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Photo TR: Julie and Kevin invade SoCal!

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Next, we decided to try out the Calico Mine Ride. They were only running one train, which would have made for a terrible line had there been many more people in the park. We waited probably 5 minutes or so, and were on the next vehicle that came by. I enjoyed this ride quite a bit too! But Kevin and I both had the question...does this ride count as a coaster?? It's pretty much like a train ride, or a dark ride, but then it's got a chain lift at the end! If you count powered coasters, should you count this ride? I don't know! It straddles the line between coaster and not-a-coaster more than any other ride I can think of!


It's also mostly down hill. Right after the lift is flat, then it's slightly uphill until you're almost to the rock crusher. But everywhere else (outside of the station) the driver is either coasting or braking.


Personally, I don't count it. But if I did, it would be my most ridden coaster, by far!


Tom Foolery

All thanks to my dynamite driving!

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When the entree arrived, I really was expecting it to be better! I got three HUGE pieces of chicken, which was way too much to finish (I finished one and a half pieces). But the chicken had barely any flavor...the batter was very flavorless, and there was very little of it at that. Any average piece of KFC chicken would have been more flavorful. And the mashed potatoes were abysmal! Ugh, they were like drywall paste! Not one bit of seasoning in them...no salt, no butter, no nothing! Ugh! Couldn't eat more than one bite of them. Even the rolls had no flavor. Would it kill them to brush some butter over the tops of them?

Hm interesting, I thought the same about the chicken. No kick to it. Perhaps living in the south makes one expect more from fried chicken.. ?


As for the rolls, I brought a couple bags of mix home - I thought they were very good with the Boysenberry spread (which I DIDN'T bring any of home )


WAIT!!!! You DID NOT just say Montezooma's Revenge is the same as Greezed Lightning.. did you!?!? I am saddened Julie, deeply saddened.


:<img src=:'>::cry::

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^ I didn't trash Montezooma's! I just said that it was sort of a "been there, done that" type feeling since I'd ridden one before! I honestly saw no difference between Montezooma and Greezed Lightnin' (except that I waited three times longer for Montezooma's launch than I've ever waited for Greezed Lightnin'!) But then I'm not the resident Schwartzkopf fanatic, so maybe Joe would catcha difference that I wouldn't



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Comparing Greezed and Montezooma is like comparing an SLC with a Batman clone. Sure, they both are the same stlye of ride, but one is sooo much better than the other!


btw I didn't catch it at first.. Elissa did!! When I read your TR, I was saying "blah blah Knott's.. blah blah coasters...oooh!! FOOD!! .. blah blah airplane..."

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Comparing Greezed and Montezooma is like comparing an SLC with a Batman clone. Sure, they both are the same stlye of ride, but one is sooo much better than the other!


If one's so much better, why didn't I notice a difference, hmmmmm? Enlighten us please, resident fanatic.


btw I didn't catch it at first.. Elissa did!! When I read your TR, I was saying "blah blah Knott's.. blah blah coasters...oooh!! FOOD!! .. blah blah airplane..."


So you're saying my TR is boring? I see how it's gonna be.



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