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Matterhorn Rehab

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I thought Matterhorn was like one of the first steel coasters. Somebody help me (I'm not as much of a coaster history enthusiast, just enjoy riding.)


Harry Traver's Jazz Railway came out in 1925. People thought he was crazy for building a coaster out of steel.




I'm not a huge coaster history person either, but I think the Matterhorn is kinda credited with starting the modern steel coaster craze, just like some people credit the Racer for kicking off the woodie renaissance.

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I thought Matterhorn was like one of the first steel coasters. Somebody help me (I'm not as much of a coaster history enthusiast, just enjoy riding.)


Harry Traver's Jazz Railway came out in 1925. People thought he was crazy for building a coaster out of steel.




I'm not a huge coaster history person either, but I think the Matterhorn is kinda credited with starting the modern steel coaster craze, just like some people credit the Racer for kicking off the woodie renaissance.


If that was a steel coaster, then rcdb is wrong, because it says wood under type.


-James Dillaman

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If that was a steel coaster, then rcdb is wrong, because it says wood under type.


-James Dillaman


It was def. steel track.




The other coaster at the exposition was the often historically overlooked Jazz Railway. Traver called it the Jazz Railway so he could leave all references to wooden coasters behind. You could tell by looking that coaster had many of the elements Traver loved to include. Roller coaster historian Richard Munch says that Traver counted among his favorite elements, "the spiral drop, deep dips and jump track." The ride was small [it occupied a space 70 X 165 feet] and considered to be the forerunner of the Wild Mouse coaster. Also, it was constructed of prefabricated steel, and Traver saw steel as the material which would become the main support material for roller coasters.


Richard Munch covers this in his book about Traver. I'm not sure if it's the first steel coaster or not, but it does predate the Matterhorn by quite a while.

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Also, it was constructed of prefabricated steel, and Traver saw steel as the material which would become the main support material for roller coasters.


I dunno, sounds like the steel could have been used for the supports only. I'm not saying your wrong, but this doesn't definitize it for me.


Matterhorn 1

Traver's dead ass 0


Your serve



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^Wow. That wasn't stuck up in any way. He just want's to know if it's true or not. A book may or may not be a relieable source (I hope that is is, but you never know).



There are other steel coasters before the matterhorn though. In the book, Roller Coasters, by Scott Rutherford, there is a photo of a steel coaster using tubular track. So that quashes all though of the matterhorn. But, it is still one of the earliest steel coasters that still exists today.

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^I hope it's gonna be open again in a month's time! Even my brother has the Matterhorn credit!


It's scheduled to open on December 14th. This is a LONG rehab.




Ahh well, such is life. I'd much rather they keep on top of the maintenance it needs and come back a ride it in a few years time.


It'll be 50 in three years time, and that's not bad for an Arrow ride!

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And the enthusiast emerged like a phoenix from the ashes. A child was brought forth unto you a geek emerged, for all to see. And Walt's hands came down from heaven and placed themeth upon my trembling brow as I heard him orate, "Go fourth Guy and rid the world of the un-imagineative, and calous. Create weird and childish videos that make no sense whatsoever, but, are real F'ing cool. Especially ones that have puppets with big tits. Cause tits are awesome! Um... Uh... I mean challenge the creative mind and create your own ride experience where there is not." I cried as a baby does, when it is seperated from the breast that it suckles, as his hands slowly drifted away over Sleeping Beauty Castle. "Remember Guy. Rememberrrrrr..."


So... ... I got that going for me.


Holy crap Guy, I think I just peed my seat from laughing so hard!

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And the enthusiast emerged like a phoenix from the ashes. A child was brought forth unto you a geek emerged, for all to see. And Walt's hands came down from heaven and placed themeth upon my trembling brow as I heard him orate, "Go fourth Guy and rid the world of the un-imagineative, and calous. Create weird and childish videos that make no sense whatsoever, but, are real F'ing cool. Especially ones that have puppets with big tits. Cause tits are awesome! Um... Uh... I mean challenge the creative mind and create your own ride experience where there is not." I cried as a baby does, when it is seperated from the breast that it suckles, as his hands slowly drifted away over Sleeping Beauty Castle. "Remember Guy. Rememberrrrrr..."


So... ... I got that going for me.


Holy crap Guy, I think I just peed my seat from laughing so hard!


I do what I can.


When in doubt, I choose Depends.


They keep my winkie dry.

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Anyway, I was at the park Saturday, and we noticed a little brown spot on the mountain...using an optical and digital zoom, we were able to tell that it was, what I think was, a piece of track that has been cut! I didn't quite realise that the work was that heavy duty!



Usually my attention to detail goes on overload at Disneyland, so I'm suprised I noticed this!





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  • 4 weeks later...
Dang. I'm gonna be there first week of December for my honeymoon. Was really looking forward to riding it. The Matterhorn, that is...





Hahaha......I'm sure there will be plenty of other credits. After all, it IS your honeymoon.




So....um....Matterhorn, yeah.



I'd guess with the seemingly high lats in some areas of this coaster (and maybe in the bad transitions as well), they just replace certain areas of the track. That would be a huge waste of money to replace all of it when only a little needs to be fixed.

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From Miceage...take what you want from it:


The Matterhorn is in the middle of its three month refurbishment, and when it opens there won't be much noticeably different about the ride. This long closure was overdue as the 47-year-old ride needs constant TLC to keep it running. New safety and rider surveillance systems are being installed, along with the obligatory track work and tune ups on the endless moving parts inside the complex ride.


It's going to be next winter's Matterhorn refurbishment that will be of interest to Disneyland fans, as the classic inline bobsled seating is planned to be replaced with individual seat compartments with a lap bar instead of a rather useless seatbelt. And no, they won't add Fastpass and they won't reroute the line away from the sides of the mountain anytime soon either.


The new seating arrangement is being driven not so much by Disney, but rather by the California Department of Safety and Health inspectors who have been very critical of the fact that the seatbelts used on the Matterhorn are in no way monitored and offer no real ability to prevent someone from exiting their vehicle while on the ride.


The response from Disney has been to start designing prototype bobsleds that will seat six people in individual compartments under lapbars (think Space Mountain in Orlando), instead of the current seating of eight people in four compartments with shared seatbelts. So get in your rides on the Matterhorn with your favorite date now, as the future Matterhorn bobsled cars will be far less cozy than they were for the first 48 years.



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