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Universal Studios Hollywood (USH) Discussion Thread

P. 120: Universal Fan Fest Nights details released!

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It can't be directly owned by Universal because Busch Gardens has one. But in the behind the scenes video about spiderman ride, Universal kind of hints that they created the technology and they own it.




But if Universal owns this tech. how did Busch Gardens get one?

It's like WED giving Warner Bros their Test Track Tech so Warner Bros can make Road Runner ride at Warner Bros Movie World or something like that. WED would never just give their tech away. So Universal would never give it away either.



Could it be owned by Intamin like a private product??

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^Just cause Busch has a similar ride system doesn't mean its the same system. Everyone knows how the ride works, so if you knew how to engineer it then you could simply make your own. Now, I dont know if Busch has the same ride system or if they both it from someone who copied it. But it wouldn't be that difficult to do.

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If Universal did design Spiderman's roving motion base in-house (and I don't know whether or not they did), that doesn't mean that another company couldn't have designed a similar system for Busch. For example, I know that the 3D "squinched" ride film for Spiderman was done by Kleizer-Walczak, while Super 78 did Darkastle.

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The ride in Lotte World was a blast. It uses the smaller Vehicle on the left if the article. It seemed to be a lot longer then Indy and has all the same effects as BOTH Indys for the most park and even some extras. Though the production quality was that same as Disney, it was a lot of fun and I rode it several times.


Here is the Coaster Tube Video of the park:



Ride name is Pharaoh's Fury at Lotte World if you want to look it.

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So what are the odds of these rides being completed in 2011? Per wikipedia, which is a questionable source to say the least, the Hollywood version would not open until 2012. It kind of makes sense, as the local ads for the park are playing up King Kong 360 as the main focus of their marketing.


Great video! I am very interested to seeing how Transformers is adapted into this style of attraction.

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Took this pic the other day. Gives a good idea of just how massive the building really is. Keep in mind that Stages 30/32 were a combined total of 25,000sqft before the walls were knocked down, pits were dug into the ground, and the building was expanded.


Just in case you were wondering how to fit a big ride in a small space...

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