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Universal Studios Hollywood (USH) Discussion Thread

P. 120: Universal Fan Fest Nights details released!

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Going to be visiting the park for the first time in a little over a week. Anyone have suggestions on what order we should hit the attractions to be avoid lines? Also, are there any food recommendations?

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What do you guys think Nighttime Studio Tours and F&F Supercharged will do for USH next year?


I think it will really help extend the day, and the capacity for the park. The tram tour is the single biggest draw for the park, and having it open for several more hours will really help spread crowds out.

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I'm not sure if this belongs here, but a couple of hours ago, it was announced that Halloween Horror Nights in both Hollywood and Orlando would have a Walking Dead maze for the third year in a row. Hollywood's event will feature a maze based off of the fourth season along with the return of Terror Tram: Invaded by The Walking Dead and another scare zone themed to the show.


Edited by behemothman08
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For first time visit, I would attempt to get there at park opening. The ride order I would generally do would be to head straight to the lower lot. I personally love the Transformers ride, so typically I would do that first. Depending on the line build up, either do Transformers twice in a row, or then head to Mummy, repeat depending on line. Depending on weather, bounce over to Jurrassic Park. If timing works out, possibly to knock out those three lower lot attractions in less than an hour, multiple times even. There is a listing of wait times on the lower lot for the park by the stairway. I always consult that before heading up to the upper lot. Head back up to upper lot, eyeball the wait times for Despicable Me and The Simpsons, and choose accordingly. After finishing the "rides", you can take in Waterworld or Tram Tour. Both are high capacity , and line moves quickly.


The in-park food is not amazing. I find it better to snack in the park, then to have an actual meal there, because there are so many better options on the Citywalk. Right outside the gates is Saddle Ranch, which is pretty good if you are a fan of bbq. Bubbba Gump shrimp can be ok, Hard Rock is average, Johnny Rockets is decent, and there is the typical food court option across from the movie theater as well.

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wait times are available anywhere at ushwaittimes.com on your phone.


I agree with getting to the park early---the summer season is slowly beginning, so it will be getting a bit more crowded. But if you get there at park opening, you can beat much of the crowds!


I disagree on the food options though---you're not going to find anything earth shattering, but there are many quality options. The nachos, grilled cheese, and salad at Gru's cafe are great theme park food items. Flinstones BBQ is big portions and decent BBQ for theme park standards. The Palace Cafe has lots of decent grab and go sandwiches/wraps/etc. as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know it's early, but I'm going to post a prediction on this year's lineup for HHN:


-Dracula Untold in House of Horrors

-The Conjuring in Persian Square

-Cabin in the Woods in the Mummy overflow

-American Werewolf in London in the JP overflow

-the original concept maze in the backlot

-Alien VS Predator in the sound stage

-Walking Dead has already been confirmed.

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There is a regular front of line pass for $119-$150 that is only one time use per maze/attraction.


VIP is unlimited and includes a gourmet dinner (and the opportunity to drink---only place at HHN you can get beer or wine) in additional to an exclusive vignette/scare as part of your backlot tour (you still get an abridged version of the daytime VIP tour).

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On a Monday and a Tuesday in late August, I am visiting the park for the first time. Does anyone have an idea as to how busy it may be? My family and I wants to be able to do pretty much everything.(I'm also going to Knott's the next day.)

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I can't say I will miss house of horrors. I always thought it would be more interesting as queque line for an attraction. I am sure that Gringott is in the planning stages down the line. The location of it will be interesting placement, no doubt about that.

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