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Universal Studios Hollywood (USH) Discussion Thread

P. 120: Universal Fan Fest Nights details released!

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Had an awesome visit to the park yesterday to check out Despicable Me! I'll post a full report tomorrow once I get all of the photos sorted out, but for now I'll leave you with some Vines I took...













More tomorrow!

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-If you think Harry Potter will die down...... it won't. The kids who were 9 when the books came out are now 24. Soon a bunch of the first generation Potter kids, will have kids -- and Harry Potter will be a nice alternative to Disney programming. It will be the new lore, the new hand-me-down tales of this century. Then the new Potter "Beasts" movie trilogy will come out.


JK and Universal, I think are/were smart enough to envision the future of the franchise. The future of Potter is strong. Not Star Wars strong(yet), but the shelf life of Mr. Potter is not shrinking or going away anytime soon. Within the past month I watched all the movies, and it's ridiculous how often on TV shows, movies, books, and even late night talk shows the books are referenced. They are a part of the global culture, and I wouldn't deny there power. In Japan this summer, expect the Wizarding World to make just as big of a splash there as it did in Orlando four years ago.


I still think Muggles is a stupid word.

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Alright, the slightly delayed photo TR is here! I was gonna get these up a little earlier but after a particularly crap day at work I decided to go see Spider-Man 2 instead. Quick review of that...it's OK. Needed more action (there's only two main battles that are both quite short) and could easily have chopped a half hour off of the 2.5 hour running time.


Moving right along...


Despicable Me: Minion Mayhem - I really enjoyed it. It was just around the corner from opening in Florida the last time I was there so this was my first experience and I was pleasantly surprised! Sure, the motion technology is extremely out of date by now but the 4K projection was gorgeous! I just wish they had gone the extra mile and included more 4D effects. Since it's a copy of such an old ride system in Orlando they basically rebuilt it block for block. They had a great opportunity to add something extra to make it unique but they dropped the ball. Still a very fun and funny ride, though!


Super Silly Fun Land - According to Jew, the water play area opened one day after my visit. That's annoying. It looked awesome from behind the temporary barricade! I know it's mostly for little kids but it would have been nice to get a little splash here and there considering it was high 80s and Jurassic Park was closed for refurb (booooo!). Anyways, the dry play area is a welcome distraction for the little ones and Silly Swirly is exactly what you'd expect, just with awesome character design. We rode twice in a row without getting off while listening to minions sing "I Swear..." -




Yeah, trying not laughing hysterically while riding a kiddie ride listening to that! If that doesn't suit you, they also play this -




The Simpsons Ride - Yup it's The Simpsons. Fun and a bit violent as always, though this time I got a very large dose of water spray throughout the ride.


Studio Tour - The route was very nice this time through, over an hour long! We hit all the major stops and had a very long, snaking journey through the NY streets set (where Courthouse Square is and all that). We also took the scenic route through the front lot (studio area) and saw a bunch of stuff I hadn't seen before. Nothing big was filming, unfortunately (unless you consider The Voice something big) so there were no celebrity sightings, but I'm not complaining. The less filming, the better the tour (less restricted areas). Kong was running great and apparently scared a kid so much that their parents had to pull the emergency cord on our way out of the building. The poor guy was shaking like he was experiencing PTSD. We stopped for a few minutes waiting for the EMS golf cart to come by and give the all clear. Norman Bates scared the hell out of the woman sitting in front of us, Jaws splashed us pretty well, Earthquake was particularly shakey, etc. It was probably my best tour through the backlot yet!


Waterworld - WHOOOOO! WATERWORLD! I love a good stunt show no matter how much cheese there is. This is the first time I've seen the reworked version (they now have the same production company as Japan) and it really has a better flow. There aren't many changes and they're all very subtle, but it makes a big difference. The entire arena seems to have gotten some TLC in the changeover, as well, because it seemed that there were more and bigger explosions throughout the show as well as the entire set looking like it had a nice fresh coat of paint.


