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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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It's about time Soak City got something, I'm not a huge waterpark person, but this park seriously needs something, its just fallen behind every major water park thats connected to an amusement park. I'm actually heading there today and I'll check for any signs of construction if this is true.

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I'm planning a trip to Cedar Point for next year. I have a quick question. What's the earliest you can check into breakers express?


I'm on the website now and I can't seem to find it... or I'm missing it.


Any insight would be appreciated.

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I'm planning a trip to Cedar Point for next year. I have a quick question. What's the earliest you can check into breakers express?


I'm on the website now and I can't seem to find it... or I'm missing it.


Any insight would be appreciated.


Whatever you do, don't stay at Breakers.

Edited by Schotcher
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Breakers Express was 50's? I'd expect that from Breakers but I'm surprised to hear that about Breakers Express.


I agree about staying somewhere in Sandusky... they have a Cedar Point shuttle too so you can save money on parking and save your car from being bombarded by Seagulls all day in the CP parking lot. Ps: Don't EVER EVER EVER under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES stay at the Sandusky Travel lodge. lol

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Saw this floating around, A interesting read no doubt




Anyone care to touch on this or share stories? Life was never this bad at Geauga Lake or Six Flags WoA when I worked there but both had some really silly rules, And I can't speak too much on life as a grunt at geauga lake as I was of the so called "protected class" as I was a member of the police force. Although management did hate us and long shifts were common even for us.



Cedar Fair is supposedly aware of this online rant and according to the OP is losing their minds over the potential negative publicity.


Kinda of amazing how accurate it is!

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they have a Cedar Point shuttle too so you can save money on parking and save your car from being bombarded by Seagulls all day in the CP parking lot.


A couple years ago, after a weekend parked at Breakers my car honestly looked like someone had stood on the roof and dumped a full can of white paint on it. I had to get a car wash on the way home before giving it back to my parents.


Although I park there every year and that was the only time that seagulls used my car as target practice.

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^^I had a similar experience with Disney World's campground except with Peacocks...this was the first time I realized peacocks could fly and were in the trees all over the campground. Needless to say somebody had a cream pie fight while we were sleeping.


Getting back on topic, whenever I've stayed at CP it was either in the campground or the cabins. I was a little erked to find out that no tents are allowed in the campground (at least the last time I stayed maybe 6 or 7 years ago), and the cabins were worth the money. But personally my thought process is, "How much time is really spent in the hotel?" even if it's a halfway decent place you have clean sheets and a bed to sleep on.

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That's how I am too. Why pay $250 for a Cedar Point hotel (or however much it is) when a mile down the road (not even) I can stay in a $50 hotel (sometimes less). I already get early entry with my platinum pass so that's no problem. I'm not huge on the whole 'comfort' thing; as long as I have a bed to sleep in I don't mind how bad it looks.

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I am one that would disagree with the statement that Soak City has "fallen behind every major water park connected to an amusement park."


I have been to the water parks at Carowinds, KI, KD, Dorney, Darien Lake, Fantasy Island, Wildwater Kingdom, Mt. Olympus, Lake Compounce, SFNE & Waldameer amongst others and don't believe that SC is really any worse than any of those water parks. While it might not be the best, I would say it's definitely better than Carowinds, KD's and KI's water parks (as far as CF parks go).


Is it worth the extra $30 when you are already there for CP? Probably not, but it's pretty nice when you have it included in a Platinum Pass!


Yes, they still have slides from when they originally opened, but I think they're fun & they still ride smooth, so I see no reason why they would want to replace them. I think an addition of a racing slide really isn't going to be that much of an attendance booster for them, however a water coaster like Holiday Worlds or a big Pro-Slide complex like at DL could be a different story.


I'm going in two weeks and the majority of our time is planned to be spent at SC (if it's hot). I know lines in the park are going to be ridiculously long so I have no problem at all staying in the campground where we can walk to SC and spend the day in the Lazy River, Wave Pool, zip down some water slides and of course....go to the swim-up bar!

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Kings Island's Waterworks was was just remodeled and updated to Boomerang Bay not too long ago while Paramount was in charge. Soak City hasn't seen anything new since......I can't even remember when.


I stand corrected. The last thing they added was the rainfortress with tipping bucket.

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Saw this floating around, A interesting read no doubt




Anyone care to touch on this or share stories?


