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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I think Valravn is going to be used in 2017 for Kings Dominion or Canada's Wonderland's new coaster.


What're you talking about? The logo was leaked and it says Cedar Point. The name is the ONE thing that you can be sure of! You think they would ditch the name last minute?? Haha no way!


Snowball's chance in hell they'll use it for the dive coaster. Do you realize that their reputation could be tarnished if they decided to use a name associated with death just days after someone died at their park? It will be either Centurion or "Lake Erie Monster" or something of that sort.

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I think Valravn is going to be used in 2017 for Kings Dominion or Canada's Wonderland's new coaster.


What're you talking about? The logo was leaked and it says Cedar Point. The name is the ONE thing that you can be sure of! You think they would ditch the name last minute?? Haha no way!


Snowball's chance in hell they'll use it for the dive coaster. Do you realize that their reputation could be tarnished if they decided to use a name associated with death just days after someone died at their park? It will be either Centurion or "Lake Erie Monster" or something of that sort.


Hahaha, Calm down there, bud. Don't get carried away, the name is fine...

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Why on Earth would they change the name just because some idiot did this to himself?


The death made it on national news tonight if you don't think the same media that had a field day with numerous topics this summer wouldn't go to town with a coaster themed to a death omen when someone just died at the park...

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^And you may in fact be right, but that just depresses me more! We live in a society where it's the parks fault that this idiot did something stupid and a place where someone sues a restaurant that specializes in throwing rolls for getting hit with a throwed roll.


Or the lady that sued McDonalds for not having a hot label on coffee cups. Then there's somebody who sued a fast food place for only getting one napkin with their meal. The list just goes on and on. If people just used some common sense and follow the rules, there wouldn't be so many restrictions and dollars wasted on safety warnings everywhere.


People have also sued Red Bull for not actually giving them wings and have won their cases.


The whole name change thing is really stupid if it does in fact happen. I doubt people would actually relate Valravn to this death as most people agree that the park is not at fault here.


Classic case of one person ruining everything for everyone else and why we cannot have nice things in this world.

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Why on Earth would they change the name just because some idiot did this to himself?


The death made it on national news tonight if you don't think the same media that had a field day with numerous topics this summer wouldn't go to town with a coaster themed to a death omen when someone just died at the park...


Valravn is the most vague name though. Is folklore, I couldn't find anywhere online where it was referred to as a "death omen".You guys are being ridiculous. It's a fairytale name at this point.

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Why on Earth would they change the name just because some idiot did this to himself?


The death made it on national news tonight if you don't think the same media that had a field day with numerous topics this summer wouldn't go to town with a coaster themed to a death omen when someone just died at the park...


Valravn is the most vague name though. Is folklore, I couldn't find anywhere online where it was referred to as a "death omen".You guys are being ridiculous. It's a fairytale name at this point.


If it is out there, the media will find it. It's not being ridiculous, it's the park preventing a potential major backlash.

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I got to ride Raptor 4 times today. what a solid coaster! it was awesome.


They were running 3 train operations from the beginning, so it would appear the train wasn't hurt, and not set aside for any investigation.


You wonder what was the last thing going through the guy's mind before the accident....

maybe a swiss invert train?

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Why on Earth would they change the name just because some idiot did this to himself?


The death made it on national news tonight if you don't think the same media that had a field day with numerous topics this summer wouldn't go to town with a coaster themed to a death omen when someone just died at the park...


Valravn is the most vague name though. Is folklore, I couldn't find anywhere online where it was referred to as a "death omen".You guys are being ridiculous. It's a fairytale name at this point.


If it is out there, the media will find it. It's not being ridiculous, it's the park preventing a potential major backlash.


I guess the park should rename Raptor too since it's a bird of prey?

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^And you may in fact be right, but that just depresses me more! We live in a society where it's the parks fault that this idiot did something stupid and a place where someone sues a restaurant that specializes in throwing rolls for getting hit with a throwed roll.