Mummy - Always a fun ride. Every effect was working and they even had a new one right at the start of the ride (simple fog curtain) that may not be new at all, but it's definitely new to me. I love the surprising airtime in the back row! My one gripe is the finale of the ride. It's just so anticlimactic and just kind of ends. Can't win 'em all, though.


Transformers - Running in top form! Every effect was operating, no breakdowns, no stacking in the station, just running as well as it can be. It's still no Spider-Man at IOA, but it sure is a lot of fun!


As I mentioned earlier, Jurassic Park is now closed for a seemingly hefty refurb. The lagoon was drained and a lift was parked inside, I'm assuming for some extensive repainting. It seems I caught it on day 1 of the refurb, as my buddy who's a tour guide there had no idea it had even closed yet. It was unfortunate since it's one of my favorite rides anywhere, but I remember it being pretty run down the last time I visited so it definitely needs some magic. Maybe they'll get the T-Rex to actually move again, haha.


One with the Vines and pictures!



























Cranes for Potter are looming over the entire property.



Coffee stop.


Required picture, duh.



Really packed. I suck at choosing days to visit. /sarcasm



Gorgeous entrance.







Dance party!


Minions are EVERYWHERE!



Taking care of the finishing touches. Everything I saw was painted by hand!








Ribbed for your pleasure...





Cranes, cranes, cranes.




Hogwarts is going to be so intimidating when it's complete. You'll be able to see the thing from anywhere in the valley, from Van Nuys to Burbank!






JP Show Car


War Of The Worlds set


My awesome lunch. Yes, that's a Minion Red Velvet cupcake.


Closed because life isn't fair.


Shoulda sprung for the front of the line pass.


Optimus was doing his meet and greet.


Sheesh these lines are insane.


Testing the water effects in Super Silly Fun Land.


Awesome bush.

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Back to the Future: The Ride disappeared from Universal Studios Hollywood in September 2007 to make way for The Simpsons Ride. But the classic Universal time-travel franchise might be returning to the theme park for its 30th anniversary next year.


No, the 3D motion-simulator movie ride won't be coming back, but what Universal is said to be considering might be even better. The new Back to the Future attraction would be an encounter on the new nighttime version of the park's backlot Studio Tour and would recreate the climatic scene when Marty returns "back to the future" in the DeLorean time machine on the very spot where the scene was filmed.


With the television series that had been filming on Universal's Courthouse Square backlot set wrapping production, Universal is free to recreate the Back to the Future set on the site. (Some of the original Courthouse Square sets burned in the June 2008 backlot fire that destroyed the original King Kong attraction.) The plan is that Universal would transform Courthouse Square to its faux-1955 look from the 1985 movie, which would serve as a drive-by attraction in itself for visitors on the regular, daytime version of the Studio Tour. But the real action would happen at night.


For the nighttime tour, the trams would stop at Courthouse Square for a four-minute stunt show that would put Doc Brown on the top of the clock tower, fumbling to plug in the wire that he's rigged to cross the road on the side of the square. Marty McFly's DeLorean ultimately would speed past, and with a mix of pyro, lighting, and sound effects, blast back to the future.


In the past, Universal's staged its Studio Tour encounters (Earthquake, Jaws, Kong, etc.) in purpose-built sets separate from the production facilities on the backlot. After all, you can't film on sets if tourist trams are driving through all day, which is why the line-up of production sets visited by the trams changes on almost a daily basis. But it's not unheard of for productions to film on the encounter sets if needed (Earthquake, in particular), and with 2015 being the 30th anniversary of the original Back to the Future film, switching Courthouse Square over to its most famous form for the year could help support a promotional push for the franchise. Remember, 2015 is big in the Back to the Future franchise, as that's the year Marty travels to in the second film.


So Marty might be coming back to Hill Valley's Courthouse Square in 2015, after all. How cool would that be?






If this is true, WOW!

