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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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It seems these rumors just keep on lasting. I have enjoyed the additions recently...although I am sad to see the speed slides go, there was some good air time on those. That new paint makes it look better at least. Now if they could only finish the paint job on MF. Soak City really needed the update, but again it will be very interesting to see what comes to the point over the next few years. After all the Wooden coaster rumors (I particularly like the one of it wrapping around Space Spiral) and Dive machines rumors, I shall be interested to see what really happens.

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What rides did you work at/operate the Point? Just wondering what working at Cedar Point is like from a perspective of a coaster enthusiast.

I have worked Raptor, Wicked Twister, DT, Planet, Giant Wheel, Troika, Space spiral, Turnpike cars, and Calypso. Most of the front of the park basically. It is a really cool job; I never have to use public entrances, I get to walk through low zones (the "danger keep out" signed places), I get to hear the electrical room during a launch on Twister, I get to walk the entire track at DT (we have to do that every night), I get to walk to the top of the lift of any ride I happen to work, I get to push buttons, I get to ride rides whenever I want to, I get to experience them with completely empty trains every morning (it doesn't even matter what ride you work, you can test ride others if you want to), I get to meet a lot of cool people who also know a lot about roller coasters...oh yeah, and I get paid to do it all

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What rides did you work at/operate the Point? Just wondering what working at Cedar Point is like from a perspective of a coaster enthusiast.

I have worked Raptor, Wicked Twister, DT, Planet, Giant Wheel, Troika, Space spiral, Turnpike cars, and Calypso. Most of the front of the park basically. It is a really cool job; I never have to use public entrances, I get to walk through low zones (the "danger keep out" signed places), I get to hear the electrical room during a launch on Twister, I get to walk the entire track at DT (we have to do that every night), I get to walk to the top of the lift of any ride I happen to work, I get to push buttons, I get to ride rides whenever I want to, I get to experience them with completely empty trains every morning (it doesn't even matter what ride you work, you can test ride others if you want to), I get to meet a lot of cool people who also know a lot about roller coasters...oh yeah, and I get paid to do it all


Everytime I go, I just watch the workers and see how much fun they have. They have those employee appreciation nights where they have a certain ride open for them after the park closes, and of course I couldn't ride it, but I watched them on Blue Streak and saw how enthusiastic and excited they were.

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They are certainly overdue for a new Coaster. It was May of 2007 for the opening of Maverick. I'm not a big fan of that ride, but at least it was a coaster, unlike "Breaking Wind", Shoot the Rapids, or Dinosaurs! That's why I'm not a big fan of the Point anymore.

How many more of your posts are going to contain the words "Big Dick" or "Breaking Wind" in them and talk about how much you don't like Cedar Point anymore and your experiences at SFMM are much better?


Since when are opinions not allowed on these boards??? I was stating a fact that C.P. hasn't added a coaster since 2007. That's a very long time especially for them.

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Everytime I go, I just watch the workers and see how much fun they have. They have those employee appreciation nights where they have a certain ride open for them after the park closes, and of course I couldn't ride it, but I watched them on Blue Streak and saw how enthusiastic and excited they were.

Yeah, ride nights are tons of fun! The hosting crew gets to dress up, have a party, whatever they want...this year my Twister crew did a rave and we had half the station lights off, strobe lights on the train, and we wore glow sticks and bracelets and stuff. It was great!


Twister Crew 2011

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^Of course opinions are allowed, it's just annoying that you say the same opinion over and over again.

Thank you! Beat me to it.

Everytime I go, I just watch the workers and see how much fun they have. They have those employee appreciation nights where they have a certain ride open for them after the park closes, and of course I couldn't ride it, but I watched them on Blue Streak and saw how enthusiastic and excited they were.

Yeah, ride nights are tons of fun! The hosting crew gets to dress up, have a party, whatever they want...this year my Twister crew did a rave and we had half the station lights off, strobe lights on the train, and we wore glow sticks and bracelets and stuff. It was great!

CP employees always seem to just have so much fun! That's so awesome and nerdy at the same time with the strobe lights on the train. Really makes make want to work there! Don't you guys get workers from all over the country?

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^Of course opinions are allowed, it's just annoying that you say the same opinion over and over again.

Thank you! Beat me to it.


Okay you two I get it. I only know how great this park can be. It was my home park when I lived in Ohio for 30 years. It's really gone downhill (in all aspects) in the past 5 years or so. If you think it's great now, you should've seen it before! No other park came close to it. Also the time between new coasters is unusually long these past years.


One thing that's been great over the years is Coastermania. I hope it continues as it has been. Those are my points. I hope Matt O. (new CEO) returns it to it's former greatness.

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Also the time between new coasters is unusually long these past years.quote]


MF - 2000, WT - 2002, TTD - 2003, Maverick - 2007, STR - 2010, plus a few MS repairs/re-trackings and some other random upgrades around the park. Not too shabby for 11 years compared to other parks in my opinion...

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MF - 2000, WT - 2002, TTD - 2003, Maverick - 2007, STR - 2010, plus a few MS repairs/re-trackings and some other random upgrades around the park. Not too shabby for 11 years compared to other parks in my opinion...



I wouldn't necessarily consider Mean Streak's an "upgrade," more like a regular necessity. It gets repaired/retracked as needed and/or every offseason. It isn't something they have only done "a few times."

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I agree that the park could be doing better then what it has been doing over the past couple of years in terms of additions and just general upkeep of the park, but the operations are outstanding at Cedar Point. Really, I think people forget about this, I go to this park two to three times a week during the summer and they really get people through the lines and besides some of the newer rides like Shoot the Rapids and Windseeker, the rides are open everyday for long periods of times. Yes, Dragster might close for a little bit during the day but really can you not expect that at this point, its a huge technological monster that needs the ideal conditions, but it runs for a majority of the day now just fine.

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MF - 2000, WT - 2002, TTD - 2003, Maverick - 2007, STR - 2010, plus a few MS repairs/re-trackings and some other random upgrades around the park. Not too shabby for 11 years compared to other parks in my opinion...



I wouldn't necessarily consider Mean Streak's an "upgrade," more like a regular necessity. It gets repaired/retracked as needed and/or every offseason. It isn't something they have only done "a few times."


What you said is what I was aiming for, guess I did word it weird.

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^^Amen. The operations were fantastic this summer, and the lines were constantly moving even though it seemed like there were a million people in the park. And seriously, six years (if the 2013 rumor is true) between coasters isn't THAT long, compared to many other parks. I mean, I guess you'll just have to deal with a park with only 17 coasters and a myriad of flat rides. Oh the horror.

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^Indeed. I don't think people actually realize the 5 Intaimin rides were actually under 1 contract, which is why they were put in so quickly. I am actually pretty impressed now that CP can actually still put in 300ft tall rides. I would think they would actually take a year off, but it never really happens. If it's not a thrill ride, it's an entire children section. It is actually pretty impressive to me..

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There is a lot of talk over at LINK REMOVED (A forum specifically for Cedar Point) that 2013 will indeed be a new roller coaster. Many are saying that is will be a B&M.


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Edited by jedimaster1227
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  • 2 weeks later...

Coastermania 2012 info is starting to unfold over on cedar point's website, but it looks to be a little messed up so take this lightly. It says that they're hosting it on the friday of july 13, not the usual time of year. Check it out and post your thoughts.

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