Or the lady that sued McDonalds for not having a hot label on coffee cups. Then there's somebody who sued a fast food place for only getting one napkin with their meal. The list just goes on and on. If people just used some common sense and follow the rules, there wouldn't be so many restrictions and dollars wasted on safety warnings everywhere.


Not to take this super OT but I used to use that coffee lawsuit all the time about frivolous lawsuits.... there's a lot more to the story on that one; watch the documentary "Hot Coffee". It goes a little more in depth about the damaged the "hot coffee" did, it wasn't pretty...and not very frivolous in the end.


On Topic....I don't feel sorry for the dude, and I am disappointed the announcement date has been pushed back because of idiocy...boo.

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I think it's a good discussion to have, because it could be implemented at other parks.


For me, what Universal is communicating is "all our guests are idiots" and while I fully agree there are probably quite a few that are, I personally take offense to that. Why am *I* getting punished because of someone else's stupidity? I also don't agree with having to put *EVERY DAMN THING* in a fluffy, fluffy bunny filled with medicine and goo. I saw someone padded down last time at Rip Ride Rockit and they made them put their lap balm in a fluffy, fluffy bunny filled with medicine and goo. REALLY!?!?!? C'mon.


I would agree with this...but the problem is that ENTHUSIASTS have this issue as well. We all know somebody or even ourselves have carried loose articles which then became lost on high speed coasters. I don't want to call Anyone an "idiot" (and I absolutely know and respect greatly what you deal with in securing mounted cameras on rollercoasters and the history of coaster POVs vs many others out there), but I think the base problem is that the vast Majority (or at least MANY guests every day) of people think they are immune here, just like people texting and driving, and universal's zero-tolerance policy is in relation to the vast majority of people who will wear sunglasses, hats, or drop lip balm at 40 mph on a guest sitting near the ride. It sucks to not have the ability to text or play games in line (which I DO dislike, but not as strongly), and detectors are a very finite solution, but educating 100 percent of guests really isn't possible, and even then people would ignore it, just like the dude ignored the signs and jumped the fence at the Point.



This is why I prefer to do my riding on the other side of I-4. When I can go on rides like Tower of Terror or Rock N' Roller Coaster and they tell you "Take all your loose items with you" and I'm holding a backpack on a launching, looping roller coaster, that tells me that either Disney is just getting a much, MUCH better clientele than Universal, or something is seriously wrong with their operations.


I mean, Universal isn't doing this on Mummy, Gringott's, MIB or even Forbidden Journey. It is only the big, fast coasters with guest pathways nearby. Disney World has only Test Track's big turn that is comparable in the level of speed vs the danger (and you are very low in that car). Or maybe the big drop on Everest if some criminal intentionally threw something.


And trust me, I myself prefer Disney's relaxed (European) approach on loose articles, but maybe it just says something about the way I am that neither policy matters to me anywhere near the quality of the rides, the food, the line lengths, the prices, etc. It's low on my personal list.


I like Universal, don't get me wrong, but I'm not an idiot, and I don't like being treated like one at their parks.



And if parks like Cedar Point started to enforce these same kinds of rules, too, and added metal detectors, I'd stop riding their coasters also. I don't mind putting a bag or something in a fluffy, fluffy bunny filled with medicine and goo, but having to empty my pockets, be padded down, and go through a metal detector to go on a roller coaster? Nope. I draw the line right there.


And that's a reasoned decision. If the same policies were applied at Cedar Point I think it would detract from the experience greatly, since there are so many more rides that it would be enforced on. But for me having to place my items in a locker at Universal has never been close to outweighing the thrill of riding their rides, and this extra policy is only in effect at 3 rides out of 40ish. But even if they did it at the Point, I would only say that they need good queue entertainment if I can't use my phone or camera there in line. It wouldn't keep me away at all, the same as I still fly (without WIFI on most planes) whenever I need to or go to sporting events when I want. I would just sigh, and then agree to not use my phone much. And still enjoy the rides and the people I'm with. And i would continue to avoid days where waits for everything are really long, the same as now.


And also, Morey's Piers does the EXACT same thing on the Great Noreaster inverted coaster. Wands, detectors, free lockers the whole bit. And they never get any flack for that choice.



