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Universal Studios Hollywood (USH) Discussion Thread

P. 120: Universal Fan Fest Nights details released!

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Quick question, with probably a simple answer. How do they illuminate the sky with numbers like that?


Maybe in the words of Dr. Evil - big frickin "lasers"


Seriously though, no idea.


So if the "official" opening is the 7th, will there be a soft-opening for the rides 'n such beforehand? Our 6 days in So-cal unfortunately for us is going to fall in the week before easter, which on all accounts means everywhere is going to be smashed no matter the day.

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Quick question, with probably a simple answer. How do they illuminate the sky with numbers like that?


Maybe in the words of Dr. Evil - big frickin "lasers"


Seriously though, no idea.


Photoshop, 'cause it's impossible. Though a laser image in mid-air(withou mist, clouds or any surface other than air molecules) is possible, it's nothing close to that.

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Hi all, after years of "creeping" on TPR, I have finally created a user name so I can post things in the discussion boards.


I am thinking about making a trip down to USH in April for the opening of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and was curious how many days everyone thinks I would need in the park. I have only been to USH once about 10 years ago, and my girlfriend has never been. I was looking at ticket prices and leaning towards the 1 day front of the line ticket which is cheaper than buying 2 regular 1 day tickets (for 2 days of park going). Would one day be enough with the front of the line ticket, or would two days in the park be better?

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I'd be interested to see just how insane crowds get for Hollywood. Hogsmeade has been open for over five years here in Florida, so I wonder how much of their potential audience already has gone to Islands of Adventure to experience it.


I would wager that to be maybe 5% at best. The actual amount of crossover from here to FL is still pretty small though it may seem greater the more time spent on social media and forums such as this one. Even today there's still a very large contingent of people living here who believe that travel to FL is either too expensive (read: they don't want to give up their Starbucks habit) or too far to travel.


If anything, I would think those of us who have gone to FL to see it and told friends here about it only drive the anticipation that much higher for Hollywood's Hogwarts. I'm just happy that it's finally going to open soon even though I personally don't feel much of a need to kill myself trying to fight through the crushing crowds in order to see it. I'm not going to make the classic CA/FL misconception that "it's the same as FL" but I have no problem in thinking I've largely already more or less been there and done that and don't really need to freak out too much about it.

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I am thinking about making a trip down to USH in April for the opening of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and was curious how many days everyone thinks I would need in the park. I have only been to USH once about 10 years ago, and my girlfriend has never been. I was looking at ticket prices and leaning towards the 1 day front of the line ticket which is cheaper than buying 2 regular 1 day tickets (for 2 days of park going). Would one day be enough with the front of the line ticket, or would two days in the park be better?


Half a day is enough at USH to do everything. It's a small park. Some great attractions, sure, but it's just small. Every time I've gone I've been able to bang out everything by lunch time. Then I spend the rest of my day re-riding everything in the lower lot.

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I am thinking about making a trip down to USH in April for the opening of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and was curious how many days everyone thinks I would need in the park. I have only been to USH once about 10 years ago, and my girlfriend has never been. I was looking at ticket prices and leaning towards the 1 day front of the line ticket which is cheaper than buying 2 regular 1 day tickets (for 2 days of park going). Would one day be enough with the front of the line ticket, or would two days in the park be better?


Half a day is enough at USH to do everything. It's a small park. Some great attractions, sure, but it's just small. Every time I've gone I've been able to bang out everything by lunch time. Then I spend the rest of my day re-riding everything in the lower lot.


I would say that with the expected crowds once Potter opens, it'll be more than a 1/2 day park. But one full day with the FOL pass should still do the trick.

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I would say that with the expected crowds once Potter opens, it'll be more than a 1/2 day park. But one full day with the FOL pass should still do the trick.


Agreed, with Potter it will finally be a full day park. I would hit all the Potter stuff at opening as your line pass probably won't be valid for those attractions (if they follow USO). Then you can spend the rest of the day skipping the lines with your pass and then circle back to Potter before close to get re-rides. The USH line pass also includes reserved seating for the shows, so you can just show up a few minutes before showtime and still get great seats.

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Maybe I have it in for myself but I'm actually considering going to this in April. There's usually not too much else going on in April so why not? I'm not a huge die-hard Potter fan but I enjoyed the movies and enjoyed the rides in Orlando. Plus it might be fun to have a few of those Potter beers and people-watch all the crazy fans.

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I would also suggest buying in advance...there is a very real possibility they will sell out with the Potter hype!


Thanks for the tip, I was planning on getting them only however, currently FOL tickets are only on sale through Feb 12.


Try calling 1-800-UNIVERSAL. You might be able to buy over the phone.

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I am excited to see Wizarding World West. It looks like USH is building on the first two versions on the Hogwarts and the Forbidden Journey. I wonder how much attendance will be impacted? I think the number will only marginally increase with their price hikes on season passes with no parking option. However I think USH is hoping Potter will bring in more spend happy unique visitors over season pass holders that don't spend as much per visit. Either way glad they are basically ready to debut the space!

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