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Top 24 Cities


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El Paso, Texas

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Augusta, Georgia

Charleston, South Carolina

Nashville, Tennessee

Jacksonville, Florida

Atlanta, Georgia

Fort Worth, Texas

Little Rock, Arkansas

Houston, Texas

Orlando, Florida

Dallas, Texas

Knoxville, Tennessee

Tampa, Florida

Austin, Texas

San Antonio, Texas

Memphis, Tennessee

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

West Palm Beach, Florida

Oakland, California

Norfolk, Virginia

San Diego, California

Orange County, California

Long Beach, California


Texas, WTF? Lot's of theme park cities though, I guess.

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Baton Rouge, LA *

Little Rock, AK *

Honolulu, HI

Los Angeles, CA ***

San Diego, CA

Orange County, CA*

Long Beach, CA *

Las Vegas, NV **

San Jose, CA *

Oakland, CA *

San Francisco, CA

Baltimore, MD

Portland, OR

Providence, RI

New Haven, CT *

Hartford, CT *

Albuquerque, NM **

Washington, DC *

Houston, TX ***

Boston, MA

Alexandria, LA *

Worcester, MA

Chicago, IL (where I'm planning on moving after grad school)

Milwaukee, WI


*Would not enjoy living there

**You'd have to force me to live there

***I would rather die than live here


Not that I was expecting it to be really that accurate, but I'm surprised there are so many places on this list that it determined I'd like to live that I know I would not enjoy living at all. Especially Houston and Los Angeles. I hate our auto centric culture and these two cities thrive on auto centricity. Chicago, Portland, and San Francisco are definitely the three most accurate for me.

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1. Norfolk, Virginia - Heart of the Hampton Roads

2. Cincinnati, Ohio - The Queen City

3. Knoxville, Tennessee - Gateway to the Smoky Mountains

4. Kansas City, Missouri - City of Fountains

5. Charlotte, North Carolina - The Queen City

6. Chattanooga, Tennessee - City of Vision

7. Nashville, Tennessee - Music City, U.S.A.

8. Asheville, North Carolina - Land of the Sky

9. St. Louis, Missouri - Wonder of the Modern World

10. Greenville, South Carolina - The Rising Star of the

11. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - Big City on the Plains

12. Johnson City-Kingsport, Tennessee - Two Natural Wonders

13. Hampton, Virginia - City on the Chesapeake

14. Greenville, North Carolina - Where History Meets High-Tech

15. Rocky Mount-Stony Creek, North Carolina - Poised for Prosperity

16. Bloomington, Indiana - The Sophisticated Small City

17. Lexington, Kentucky - Heart of the Bluegrass

18. Chapel Hill, North Carolina - First in Education

19. Overland Park, Kansas - Where Families Flourish

20. Tulsa, Oklahoma - A Blend of the Best

21. Clarksville, Tennessee - The New South

22. Louisville, Kentucky - Home of the Kentucky Derby

23. Richmond, Virginia - Rising Star of the South

24. Bergen-Passaic, New Jersey - Better than the Big Apple

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  • 3 weeks later...

1. Little Rock, Arkansas

2. Baltimore, Maryland***

3. Prividence, Rhode Island***

4. Baton Rouge, Louisiana

5. New Haven, Connecticut

6. Hartford, Connecticut

7. Boston, Massachussetts***

8. Portland Oregon***

9. Chicago, Illinois***

10. Worcester, Massachussetts

11. Washington D.C.

12. San Francisco, California***

13. Orange Country, California

14. Oakland, California

15. Milwaukee, Wisconsin***

16. Long Beach, California***

17. Honolulu, Hawaii

18. Los Angeles, California***

19. Albuquerque, New Mexico

20. Las Vegas, Nevada

21. Fayetteville, Arkansas

22. Sheveport-Bossier City, Louisiana


***Places I would actually not hate living in.


I think this quiz needs to take into account proximity to amusement parks!


Anyway, I was sort of hoping that Austin/Houston, TX, Buffalo, NY, or Columbus, OH would be on my list, as those are cities I actually think I'd most like to live. But I guess I know where I'd like to live better than this quiz does.

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This was a fun experience, here are my top 24:


1. Norfolk, VA

2. Baltimore, MD

3. Charlotte, NC

4. Virginia Beach, VA

5. Little Rock, AK****

6. San Diego, CA - Where I'm moving to

7. Orange County, CA

8. Oakland, CA**

9. Baton Rouge, LA****

10. Long Beach, CA

11. Hampton, VA

12. El Paso, TX****

13. Los Angeles, CA**

14. Rocky Mount, NC

15. Oklahoma City, OK****

16. Fort Worth, TX**

17. San Jose, CA**** - Where I currently live

18. Memphis, TN**

19. San Francisco, CA**

20. Honolulu, HI - Would love to move here, but no theme parks

21. Greenville, NC

22. Augusta, GA**

23. Raleigh, NC - Was planning to move here in the past

24. Nashville, TN**


** - Would not want to live here

**** - Would REALLY not want to live here


I really don't know how all these Midwest cities came up, I would never want to live in the Midwest because I'm a Californian.


If you're wondering why I gave San Jose 4 stars even though I live there, well there's a reason why I'm moving.

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