Actually, here's an idea - instead of installing metal detectors, why isn't there security hanging out in the onride photo booth, and every person they see with their cell phone out on the ride, escort them out of the park and trespass them from ever coming back.


I personally think the biggest issue here why people think they can do whatever they want on rides is because there isn't enough repercussion for when someone does something against the rules.


On security: This does nothing against those who have phones, glasses, or even [knives] in their pockets. It's a good idea for all the annoying people who get their cameras out on the ride. It's better than stopping the ride several times a day on the lift hill to walk up and collect Cell phone cameras for sure, but it doesn't solve the whole problem better than Metal Detectors might. I have NO insight on how the Metal detectors are really performing at Universal in particular financially or in guest satisfaction, it could be an all-encompassing solution to the global loose-articles issue, and have the ability to SPEED UP overall wait times. Which is why I'm again very happy to see someone try it.


And about repercussions, that's a hell of a lot of societal re-education we are talking about. Making that option realistic is way bigger than any single park or any single visit. I too, wish America wasn't regressing.

Edited by BlahBlahson
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Why on Earth would they change the name just because some idiot did this to himself?


The death made it on national news tonight if you don't think the same media that had a field day with numerous topics this summer wouldn't go to town with a coaster themed to a death omen when someone just died at the park...


Valravn is the most vague name though. Is folklore, I couldn't find anywhere online where it was referred to as a "death omen".You guys are being ridiculous. It's a fairytale name at this point.


If it is out there, the media will find it. It's not being ridiculous, it's the park preventing a potential major backlash.


I guess the park should rename Raptor too since it's a bird of prey?


Classic example of Reductio ad absurdum, but by all means please continue.

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I guess the park is oversensitive and that's why they've delayed the announcement for their dive coaster, although I'll be surprised if any ride name changes happen as a result of this stupid accident. (I'm not a fan of the name "Valravn" since I doubt anyone will know what it means, but I digress and don't really care about the name, I'm more interested in how it will ride.)


This story is just one more piece of evidence that de-evolution is real.


The band DEVO was from Ohio.


We are Devo.


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Why on Earth would they change the name just because some idiot did this to himself?


The death made it on national news tonight if you don't think the same media that had a field day with numerous topics this summer wouldn't go to town with a coaster themed to a death omen when someone just died at the park...


Valravn is the most vague name though. Is folklore, I couldn't find anywhere online where it was referred to as a "death omen".You guys are being ridiculous. It's a fairytale name at this point.


If it is out there, the media will find it. It's not being ridiculous, it's the park preventing a potential major backlash.


Well look at Mantis / Banshee. Also a folklore name. Nobody even died, and the park changed the name because the public thought it was too macabre.

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I hope that the upcoming announcement will bring back some positivity to the park amongst this negative, and sad situation. It reminds me of the unfortunate SFOT incident. Cedar Point needs positive light right now.


Edit: I know the two accidents are completely different from each other. I'm just referring to the negative attention and somber mood.

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Cedar Point is not going to change the name. The situation is over and there is nothing anybody can do about it now. Talking about changing the name because its disrespectful to the man is just being dramatic and that could only start up a really idiotic idea and get even as bad as a trend. Talking about this and giving it hype is just GIVING the park pressure to change the name if anything because it can really make stupid people think it is bad...and you can't fix stupid.

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Cedar Point is not going to change the name. The situation is over and there is nothing anybody can do about it now. Talking about changing the name because its disrespectful to the man is just being dramatic and that could only start up a really idiotic idea and get even as bad as a trend. Talking about this and giving it hype is just GIVING the park pressure to change the name if anything because it can really make stupid people think it is bad...and you can't fix stupid.

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I knew I shouldn't have clicked some of those youtube links.... let alone read the comments. The Jurassic park video lead me to this:





and the comments:

Yeah there something called we don't give a fuck about the rules


there is also something called we dont care about saftey shit, we want to have fun


That looks so dangerous but extremely fun to the maximum bros. You all are totally awesome man. #Living
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