat horse excrement or drive crazy them. By the nights it is dedicated to throw stones to the ceilings of it houses, to persecute to the girls in age to have fiancè, to do braids to him to the horse or to touch guitar. Indeed one of the ways to drive away is placing it to him a guitar disordered at midnight and thus it will leave peacefully the family. It says the Legend that duende is an angel expelled from the sky due to his envies towards God, and was condemned vagar by the fields scaring to the people. They tell that "to the youngsters who have fiancè and when this one is of visit, annoy with orders or malignant secrets to the ear, that the young poor man gets infuriated itself and finishes not returning to see adored his. If this present the boy or pretendiente, does not disturb in the house with orders and advice, until they alienate them so that the marriage is not verified. During the dream, these spirits cause nightmares to them, call them to a known place, until they return them sleepwalker. Thus they have found several vagando far from his residence, that go or come by certain site, without occurring to account they of such act. Until some of the known family or finds it in subconscience state."



Es un singular espanto que camina con los pies volteados emitiendo un chillido aterrador. Se dedica a fastidiar las familias de los campesinos hasta que los desespera y los hace emigrar hacia las ciudades.


La mayoría de veces se dedican a cambiar las cosas de su lugar o esconderlas. El duende habita en cuevas ubicadas en barrancos, en donde acostumbra esconder a los niños para hacerles comer excremento de caballo o enloquecerlos.


Por las noches se dedica a tirar piedras a los techos de la casas, a perseguir a las muchachas en edad de tener novio, a hacerle trenzas a los caballo o a tocar guitarra. Precisamente una de las maneras de ahuyentarlo es colocándole una guitarra destemplada a media noche y así dejará en paz a la familia.


Dice la Leyenda que el duende es un ángel expulsado del cielo debido a su envidia hacia Dios, y fue condenado a vagar por los campos asustando a las personas. Cuentan que "a las jovencitas que tienen novio y cuando éste está de visita, las fastidian con órdenes o secretos malignos al oído, que el pobre joven se indigna y termina por no volver a ver a su adorada. Si no esta presente el muchacho o pretendiente, las perturban en la casa con órdenes y consejos, hasta que las enajenan para que no se verifique el matrimonio. Durante el sueño, estos espíritus les ocasionan pesadillas, las llaman a un lugar conocido, hasta que las tornan sonámbulas. Así han encontrado varias vagando lejos de su residencia, que van o vienen por determinado sitio, sin darse cuenta ellas de tal acto. Hasta que alguno de la familia o conocido la encuentra en estado de subconciencia."

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I've been following this park, but I haven't posted yet! I really like this park, I love Duende!


But on the top hat, I would but an extra support column the the drop (it looks like there's one missing) and another one support block to the top of the first middle support (the one next to the tallest support).


Keep it up!

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JS WWGT new rides:

For Ghost Town:

-Dark Fall

-Haunted Jail

-Journey with Ghost


Wil West:

Heaven Tower


Report: Dark Fall and Haunted Jail are almost ready to get testing, Heaven Tower and Journey with Ghost are in construction.

There are some rumors of a new wooden coaster.


Journey with Ghost (JWG)


Dark Fall adn Haunted Jail

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