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Back to the Future: The Ride disappeared from Universal Studios Hollywood in September 2007 to make way for The Simpsons Ride. But the classic Universal time-travel franchise might be returning to the theme park for its 30th anniversary next year.


No, the 3D motion-simulator movie ride won't be coming back, but what Universal is said to be considering might be even better. The new Back to the Future attraction would be an encounter on the new nighttime version of the park's backlot Studio Tour and would recreate the climatic scene when Marty returns "back to the future" in the DeLorean time machine on the very spot where the scene was filmed.


With the television series that had been filming on Universal's Courthouse Square backlot set wrapping production, Universal is free to recreate the Back to the Future set on the site. (Some of the original Courthouse Square sets burned in the June 2008 backlot fire that destroyed the original King Kong attraction.) The plan is that Universal would transform Courthouse Square to its faux-1955 look from the 1985 movie, which would serve as a drive-by attraction in itself for visitors on the regular, daytime version of the Studio Tour. But the real action would happen at night.


For the nighttime tour, the trams would stop at Courthouse Square for a four-minute stunt show that would put Doc Brown on the top of the clock tower, fumbling to plug in the wire that he's rigged to cross the road on the side of the square. Marty McFly's DeLorean ultimately would speed past, and with a mix of pyro, lighting, and sound effects, blast back to the future.


In the past, Universal's staged its Studio Tour encounters (Earthquake, Jaws, Kong, etc.) in purpose-built sets separate from the production facilities on the backlot. After all, you can't film on sets if tourist trams are driving through all day, which is why the line-up of production sets visited by the trams changes on almost a daily basis. But it's not unheard of for productions to film on the encounter sets if needed (Earthquake, in particular), and with 2015 being the 30th anniversary of the original Back to the Future film, switching Courthouse Square over to its most famous form for the year could help support a promotional push for the franchise. Remember, 2015 is big in the Back to the Future franchise, as that's the year Marty travels to in the second film.


So Marty might be coming back to Hill Valley's Courthouse Square in 2015, after all. How cool would that be?






If this is true, WOW!

I would definitely go!!!


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Universal Studios Hollywood also raises ticket prices yesterday across the board for both regular day visits as well as annual passes. There is apparently no longer a child ticket price, and the price of a standard ticket is now $92 at the gate, matching the gate price of Disneyland. The good news is that the annual pass prices are still much cheaper than Disneyland however, with the options coming in at either $119, $139 or $179 for the Premium Star Pass.

Be advised however, everyone can still purchase discounted tickets ($87 for adults and just $79 for children) by buying them online at the official website.



Seems strange to not give kids tickets at the gate



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  • 3 weeks later...
Hey everyone quick question. How are cowards late June? I'm thinking about heading out there Sunday, June 22 and didn't know if I'm walking into a death trap. What's the average waits for the bigger rides during that time? Thanks for the help.


They are pretty much the same no matter what month you run into them. Just confront them and they will turn tail and run!

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Hey everyone quick question. How are cowards late June? I'm thinking about heading out there Sunday, June 22 and didn't know if I'm walking into a death trap. What's the average waits for the bigger rides during that time? Thanks for the help.


They are pretty much the same no matter what month you run into them. Just confront them and they will turn tail and run!

Excuse me for asking, but I'm kinda new here, so who/ what are cowards exactly?
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^ Again, whooooooosh, there goes the joke.


Dude made a typo, other dude made a joke about said typo, you didn't get the joke.


Hey look! Back on topic! c0sterfreek, You might see some crowds but I wouldn't worry. Transformers, Jurassic Park, and Mummy have single rider lines so you'll be able to marathon those bad boys. Despicable Me should be your first thing since it'll get slammed. Simpsons will probably get a decent line, too. Also get to Waterworld early unless you want to be forced into the splash zone. As for the studio tour, the line looks huge but those trams are people eaters so you'd be fine going whenever, though I'd recommend 1-ish since people will be grabbing lunch.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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