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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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^With the removal of DT and the addition of the supposed coaster next year, it would still be 16.

he said of they added TWO.


So it's pretty much afficial that CP will get a new coaster next year "Lookout for Inversions", "we might have a new competitor to throw in the ring"; I'd say it's a coaster.



But we are supposed to "lookout for false clues".


Maybe it's not the clues themselves that are false but some aspect of the supposed new coaster.

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I came up with the following numbers:


4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42


I think it translates into: Magnum is sinking, throw the enthusiasts in with it.



So you're telling me those aren't the winning numbers for the next Powerball? Damn, I was all ready to buy my ticket.

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Sorry to bump this thread but if anyone cares it looks like the Google maps image of Cedar Point has been recently updated to show Dinosaurs Alive on Millennium Force Island, Shoot the Rapids, the Illuminosity stage, and a construction zone around what appears to be a recently removed Wildcat, kinda cool.

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(7/23/12) A reader visiting Cedar Point to get a last ride on Disaster Transport noticed a new farewell banner was placed on the ride the detailed part of the ride’s long history in the park. 2012_0723_CP_BlueWingHintHowever at the end of the timeline, this interesting looking blue wing looking design was placed. The wording is interesting too… as it says, “What will live at Disaster Transport’s home in the future?” The keyword there is LIVE… which seems to imply that the new coaster will be themed to some kind of animal, being or creature.



As for the blog posting yesterday… countless e-mails have come my way from people claiming that the code translated into an announcement date or some other kind of monkey fart clue, but these are all false. One reader did crack the code however, and it’s essentially Cedar Point giving us all a big stinky red herring. Want to know the solution?

( ! % ! @ @ ! # % ( ! @ ! ! ^ turns into 9 1 5 1 2 2 1 3 5 9 1 2 1 1 6

Now reverse the number sequence and you have: 6 1 1 2 1 9 5 3 1 2 2 1 5 1 9

Clump the numbers into the right pairs were needed and turn into the appropriate letter of the alphabet and 6 1 12 19 5 3 12 21 5 19 turns into FALSE CLUES.

So don’t believe everything you read… or see… and as this message was attached to the picture of the Steel Force / Banshee eyes, we may be able to assume that it too was a false clue. Oh… and I missed it before, but just before this code, the CP Blog did post another similar code the day before which you can translate forwards in the same fashion.

@!!$!(*%% = 2 1 14 19 8 5 5 = B A N S H E E

Again, this was followed by the FALSE CLUES code… so no dice Banshee fans.

A newer post was also made under the title, “We have a thing for numbers” with a picture of late shipping crates on site somewhere and numeric code: 0 7 91 97 21 2.

I don’t think these turn into letters, but instead maybe represent something else. Anyone have an idea? Oh… speaking of those mystery crates. I’ve seen close up pictures of them and they are full of Anchor Bolts and other hardware for a new B&M Wing Coaster.

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I love the name "Valkeyrie", It would be perfect for a wing coaster. Pardon my little knowledge of Norse mythology but I believe a Valkeyrie is a warrior that rides a winged beast to harvest souls. The name is often affiliated with shrieking or screaming.

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I love the name "Valkeyrie", It would be perfect for a wing coaster. Pardon my little knowledge of Norse mythology but I believe a Valkeyrie is a warrior that rides a winged beast to harvest souls. The name is often affiliated with shrieking or screaming.


It also offers a great movie tie-in with Tom Cruise as a German amputee.

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