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Universal Studios Hollywood (USH) Discussion Thread

P. 120: Universal Fan Fest Nights details released!

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From the description of the new Fast & Furious ride, I have to think it will be a simulator or something similar to the Forbidden Journey robot arm technology. I've never been a big fan of the F&F movies, but a new coaster could certainly warrant my first trip to USF. I've never been to Universal in Hollywood, but it seems that it has made and is making a drastic change - which is very exciting!


Unfortunately, it's nothing on that scale. The Fast and Furious attraction is just another addition to the tram tour. From the announcement, it sounds identical to the King Kong segment, which I find disappointing. King Kong 360 3D is probably my least favorite section of the tour, and I'd much rather the route add more backlot time than another gimmicky attraction, as it is a tour after all (on the plus side, it will make holding those 3D glasses for the entire ride slightly less annoying...slightly)


The rest of the new developments, however, sound great. Despicable Me seems like it could be the one of the best rides at the park, Springfield was popular in Florida and I'm sure it will complement the Simpsons Ride nicely, and I'm very excited about Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I'm not sure if I'll get to visit the park before 2016 (might try to get there this summer, but if I don't make it I'll probably just wait), but hopefully by then the park will no longer feel insanely overpriced like it currently does. I really like the park, I just can't justify visiting more than once every 3-4 years at the price they charge.

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^ Less than Disney and SeaWorld is too expensive? I bought the "3 for the price of 1" pass, $80 to visit 3 times in one year, and view it as one of the best deals available!

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^ Yeah, the producers (not writers) rode the tram tour and were so embarassed by the Tokyo Drift section that they demanded it be immediately shut down that instant. The park complied and shuttered it ASAP. They didn't even let it play out for the rest of the day. It stayed closed until they removed it recently.


It hasn't been removed. It's just closed.

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So now that Minion Mayhem is officially open, is Super Silly Fun Land open, as well? Or is it still under construction? I don't want to waste the drive and a visit if I can't see the entire new area.

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Despicable Me Minion Mayhem is now open!


Theme Park Review was invited to attend the official YELLOW Carpet premier of Despicable Me Minion Mayhem on Friday April 11th, ahead of the official ride opening on April 12th.


Follow William and Melissa as they enjoy the event, and take a look at just a few more pictures from the day!


As always, a big "thank you" to Universal Studios Hollywood and Trana Pittam for hosting us, and congratulations on opening another great attraction!


After the event, the ride was available for day Guests.


By 2:30, the line was still only 20 minutes!


See you real soon USH!


Our favorite Super Villain!


They are kinda cute, for being Joey-sized!


No Banana for you!


Super Silly Fun Land is (almost fully) open! The dry play ground and flat ride are open, and the wet play ground should open any day.


Dry play ground.


Wet play ground.



And the Silly Swirly flat ride. (Watch it in action in the video above!)

Edited by robbalvey
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Although I'm not a big fan of Despicable Me, it looks like Universal did an excellent job with this new section--the new kids area looks especially good. I like the video, too.

Edited by cfc
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  • 2 weeks later...

Before I start off, I think the USH index page needs a little update, as now you can spend a whole day here, easily with TF:3D and DM:MM. This might also make the rating 5

Anyways Super Silly Fun Land is getting a new ride, saw it being built on my trip last week. Quick re-brief to keep it fresh in your memory: Potter will be 6 acres compared to the 20 acres at IOA However, this will likely make USH surpass USF's attendance. One thing I always found interesting is that USH has 5 mil yearly, USF has 6 mil yearly, however USF has 100+ acres. So there ya go. Right now only Forbidden Journey will be copied, we don't know if the shops will come as well, but I hope butterbeer wil be there. Dueling Dragons will not be added (as far as we know), but we don't need that piece of junk, we already have the most world-class coaster lineup in the world!... no one? Ok. (Although I prefer USH's Mummy to USF) Diagon Alley may come, although we probably would have to start building up to do that. I see really creative things coming from USH in the future.


Edited by transfo
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^I think that still depends on how and when you visit. JP, TF, ROTM, and DM offer single rider lines and if you get there at opening wait times will be very low.


There has also been plenty of discussion about WWoHP in this thread, so you are not reporting anything new. Diagon Alley is going to skewer the numbers in UO's favor...

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^I think that still depends on how and when you visit. JP, TF, ROTM, and DM offer single rider lines and if you get there at opening wait times will be very low.


There has also been plenty of discussion about WWoHP in this thread, so you are not reporting anything new. Diagon Alley is going to skewer the numbers in UO's favor...



And I'm sure USO counts the land that Dragon Challenge sits on too.



^Also Universal Hollywood is now pulling six million a year. Transformers was HUGE for this park.

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^I think that still depends on how and when you visit. JP, TF, ROTM, and DM offer single rider lines and if you get there at opening wait times will be very low.


There has also been plenty of discussion about WWoHP in this thread, so you are not reporting anything new. Diagon Alley is going to skewer the numbers in UO's favor...

Ah yeah hadn't looked back in the forum. Also, most people don't arrive in the morning. And you made me remember about Diagon Alley! I guess we'll see how many people actually buy park hopper tix. Edited by transfo
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^I think that still depends on how and when you visit. JP, TF, ROTM, and DM offer single rider lines and if you get there at opening wait times will be very low.


There has also been plenty of discussion about WWoHP in this thread, so you are not reporting anything new. Diagon Alley is going to skewer the numbers in UO's favor...



And I'm sure USO counts the land that Dragon Challenge sits on too.



^Also Universal Hollywood is now pulling six million a year. Transformers was HUGE for this park.

Read AECOM and total growth from TF was 35%. Amazing. Plus King Kong helped some too.
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^I think that still depends on how and when you visit. JP, TF, ROTM, and DM offer single rider lines and if you get there at opening wait times will be very low.


There has also been plenty of discussion about WWoHP in this thread, so you are not reporting anything new. Diagon Alley is going to skewer the numbers in UO's favor...

Ah yeah hadn't looked back in the forum. Also, most people don't arrive in the morning. And you made me remember about Diagon Alley! I guess we'll see how many people actually buy park hopper tix.


The park puts the early opening as the main thing on their website when they offer it. Morning is getting more busy with each busy season..

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^I think that still depends on how and when you visit. JP, TF, ROTM, and DM offer single rider lines and if you get there at opening wait times will be very low.


There has also been plenty of discussion about WWoHP in this thread, so you are not reporting anything new. Diagon Alley is going to skewer the numbers in UO's favor...

Ah yeah hadn't looked back in the forum. Also, most people don't arrive in the morning. And you made me remember about Diagon Alley! I guess we'll see how many people actually buy park hopper tix.


The park puts the early opening as the main thing on their website when they offer it. Morning is getting more busy with each busy season..

True. However I think Potter will die down in a couple years at UOR, unless they expand it (which they will). Anyways I see USH getting a bump in numbers, but how much is up for debate.
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