Here's my take on some of his points:


Practically every college dorm in the country is the same way as CP's living quarters...sometimes even worse. The size is about the same if not smaller, the amount of people, the roommate pairing system, the room change system, what furniture comes in it already, security, the requiring of an ID swipe to get in, the overpricing (CP dorms are cheap compared to college dorms), communal kitchens/showers/bathrooms, etc. The list goes on and on, they are practically identical. There's a reason the fire hazard rule is in place. First of all, I lived 4 years without my own personal toaster/microwave/etc., so it can be done, secondly it's really not uncommon to have the occasional dumbass microwave Easy-Mac without water, popcorn too long, etc.. That kind of stuff happens quite frequently in those type of environments, believe it or not.


I guess what I'm trying to say regarding the dorms is who cares? People are there to work and use the dorms to sleep, not live it up in some lavish luxury penthouse. All in all, I think he makes good points in his other sections, but I couldn't help but laugh at the living quarters part.




Edit: He has made a few replies, but more recently some more detailed ones on this page, if anyone's interested.


I have to laugh at some of those too, honestly.



"Even at housing and out of uniform some odd rules still apply. For instance, you are not permitted to smoke at any location where a guest might happen to see you from the road. This is because "The guests know where Employee housing is."


Employees are on Cedar Point's property and have to abide by Cedar Point's rules, simple as that. As with any apartment complex, university dorms, etc. I'd even be willing to go as far as saying they probably sign something when being hired saying they agree to all of the rules. Not to mention the fact that smoking is being phased out practically EVERYWHERE. As per the 2006 law, it's against the law to smoke in a public place or place of employment. The manufacturing plant I work at just adopted a no smoking policy...it's everywhere, not just Cedar Point!


"There is no program for feeding Employees who are broke. You are told to arrive in Sandusky with enough food/money to survive for three weeks."

Welcome to life. If I were to get a job and apartment in Texas, my employer wouldn't pay for my food, I would. If someone isn't financially ready to live on their own, then maybe they should find a job closer to home.


"The air ventilation at the nearby waterpark is notoriously inadequate to handle busy holiday rushes. Although this doesn't effect the guests too much, the workers breathing in the pool chemicals and their byproducts day after day often suffer health issues as a result. Chemical pneumonia is common, and there are many stories of the entire crew coughing up blood for weeks at time. There have even been cases of permanent damage done to lungs of employees, but Cedar Point insists that you prove it was from breathing the air and not from some other source before they will help you with medical bills."

The EPA and OSHA REQUIRE regular air quality tests, or fines/citations will be issued. If any employee thinks their health is in danger, there is an anonymous whistleblower hotline offered by OSHA and the EPA so issues like that can be made known and corrected.


"During the interview process he is asked to fill out a form detailing any arrests or convictions. He asks if he should include incidents which occurred when he was a juvenile and have been expunged. He is told by the interviewer no, so he simply leaves the form blank as he has only the one incident."

I don't know about anyone else, but that was honestly the FIRST THING I was taught when learning how to do job interviews, resumes, etc. It's better to have the mark on your record known (no matter what anyone tells you), than for management to find out weeks/months/years later and call you a liar.


"Despite however cold it gets in the building, personal space heaters are a "fire hazard" and that is not allowed."


I have never lived in an apartment or dorm where they were allowed. They are indeed a tremendous fire hazard...not sure what else to say there.

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I'm sorry to break the flow but i'm traveling to cedar point this friday. This would be my first trip to CP and i want to get on all of the coasters, and especially the standouts like maverick, millenium, dragster, raptor, magnum, gemeni, wicked twister. I was wondering if someone who is frequent at the park could give me some advice on the ride lines, when particular attractions get the most traffic, etc. I plan to spend the entire day there want to get on a few other flats as well, especially their newest one. I'm planning my day and since i havent been before i thought some advice on someone who was more farmiliar with the park layout would be more helpful then just winging it.


Also, where are the best places to eat in the park? Any other tips would be well appreciated.

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Hit up Maverick first. By 11:00 the line is 1 and a half hours. Top Thrill Next, if you're lucky it'll be an hour max. MF at 12:00-1:00 is about 45 minutes. That's my main advice.


And Johnny Rockets is pretty good, at lunch time Raptor is pretty much Walk-on too

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