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Universal Studios Hollywood (USH) Discussion Thread

P. 120: Universal Fan Fest Nights details released!

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Can someone who is on a computer quote this article for me? It's not letting me copy the text on my phone

Edited by bostonlva
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UNIVERSAL CITY (CBSLA.com) — Attorney Gloria Allred will hold a news conference Wednesday to demand action regarding alleged comments made towards two teenagers at Universal Studios.


Allred will be joined by the mother of the 13-year-old girls at 2 p.m. outside her office at 6300 Wilshire Blvd., officials said.


The teens were allegedly singled out and called “sluts”, “hookers” and “whores” by an employee at Universal Studios in Hollywood.


The alleged incident took place at Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights.


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Yeah, the Purge announcer regularly makes rude comments like that but I find it extremely hilarious. Don't see the huge deal, it happened last year too. I remember the "Polite Stranger" asked a guest "What weapon will you be using during the Purge?" and the guest didn't reply the "Polite Stranger' said "I assumed you were the kind to not use protection" with the guest laughing it off. Interesting to see how this'll play out.

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Attorney Gloria Allred will hold a news conference Wednesday


Doesn't she hold a press conference every day?


Is there more information about this story? Right now it is rather light on details.




I heard snippets of the press conference on KNX like 30 min ago. So I'm guessing that more info should be out soon

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After Universal caved with the issue over Bill & Ted, it is pretty easy for a lawyer looking for a quick payday to try to cash in on a guest being offfended.


I visited the park for HHN first weekend. I will not go back until HP is done. Operations were pretty bad. Huge lines. Zero entertainment replacement for Bill & Ted. Once again, they kept Shrek 4d closed, even though it is about a ghost. They really neeed to up the budger and operate shows in the venues, including waterworld. With the price increasing, they actually offered less this year than ever before. Speaking of lines, all the posted wait times.were radically off. Just two examples. Despicable Me,.posted no wait time. Upon arrival, 20 min as told by staff, actual time 45 minutes. Maze line posted at 20 minutes, actual time, almost two hours. That bait and switch is unacceptable, and will not return for HHN.


Maze wise, the only highlight was American Werewolf in London. That was impressive. I was very dissapointed with AVP. I was hoping for a sci fi look, but it was simply mostly a house set. Very little creavity in the sets. Make up effects were excellent. If they do sci fi again, why not at least try to do a spaceship?

Walking Dead, good but similar.to before.


Clown maze was a least colorful, and that is the only positive. Creepy clown maze really a worn out theme for halloween. Dracula untold should remain untold. The 2nd vampire maze, based on an ok series, was just ok. Did they spend ever dollar they had on Werewolf? I am a big fan of face off, but it is not scary in the least.

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Eh. I don't know what to think about this one. I mean, sure, America is a sue-happy culture nowadays. It is ridiculous sometimes. And I really disagreed with the whole Bill & Ted controversy last year. That was dumb.


But calling 13 year old girls sluts and whores, that kind of crosses the line for me. Especially when done in a public environment in front of a large crowd. However, there is the chance that the actor thought the girls were much older than they a really are and made a mistake, which is what I am thinking probably happened. I mean, 20 year old females would've just laughed it off and wouldn't think twice about it, but it's totally different with 13 year olds.


In the end, all the families want is an apology. I do think they could have waited a little longer before making this a huge public thing, but at least they aren't demanding money like so many dumb Americans feel the need to do. Hopefully Universal will make an apology and then this whole discussion can be forgotten about.

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EDIT: Wrong Thread


^ Anyways, it should be. Won't guarantee you'll do al the mazes but you'll do at most 5/7 of what matters: AvP > Walking Dead > From Dusk 'til Dawn > Clowns 3D > An American Werewolf in London > Terror Tram > Dracula Untold > Face/Off. Good luck!

Edited by _IntaMAN_
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Once again, they kept Shrek 4d closed, even though it is about a ghost. They really neeed to up the budger and operate shows in the venues, including waterworld. With the price increasing, they actually offered less this year than ever before.


The 7 mazes, 5 rides, and Terror Tram was actually MORE than they offered last year. Also, Shrek has never been part of the event since it's queue space has always been a maze (which has since been swallowed by construction). I'm also not really sure what it would add to the event, since I doubt people would be flocking to a dated 3D show. Shrek isn't even open in Orlando and those maze lines are miserable too.




Is it possible to get all the mazes done by 11:00 on this thursday, nov 23???


If so, whats the strategy.


Take advantage of First Stab if you are an annual pass holder, or early entry if you are not. You can finish the lower lot MUCH quicker that way.

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Eh. I don't know what to think about this one. I mean, sure, America is a sue-happy culture nowadays. It is ridiculous sometimes. And I really disagreed with the whole Bill & Ted controversy last year. That was dumb.


But calling 13 year old girls sluts and whores, that kind of crosses the line for me. Especially when done in a public environment in front of a large crowd. However, there is the chance that the actor thought the girls were much older than they a really are and made a mistake, which is what I am thinking probably happened. I mean, 20 year old females would've just laughed it off and wouldn't think twice about it, but it's totally different with 13 year olds.


In the end, all the families want is an apology. I do think they could have waited a little longer before making this a huge public thing, but at least they aren't demanding money like so many dumb Americans feel the need to do. Hopefully Universal will make an apology and then this whole discussion can be forgotten about.


They want Universal to settle for cash. They're entering by just asking for an apology to get into the public's eye.

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Dumb but the actress should have known better. One thing to generally call out "sluts and whores" its another to address individuals specifically as sluts and whores, especially in this day and age with the current wave of feminism that will jump on every oppurtunity like this where "society" demeans women.

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I would normally feel bad for a haunt going through this but after Unversal caved to the minor bad publicity from Bill and Ted last year I can't feel bad at all. They brought this on themselves.


But this is an event aimed at ADULTS who would let their 13 y/o kids run around there by themselves?

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Dumb but the actress should have known better. One thing to generally call out "sluts and whores" its another to address individuals specifically as sluts and whores, especially in this day and age with the current wave of feminism that will jump on every oppurtunity like this where "society" demeans women.


No better than invective...at a supposedly family-friendly venue.

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...who would let their 13 y/o kids run around there by themselves?


'MURICA! Where the parents don't do any parenting and leave it up to everything around them to cater specifically to their precise needs!

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Universal can't catch a break. Californians are more sensitive than ever it seems. I guess it is all fun and games watching her call everyone else every name in the book but when it was their turn to get picked on they want to cry about it. I mean all that lady does is talk sh*t it's pretty obvious what you are in for, considering it is an adult event it makes me sad that this can even be a lawsuit. I thought she was hilarious myself, as they cut Bill & Ted already.

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How else do you think this dysfunctional family makes income? It's gotta come from somewhere.


I love living in California, but I'm inclined to agree that some of the folks down here are baaad. They'll sue for just about anything, even if someone looks at them funny, and this is no exception. They should know that this was going to be an adult-oriented event, and they should be thankful that the recommended age is THAT low. Was the actress' colorful language really necessary? Probably not, but it's not like she's directly harming the person's innocence and virginity. People take words way too seriously now these days, and this just reconfirms that. This isn't "nacho cheese burning taste-buds" bad, but it sure is stupid.

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...who would let their 13 y/o kids run around there by themselves?


'MURICA! Where the parents don't do any parenting and leave it up to everything around them to cater specifically to their precise needs!


This. Plus, parenting takes precious time away from posting on Facebook.


My favorite example of quality parenting were the people that brought a baby to a Volbeat show.



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