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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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^ Taking out Waveswinger is not the direction I am looking for. Seems like very wierd timing, maybe it just broke. I love Waveswingers and would hate to see it go. With Fast Lane you can actually take time to ride the old rides, I would love that.

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^That's a great point. The idea of losing Waveswinger hit me as quite sad and then I realized I haven't even ridden it in nearly a decade. It's such a picturesque ride though. Hopefully it doesn't leave us, unless of course it's for something better that's an appropriate replacement for the ride.


A wingrider at Cedar Point is interesting. I wonder what the approach will/would be for designing it. Records would be easy to achieve since it's such a new coaster concept, but it also seems that Cedar Point is far less interested in that these days (which is good in my opinion) and more interested in solid, fun rides like Maverick that don't necessarily break any records or push any technological envelopes. Either way, I am excited for the supposed announcement at the end of the summer.

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According to some posts on Pointbuzz (so take this with a grain of salt, it's now 3rd hand information) the park looked to be in the process of re-assembling Wave Swinger on Sunday.


Screamscape has pictures of it being dismantled. I wonder if its really being removed? Seems strange. These types of rides look so interesting without the facade on. It looks sort of rickety.

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According to some posts on Pointbuzz (so take this with a grain of salt, it's now 3rd hand information) the park looked to be in the process of re-assembling Wave Swinger on Sunday.


I can confirm that it was being re-assembled yesterday while I was at the park. Maintenance was working on it all day saturday.


It was fully assembled last weekend and had its crew at the ride but I never seen it open.

Edited by kidcoaster 2
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^I thought the Intamin version was a little rough, at least that's what I understand based on several reports I've read on Furious Baco.


Now that it appears the B&M wing coaster is taking off fast I'd like to see Intamin do a B&M style wing coaster design instead of another launched model. CP already has enough launched coasters.

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If CP were to get a wingrider, I cannot imagine them going with something along the lines of X-Flight or the Swarm. Though maverick didn't break any records, I still would not refer to it as just "a good average ride" , and really would not jump to the conclusion that CP is going to stop producing innovative coaster concepts. I'll still be excited for any coaster, though

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According to some posts on Pointbuzz (so take this with a grain of salt, it's now 3rd hand information) the park looked to be in the process of re-assembling Wave Swinger on Sunday.


Screamscape has pictures of it being dismantled. I wonder if its really being removed? Seems strange. These types of rides look so interesting without the facade on. It looks sort of rickety.


Would be sad to see it go but I think it's being rehabbed after testing must've detected a major mechanical problem....sure they have a windseeker but wave swinger is a fun ride that doesn't have the steep height requirement & is not as scary to those who fear heights.


I'd love to see video of one in operation without the panels as I've always had an interest in the inner workings of this particular ride....that reminds me of the show natgeo did a while back at HW where the guy had to go inside hallowswings to do an inspection.

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Is Skyrush considered a "wing coaster"?


well it's not technically a WingRide coaster, although it does feature semi Winged seating. But you can obvy tell the difference between the real thing and the grey area we have here with Skyrush. It's just a Mega Coaster with optional semi-winged seats.

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According to some posts on Pointbuzz (so take this with a grain of salt, it's now 3rd hand information) the park looked to be in the process of re-assembling Wave Swinger on Sunday.



I was there sunday and can tell you first hand, yes it was. The top part of the wave swinger was actually sitting on the ground.

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Who else would like to Space Spiral get the ATMOSFEAR treatment?

*Raises hand...then raises other for emphasis*


That would be absolutely awesome, and a perfectly sensible addition to their excellent flat-ride lineup. However, by this point, it seems that anything that isn't a coaster will really rustle the jimmies of GP and Enthusiasts alike.

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