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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Agreeing with everyone who likes dive coasters. Sheikra is a really great ride and Cedar Point will obviously just make one better.


On a side note, I finally got home from my impromptu CP trip Saturday and bought the Nanocoaster from the Pagoda Gift Shop. It looks really great on a desktop! [attachment=0]image.jpeg[/attachment]


Im definitely buying Gatekeeper and Dragster!



That is awesome! Makes me wish I had found that one in the shop to buy for me.

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I love how suddenly everyone is all "OMG! I can't wait for the Dive Machine at Cedar Point. It is going to be such a great ride. It's going to be such a great fit for the park. I love the colors." When... earlier everyone was "Omg, I can't believe Cedar Point is getting a Dive Machine... Dive Machines suck. They are so boring, so forceless, not record breaking enough. The colors are ugly. It's not going to stand out. " I spent pages trying to convince people that Dive Machines are actually really good coasters, and everyone fought me on it, and now everyone is all for the Dive Machine.


Hey, it got the Alvey seal of approval. Everyone has to be on-board now.

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I love how suddenly everyone is all "OMG! I can't wait for the Dive Machine at Cedar Point. It is going to be such a great ride. It's going to be such a great fit for the park. I love the colors." When... earlier everyone was "Omg, I can't believe Cedar Point is getting a Dive Machine... Dive Machines suck. They are so boring, so forceless, not record breaking enough. The colors are ugly. It's not going to stand out. " I spent pages trying to convince people that Dive Machines are actually really good coasters, and everyone fought me on it, and now everyone is all for the Dive Machine.
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I love how suddenly everyone is all "OMG! I can't wait for the Dive Machine at Cedar Point. It is going to be such a great ride. It's going to be such a great fit for the park. I love the colors." When... earlier everyone was "Omg, I can't believe Cedar Point is getting a Dive Machine... Dive Machines suck. They are so boring, so forceless, not record breaking enough. The colors are ugly. It's not going to stand out. " I spent pages trying to convince people that Dive Machines are actually really good coasters, and everyone fought me on it, and now everyone is all for the Dive Machine.


Hey, it got the Alvey seal of approval. Everyone has to be on-board now.

Now hang on a second here... Just because I said I have liked *ONE* B&M Dive Machine (and it's clones), isn't necessarily the "Alvey seal of approval." I will say that I have much better hope for a B&M Dive Machine to be something cool versus my initial thoughts on Gatekeeper. That being said, would I rather it be some sort of crazy RMC re-do of Mean Streak or a "WTF is that crazy thing" Intamin that we knew nothing about? You bet.


But the way things are lining up, I'd be "ok" to "pleasantly happy" with a Dive Machine if it's on par or better than SheiKra.


That's all I said.

Edited by robbalvey
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I wonder if there is any significance to the date being presented also in Roman Numerals.


Plot twist! It's a B&M Dive Coaster named Centurion!

Maybe Tony specifically made them take the name out as Cedar Point to confuse us. Valran will go to another park and then Centurion from Carowinds(wait right?) actually goes to CP.

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I love how suddenly everyone is all "OMG! I can't wait for the Dive Machine at Cedar Point. It is going to be such a great ride. It's going to be such a great fit for the park. I love the colors." When... earlier everyone was "Omg, I can't believe Cedar Point is getting a Dive Machine... Dive Machines suck. They are so boring, so forceless, not record breaking enough. The colors are ugly. It's not going to stand out. " I spent pages trying to convince people that Dive Machines are actually really good coasters, and everyone fought me on it, and now everyone is all for the Dive Machine.

They're just now praying to the coaster gods that the b&m track doesn't get shipped north of the border.


Don't worry... Either way, the complaining will start up very soon once again. Either "why didn't we get it?" If CW gets the coaster, or "Why a dive machine/this or that" if it's announced for CP.

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I love how suddenly everyone is all "OMG! I can't wait for the Dive Machine at Cedar Point. It is going to be such a great ride. It's going to be such a great fit for the park. I love the colors." When... earlier everyone was "Omg, I can't believe Cedar Point is getting a Dive Machine... Dive Machines suck. They are so boring, so forceless, not record breaking enough. The colors are ugly. It's not going to stand out. " I spent pages trying to convince people that Dive Machines are actually really good coasters, and everyone fought me on it, and now everyone is all for the Dive Machine.


