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Universal Studios Hollywood (USH) Discussion Thread

P. 120: Universal Fan Fest Nights details released!

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What a dangerous thread to click on first thing in the morning! The food looks pretty good, especially the doughnuts! Man, so hungry!


Great photos! The power plant explosion is a nice touch, area looks great at night.


I said the same thing. Looks like they have more options than the Florida version. When to I went to USF I did not get to eat the Simpson's spot b/c I was so busy stuffing my face and drinking butter beer in diagon alley! lol

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The Simpsons expansion looks cool. I'll have to get back to USH sometime this year, maybe for HHN.


I'm wondering, is the Fast & Furious Ride a separate ride, or a part of the Studio Tram tour like King Kong 360 3D?

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^ So its a new part of the Studio Tour and not a separate ride?





I know all the advertisements are touting this as a new "ride", which is so incredibly misleading.





The only place where the park is actually up front and honest is on the actual attractions web page on the parks website:



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Technically Fast & Furious is a ride based on the definition in California law. So is Shrek FWIW.


I don't think it's misleading...I just think it's realizing you have to market to the lowest common denominator. Most guests would still call it a ride regardless of how they market it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'll take a portion of the Studio Tour being advertised as a ride over those Larson carnival flats being marketed as roller coasters any day.


Totally agree with this.

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It was announced today that The Wizarding World of Harry Potter will open in Spring of 2016. And, it will open with 3D-HD!




Also, just like the Japan version, it will have Flight of The Hippogriff as it`s secondary attraction.

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^Holy crap! That is really early. So this means either the maze requires LOTS of work meaning it could be really cool. Or it could me that there are more mazes this year and they need to start earlier. Theres obviously other options, but this is what Im hoping for!

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Spent the afternoon at Universal on Monday, everything was walk on. Transformers really was more enjoyable than I was expecting, Minion Mayhem was very well done as well. The studio tour lacks, a lot of talking very little magic. Supercharge has cast previews from June 10th, and should soft open a couple of days later.


Potter was looking amazing, the park for me is still a half day park.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Evans, who is villain Owen Shaw, adds that Furious was a logical extension to make the attraction which will now serve as the finale to Universal's famed studio tour.


"I'm amazed it hasn't been made into a theme park ride earlier than it has," says Evans. "When you watch the movies, you feel this power, speed and adrenaline."


How quickly they forget the Fast & Furious: Tokyo Drift dancing cars on sticks.

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Actually, still waiting for Fast and the Furious to be turned into a theme park ride.


Can't help wonder how well this would work using the Transformers ride system instead. Well, hope that happens in Florida or Japan, so the franchise does have a proper thrill ride. For Hollywood, vast improvement over the tunnel of course, and a good finale showpiece for the tour.

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TPR was invited to the grand opening of Fast and Furious: Supercharged! The event was a lot fun, Courthouse Square from Back to the Future served as the backdrop for the ceremony. As a movie fan, getting walk around those sets was incredibly cool! The opening ceremony was kicked off by a performance by the Fast and Furious pit girls, followed by a speech from Universal Studios Hollywood President Larry Kurzweil. Fast and Furious stars Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez, Tyrese Gibson, and Jason Statham were also on hand. The ceremony was concluded with an epic car chase that officially open the attraction!


Then it was time to time to check out the actual attraction. The facade is very impressive, it really does feel like something pulled out of the movie. The ride is split into three parts with the first two rooms being a pre-show. They blend video with practical sets using the tram monitor or projections, similar to what we've seen in the Forbidden Journey and Gringotts pre-shows. The ride itself is fun, it's basically the same technology as Kong 360, although this has a lot more fog and water effects. It does give you that 360 sensory overload feeling like Kong which is cool. It's definitely the biggest and most technology advanced attraction on the tour and a good grand finale. Fans of the movies should love it, it's definitely a huge improvement over the old spinning tunnel.


Check out the photos:


Here's our ride for the day!


New design on the trams by the way.


Will admit it was a little weird being on the "other side" of the Studio Tour.


The media event took place at Court House Square on the backlot.


Lots of picture cars from the movies were on display.


Lots of cool photo ops!



We could even sit in them!


Got my new ride! ;)





Lots of food for us...highly appreciated!


Save the Clocktower!!


The red carpet was rolled out for the celebrities.


Tyrese Gibson aka Roman from the Fast and Furious franchise.



Jason Statham who plays Shaw.


Wouldn't be Fast and Furious with out car stunts!



Or hots chicks. ;)







USH president Larry Kerzweil's ride.


There he is!


"Last time I'm taking Uber"


LA mayor Eric Garcetti also gave a speech.



The cast was brought up to cut the chain and open Fast and Furious: Supercharged!


Vin Diesel gave a speech dedicating the attraction to Paul Walker.



Chain is about to be cut when......


The FBI showed up to look for a known criminal somewhere at the event.



They don't look to impressed.


Is that the guy? ;)



What's Mr. Stunt Driver?



Flying Cars!!!


Now it's officially open!








Time to check it out for ourselves!


You're first introduced to the story right after Wisteria Lane, when the tour guide calls in a suspicious vehicle.


We're told we need to hide out in this old warehouse...seems legit!


The facade's very impressive!



We're given tips on how to survive the action. (Meaning put away your phones, camera etc.)


Cool party going on in here.


Then the FBI brakes it up...don't know why they keep doing that!


Projection effects are cool!



It's cool to see they got pretty much the whole cast for this.


Also some cars and trucks fans might recognize.


From that point you're taken into the actual attraction. Like I said earlier high action and there's a lot to see on both sides of the tram. There's not really a bad seat for it either. We were in the last car and I was second seat from the right hand side and the 360 effect looked great!


Fast and Furious Supercharged is open now go check it out!!

Edited by DallasAlvey
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