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The Official NoLimits/NL2 Help Thread

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^You can grab the Sketchup Pro free trial, you get 8 hours of usage and have full access to all the tools until the time runs out, and export your already-made models into .3ds


My question is, whenever I try to export using Sketchup, in No Limits half of the textures are black. Are there any fixes/workarounds for this problem?

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I haven't really given myself enough time to get acclimated to the program. I have those tutorials handy. They are helping

I'm getting the feel of the program and how the transitions work and stuff, I just need to get past the learning curve and start to master it.

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Oh...I think that if you follow the videos and 'tinker' with the design until you're happy with it will start you off in the right direction. When you hit a block, you could send me the Newton2 file via PM and I could help you with some of the more difficult aspects. Good luck, either way.

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If it still works out okay, if you export your Newton elements with 25m segment size, you'll find smoothing easy. Less element accuracy (due to bigger segment lengths) but much easier to smooth.


[With 25m segments...the Newton'ed sections of track were highlighted. Notice that the vertexes are very spread...]


But with twists and stuff, even 25m's a little big...so you can experiment increasing and decreasing segment size. Just smoothen the first and last vertex that is attached to your current track!



BTW, it looks like you need some Newton pointers too...your inversions are wonky and tight because you actually didn't put airtime in them; you just twisted them. You gotta put things in like 0.5G's for the tops of corks and loops and 0G's for zero-G rolls for them to actually resemble the real thing.

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^ Thanks for those tips. And that track was pretty much just a play-around thing. I wasn't going for good element shaping at all

Right now I'm making a full track with Newton... and I'm running into some problems. After the drop, I try to make a loop with single zone force, and I can't get the track to curve up! I've changed the parameters and everything, it just isn't happening...

EDIT: Okay, I'm messing around with the normal force, and if I change it to a sextic transition, it points upward, but the loop doesn't take shape if I increase the time...

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^Try doing the multiforce loop instead Increase the force to 3.5 Gs at the bottom of the drop add a new multizone force section, lock lateral and roll, increase the time until it is pointing up at 30 degrees, put in a new normal timezone in that section, increase the time until it touches itself, make the normal transition sextic, subtract 3 Gs, increase the time until it touches itself, add new normal time zone, select the roll timezone and add degrees to it until it misses itself.


Wow, sorry that it was so rambling. But I think I put it right.

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