Then the moment of truth happens and this is really just a dark ride, and everyone on the forum in unison screams NEWMAN!

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So, and this is probably a dumbass question, but how much building/assembly goes into it?

Very easy assembly. You just punch/push out the metal parts from the tray and place them into the base in their respective slots. It took me roughly 15-20 minutes to carefully not bend any metal too far.

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Just remembered one thing... We could be seeing one more CF countdown very soon.., CP's not outa the woods yet...


Here in Toronto, today was a provincial holiday. Therefore, a CW countdown could very well be released tomorrow (a time when more people in their region will be on their computers/checking their email.


And even if their countdown doesn't start tomorrow, CW usually announces their additions late anyway, so you may be seeing a countdown either later this week or next.

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I love how suddenly everyone is all "OMG! I can't wait for the Dive Machine at Cedar Point. It is going to be such a great ride. It's going to be such a great fit for the park. I love the colors." When... earlier everyone was "Omg, I can't believe Cedar Point is getting a Dive Machine... Dive Machines suck. They are so boring, so forceless, not record breaking enough. The colors are ugly. It's not going to stand out. " I spent pages trying to convince people that Dive Machines are actually really good coasters, and everyone fought me on it, and now everyone is all for the Dive Machine.


Hey, it got the Alvey seal of approval. Everyone has to be on-board now.

Now hang on a second here... Just because I said I have liked *ONE* B&M Dive Machine (and it's clones), isn't necessarily the "Alvey seal of approval." I will say that I have much better hope for a B&M Dive Machine to be something cool versus my initial thoughts on Gatekeeper. That being said, would I rather it be some sort of crazy RMC re-do of Mean Streak or a "WTF is that crazy thing" Intamin that we knew nothing about? You bet.


But the way things are lining up, I'd be "ok" to "pleasantly happy" with a Dive Machine if it's on par or better than SheiKra.


That's all I said.

How do we know if we've gotten the "Alvey seal of approval"?

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A countdown has been added to the Cedar Point website and we have an announcement time: 9:00 PM.


[attachment=0]Screen Shot 2015-08-03 at 4.19.31 PM.png[/attachment]


This is exciting as one of Cedar Fair's best announcements was the nighttime announcement of Banshee. I think all of this "darkness" going around just further backs up Valravn.

The font does look very Valravn-y. You know, it has that Viking/Medieval vibe to it.

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Definitely in favor over here for the names Centurion and White Lightning over Valravn. Not a chance I pronounce that correctly.


I'm not going to look too far into the fonts and everything. I'll never forget the Whyte Lightning tease in 2010...bogus.

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Definitely in favor over here for the names Centurion and White Lightning over Valravn. Not a chance I pronounce that correctly.


I'm not going to look too far into the fonts and everything. I'll never forget the Whyte Lightning tease in 2010...bogus.


I can't even figure out what this person is saying when pronouncing the word... But it sounds like they are trying to say Val-raven... but their dentures slipped in the middle of it.

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I wonder if there is any significance to the date being presented also in Roman Numerals.


Plot twist! It's a B&M Dive Coaster named Centurion!

Where do you see Roman Numerals?


There are multiple places in this thread where it's been posted so far, but here is a link to the page where Robb posted it... (middle of the page)



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I'm probably in the minority here, but I'm hoping the ride has 8 across seating rather than 10. Sheikra to me is much more aesthetically pleasing than Griffon, Griffon's trains just look overly big and awkward.


That being said, I was watching a Sheikra pov and I've never noticed before that Sheikra can have one train going up the lift and another on the holding brake of first drop simultaneously. No wonder CP wants one of these, looks like it could really produce some serious PPH throughput.


Still not that excited about the idea of a dive machine at CP, I dont see myself returning to the park again until they RMC Mean Streak or do something Intamin again or other.

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I don't understand why several people say they would not be excited about a DM at CP. I personally love the idea of having so many different types of Coasters at one park, be it what some call "gimmick" or not. To me its a Roller Coaster Enthusiasts dream to have such a variety. That's just my opinion though.

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